Veteran’s Day good news

I am informed, on this Veteran’s Day, that an army chaplain, Fr. Tim Vakoc, who was seriously wounded some years ago in Iraq has made some real improvements lately. Fr. Vakoc is from my native place, and was behind me in seminary. Pray for him and his family.

Many thanks to all Veterans of honorable military service!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tim Ferguson says:

    Excellent news – I hear he’s even talking now. Haltingly, but progress is progress. Laudetur Deus!

  2. Fr C Johnson says:

    In keeping with the spirit of Veterans Day and the traditional devotions of November, may I ask all your readers in their charity to pray for the souls of all those killed in the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq? Especially do I ask for prayers for the souls of all those Marines so killed from my beloved battalion, the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment. In return, I can promise that all those who join me this month in asking for their eternal rest will be remembered by me in my daily Mass as our spiritual benefactors.
    On the material side of things: if anyone would be interested in contributing Catholic Bibles and books to our battalion as it begins its preparations for another deployment to Iraq, I would be happy to supply my mailing address at the battalion and the items I’m most interested in for our Catholic Marines. God bless, Fr Z. and your readership, and keep up the good work.

  3. lourdes says:

    Father, I would be glad to contribute Catholic bibles and books to your battalion. Please give us the contact info. and I will enroll my prayer group in this endeavor.

  4. Jordan Potter says:

    While we’re at it, let’s not forget to pray that our soldiers fight honorably and justly at all times, so that their sacrifice maybe redemptive for them and for all, and that God may grant them victory in battle in accordance with God’s will. We always pray that our troops be safe and make it home safely, as we should, but there is more to “safety” than avoiding injury and death. Our troops also need to be spiritually “safe,” guarded and protected by the graces and holy virtues they need to be able to execute their duties without sin.

  5. Fr C Johnson says:

    Dear “Lourdes,”
    Thank you very much for your response! I’m especially looking for the “Ignatius Bible” (Revised Standard Version, Catholic edition; Ignatius Press) and, if possible, the pocket Douay-Rheims New Testament and Psalms from Baronius Press. (I’m not so enthusiastic about the NAB translation for the obvious reasons.) At any rate my shipping address is:
    LT Charles W Johnson, CHC, USN
    1st Bn/2nd Marines, 2D MARDIV
    PSC Box 20094
    Camp Lejeune, NC 28546.
    My email at the office is:
    Thanks in advance for your help and especially for your prayers! I’ll remember you and your prayer group at Mass. Fr J.

  6. Guy Power says:

    Fr. Johnson,

    Look for a few packages within 4-14 days. has (err, *HAD*) some
    used versions; and me, being a “cheap charlie”, I decided they were appropriate
    “just what the Padre ordered” and sufficient for field use (been there, done that,
    got the OD t-shirt).

    –Guy Power
    Airborne Ranger!!

  7. Fr C Johnson says:

    Dear Airborne Ranger,
    Thank you very much! You’re absolutely right: “used” is more than good enough. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. As you may remember, there isn’t a lot of overt religiosity with the grunts, but they sure do take the books, rosaries, medals, etc. that I set out on the “free” table and hang on to them with a death-grip. You have my sincerest thanks and a most heartfelt remembrance at Mass tomorrow (in honor of St Diego, who has a roundabout connection with the Jarheads). Hoo-wah! Fr Johnson

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