I left my heeearrrrt in Istaaaanbuuulll

From today’s Kathpress-Tagesdienst

On leaving Turkey for his return to Rome, Pope Benedict saind: "I have a deep gratitude in my heart, and a part of my heart also remains in Istanbul."

Benedikt XVI.: "Ein Teil meines Herzens bleibt in Istanbul"


Istanbul, 1.12.06 (KAP) Papst Benedikt hat seine Türkeireise mit herzlichen Worten der Verbundenheit beendet. "Ich habe tiefe Dankbarkeit in meinem Herzen, und ein Teil meines Herzens bleibt auch in Istanbul", sagte der Papst bei der Verabschiedung in Istanbul am Freitagmittag. Er hoffe, dass sein Besuch ein Zeichen der Freundschaft zwischen den Völkern und den Religionen hinterlasse und über die Reise hinaus einen positiven Effekt habe. …

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Your blog is really great Fr are you from turkey if yes i guess that s why your heart is left there but you re not alone with God

  2. I’m glad it’s over but I’m glad the Pope showed his courage and Faith
    by going. I think it was a successful visit.

  3. There is very positive coverage in the Turkish press today.
    In some there is even a recognition of the value of the Patriarch.

  4. Thank God the Pope is okay and coming back home.

    In an aside, nicey-nice is all well and good, but sooner or later Europeans are going to have to face this menace on home turf. Good luck.

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