The Pope is heading to the cusp of Asia and Europe. There are delicate political and religious issues at stake. Meanwhile, at the other end of Asia…. there are delicate political and religious issues at stake. The Chinese are at it again and hopes of better relations with the PRC are shakier. Here excerpts from an AsiaNews story (emphasis mine).
27 November, 2006
Rome (AsiaNews) – An illicit episcopal ordination, i.e. without the Holy See’s approval, will take place in the city of Xuzhou (in the Jiangsu region of eastern-central China) next November 30. It would seem that this new ordination puts an end to the “truce” established a few months ago between China and the Vatican.
Local sources of Xuzhou have confirmed to AsiaNews that on November 30 at 8 a.m., Fr Wang Renlei, Vicar General of the diocese, will be ordained bishop in a ceremony led by the diocese’s current bishop, Monsignor Qian Yurong. This is one of the few bishops of the official Church who has not sought reconciliation with the Pope and is thus not in communion with the Holy See; he is well known for his pro-government positions. The episcopal candidate, Fr Wang, was ordained to the priesthood in 1996 and is known as an easy-going person who is very timid toward the government.
AsiaNews sources say that Wang was elected more than a week ago according to the “democratic method”, in a meeting which took place in one of the city’s hotels. The 8 priests of the diocese would have opted for a priest who is more determined and courageous in defending Church freedom, but “everything had already be decided beforehand by the officials of the Religious Affairs Bureau.”
Yesterday, Sunday, during mass at the Cathedral, Catholics of Xuzhou were invited to the illicit ordination. All those who want to take part in the rite must register as room is limited to about 500 people.Unverified rumours say that two other bishops will arrive “from Beijing” to take part in the ceremony. Also according to rumours, government authorities have promised to give the diocese 6 million yuan (about 600,000 euros) to cover costs for the ordination. This considerable sum – enormous for a diocese of 20,000 members – will perhaps be used for other expenses in the diocese.
Vatican figures are “dismayed” by the news, which risks becoming a fatal blow to dialogue between the Holy See and China.
You should be checking out AsiaNews regularly.
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Still, some bishops and priests in free nations practice ‘communio in sacris’ with bishops and priests from the official Church, although this is banned by the Vatican.
This mocks the suffering endured by faithful bishops such as Ignatius Cardinal Kung. I’m sure they feel very betrayed.
If you could just join up with the official Church and seek reconciliation later, then whats the point of having the faithful underground Catholics suffer for their loyalty to Rome? They might just as well join up with the Patriotic Church now and spare themselves.
Rome often places the interests and feelings of its own flock (such as the Greek Catholics in Ukraine, Latin Rite Catholics in Russia and the underground Catholics in China) second to its policy of appeasement with a long term goal of coexistence. Its ‘ostpolitik’ all over again.
When a reconciliation finally comes, there will definitely be a rift between those who have remained faithful and those who have capitulated to the Communists.
Andrew: You make it sound like the rift that opened between the two Churches that formed in North Africa after the persecutions, the Catholics and the Donatists.