The wind is absolutely HOWLING against my corner room high above the City.
Notata in: | Rome, IY |
Elevatio: | 331 ft / 101 m |
48 °F / 9 °C
Procellae Tonitruales Pluviaque Leves
Umor: | 66% |
Frigus in quo Ros apparet: | 37 °F / 3 °C |
Ventus: | 20 mph / 32 km/h / 8.7 m/s from the Inter Austrum et Zephyrum |
Venti Impetus: | 32 mph / 52 km/h / 14.4 m/s |
Pressio: | 29.50 in / 999 hPa |
Frigus Venti: | 41 °F / 5 °C |
Visibilitas: | 6.2 milia passuum / 10.0 chiliometri |
UV: | 2 de 16 |
Nubes: | Nubes Dispersae 1500 ft / 457 m Nubes Dispersae 1600 ft / 487 m
Die Mercurii
Pluvia. Partialiter Nubila. Maximum: 51° F. / 11° C. Ventus Magis Zephyrus quam Auster 38 mph. / 61 km/h. Chance of precipitation 60%.
Nocte Diei Mercurii
Fors Pluviae. Aequaliter Nubila. Minimum: 39° F. / 4° C. Ventus Magis Zephyrus quam Auster 33 mph. / 54 km/h. Chance of precipitation 50%.
nice post, thanks. nice to see this in latin! yes, the winds is really howling today!
Just looking at those figures makes my teeth chatter… and it’s even colder in my part of the world today. Who ordered a wind chill factor of -11C??
You get no sympathy from me. A few days ago when I got up at 6:30, it was -2 F.
Father; Just like being at home! Off topic: Fr. Welzbacher honored you mightily in his bulletin column on Sunday:
Cathy: Thanks for that!
41 degrees! Sounds beautiful.
I wonder why they could not translate “chance of precipitation” into Latin? “Probabilitas imbris”?