
"Your Excellency… no… enough… Piero… stay in there until I say you can come out."

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Sidney says:

    Holy Father, that is the tomb of the Novus Ordo :-)

  2. Northern Cleric says:


  3. Tim Ferguson says:

    Since Archbishop Mottola has been reassigned as nuncio to Montenegro, the nunciature in Tehran is in need of a resident. Perhaps Marini could follow in the footsteps of his mentor, Bugnini, and bask in the warmth of the Persian sun…

  4. Arieh says:

    “Where did they hide that Motu Proprio??”

  5. TAMBO says:

    I suppose we can fit about half a dozen French bishops in there!

  6. Jon says:

    Father Zuhlsdorf! Now come out of there and tell us what you know!

  7. dad29 says:


    Get OUT of that sarcaphogus!!! NOW!!

  8. “Enough of that sulking, Piero. Come out of there and get to work on that Tridentine Mass I told you to set up for my announcement in St. Peter’s. Or would you rather work on liturgical reform in Teheran?”

  9. I wonder if Aslan is in here?

  10. Al says:

    Papa Benedetto checks out the cage that will hold the last disident liturgist when he is captured.

  11. Sean says:

    …and this is where the 1962 books are kept. Have I made things clear enough for you Marini?

  12. Dan Hunter says:

    This is where we will put all the polyester rainbow vestments,all the clay and glass chalices,the Icel sacramentary and The Good News bibles.Pour napalm on them and torch er up.

  13. Az says:

    An altar in the confessio had to be ripped out to create this opening into the “cupboard”!

  14. Az: Yes, that is so. And what is your point?

  15. Az says:

    Fr Z, Sorry, it was a bit late and I completely missed the point of this post!

  16. RC says:

    Speaking of people who occasionally wander off the reservation, Fr. Foster has some comments in the Sunday Telegraph. He says that an indult is not coming!

    (And for that matter, he’s agin’ it.)

  17. Alex says:

    I do not think Marini would be very pleased with being stationed in Tehran. That might just prove a ticket to hell. And yes, I fear it will be véry warm in the capital of the Islamic Shi-ite Republic. Within several months. Very hot. Burning hot. He might think of bringing his Geiger-counter with him then.

  18. Gordo says:

    Amazing! And how much for the giant chicken eggs?

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