Many thanks to those of you who have contributed to this blog by making a donation.
Every once in a while I receive a very welcome note in my e-mail that a participant used the Donation button on the left side bar. Your donations not only help pay to keep the site going, but they a like a little shot in the arm too.
I have been enjoying your site here for some time now and it’s been something I’ve been meaning do. Thank you for your incredible insight and charity to share with us those things which are important. I’ve learned so much from you here and COL. I hope you keep this going for as long as you feel up to it.
With Gratitude,
My pleasure!
Dear Father,
I enjoy your website immensely and always check it out before preparing my Sunday sermons! You bring back so many vivid memories of my years in Rome.
I have just sent off a donation via Paypal to keep your “blog ministry” up and running.
Fraternally in Corde Jesu,
Father John Horgan
Vancouver, BC Canada