Another “Tridentine” Motu Proprio date

Rumors fly.  I am not entirely sure that this is well-informed, and it is more than second hand.  However, it was reported in another entry:

Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican, currently in Naples, Florida, confirmed last night at a Legatus meeting that his sources say that the Motu Proprio will be issued on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Feb. 22.

I knew that there was going to be a Legatus meeting in Florida because Bill Bennett mentioned on his radio program that he was going to be speaking. 

As far as the "sources" are concerned….well… okay.  I am not hearing much right now.  22 February seems to be an appropriate date.

But we have seen this before.  Right?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. emitte says:

    I hope and pray that this will happen. Does anyone else think we should send the Holy Father a spiritual bouquet of our own? Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Benedicto.

  2. RC says:

    on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

    (in case any bps miss the point, hm?)

  3. michigancatholic says:

    Yup. I believe it when I see it.

  4. Jeff Miller says:

    “But of that day and hour of the Tridentine indult no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Curia, but the Holy Father only.”

    As in the days of Clown and Polka Masses, so will be the coming of the Moto Proprio. For as in those days before the indult they were eating and drinking using invalid matter for the Eucharist, Irreverent and saying the Mass Irreverently, until the day when Indult entered the bark of Peter, and they did not know until the Indult came and swept away all the sillyness, this will be the coming of the Moto Proprio.

  5. John Polhamus says:

    As I said elsewhere, I’ll believe it when I see it. Hope springs eternal, however.

    Speaking of Polka Masses, I have the most wonderful LP picked up in a charity shop a couple of years ago, of a Polkas Mass ensemble, flanking a priest in Gothic chasuable (tridentine style) all assembled on the steps of a pretty lovely gothic revival altar, probably somewhere in Minnesota, ca. 1974 or ’75. I always meant to give it away as a booby-prize gift at a Trad-choir fundraiser, but it’s such a period piece, and so tragically hilarious I want to preserve it for future generations. Whoever said Americans aren’t eccentric in the British sense…I can’t think of a better word to describe the Polka Mass craze. Eccentric in the extreme!

  6. Jeff Miller says:

    With all the varying dates I decided to create a Tridentine Indult Random Date Generator – which unfortunately seems just as accurate as the dates we keep getting.

  7. Arieh says:

    February 22 is the date, I can just feel it. But I am not so sure about the year…

  8. Mike says:

    An excellent birthday present for me!


  9. Stephen says:

    Father, what are your thoughts of the 22nd in light that it is right after Ash Wednesday? Doesn’t it seem odd to release such a huge Moto Proprio at the beginning of Lent? I can understand the date in relation to the feast day but the picture doesn’t make sense.

  10. Mike: It is, after all, all about you!

  11. Stephen: PERFECT timing!

  12. Deo gratias!
    Daj Boże, aby to było prawdziwe.
    We pray that this information will be thrue!

  13. I can’t wait till Feb. 22. This is why God sent me into this
    world. This is why I have come. To join our Lord in his passion
    and death. On Feb,22, once again I shall enter into my own agony
    in the garden. Because the much awaited motu proprio, will
    not arrive. AGAIN!!! Jeff: Your comment sent me over my
    chair laughing.

  14. Augustine says:

    A friend of mine predicted the Chair of St. Peter as the big day…

  15. Augustine: From your lips to God’s ear!

  16. Mike says:

    Father Z: “From your lips to God’s ear!”


  17. Ave Maria! says:

    I have decided to not hold my breath!!!

  18. dcs says:

    Inside the Vatican reported a few years ago — soon after Card. Arinze was appointed Prefect — that the CDW would issue a decree for the traditional Mass to be celebrated in every parish church in the world.

    I’m not trying to insult Robert Moynihan’s integrity but I have to wonder about his sources.

  19. Stu says:

    But we have seen this before. Right?

    Indeed. And every time I get out the bandwagon. ALL ABOARD! This time it’s for real. :)

  20. Inside the Vatican reported a few years ago—soon after Card. Arinze was appointed Prefect—that the CDW would issue a decree for the traditional Mass to be celebrated in every parish church in the world.

    I believe that Card. Arinze still says whenever asked that every Catholic should have ready access to a Latin Mass every Sunday. But evidently he means Latin Novus Ordo (as I’m sure he did them).

    At any rate, you’d think a cloistered soiree for deep-pocket Catholics in Fr. Fessio territory would rate the best rumor available from some one flown in from Rome for the purpose.

  21. RBrown says:

    Inside the Vatican reported a few years ago—soon after Card. Arinze was appointed Prefect—that the CDW would issue a decree for the traditional Mass to be celebrated in every parish church in the world.

    The move was started by Castrillon Hoyos but ran into stiff opposition from Sodano and others. When Arinze took over, he simply tried to continue what had been started under C-H, using JPII’s desire for unity as the fulcrum.

    But it didn’t really work. Unless there’s a consensus among the more powerful prefects of the Congregations, nothing gets done unless it’s a papal initiative–and this wasn’t.

    IMHO, it was one of the reasons for the election of Ratzinger.

  22. RBrown says:

    Non electronic links:

    Legatus >>>>>>> Tom Monaghan
    Monaghan >>>>>> Ave Maria Univ.
    Ave Maria Univ >>>> Fr Fessio
    Fr Fessio >>>>> JRatzinger

  23. ALL: I received a note from Robert Moynighan of Inside The Vatican about this. He wrote:

    “Just an intuition. May be later in the spring, at Easter time, but now I think it will come out soon, due to an interview Archbishop Ranjith just gave to us, which I will forward to you early next week.”

  24. David says:

    John Polmhaus,
    Please put an image of said relic of the tasteful 70’s on the web!

  25. GCC Catholic says:

    There’s a an interview posted on Rorate Caeli where Cardinal Castrillon again confirms that the Indult is coming, but with no associated date:

  26. ee says:

    “Just an intuition. May be later in the spring, at Easter time, but now I think it will come out soon, due to an interview Archbishop Ranjith just gave to us, which I will forward to you early next week.”

    How he got the 22nd from that is beyond me…

  27. RBrown says:

    How he got the 22nd from that is beyond me…
    Comment by ee

    He didn’t–it seemed to come from sources at the Legatus conference.

  28. Jordan Potter says:

    Sorry to post this here, but I just wanted to say that something very weird seems to be happening with Father Z’s weblog, or with my computer, or both. Everything is jumbled and displaced today. Yesterday everything was fine (well, except for the quirk the commentbox bleeding off the right side of the screen, but that’s the way it’s always been), but this afternoon it’s all wacky.

  29. Jordan Potter says:

    Okay, that was weird. Now everything is fine. Except there is no comment filter.

  30. James Straight says:

    If I am not mistaken not only is February 22nd the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter (according to both the 1962 and 1970 Roman Missals) but it is also the 45th anniversary of the release of the Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia (On the Promotion of the Study of Latin) by Blessed Pope John XXIII.

    Might just be on this date after all. It would certainly be a good choice.


  31. Jordan and all: If there is something strange going on, write me by e-mail about with and include a screen shot. I do not see any of the things you report.

  32. James: What a great observation!

  33. Guy Power says:

    [Paul Nicholas, Catholic Cartoon Blog]

    But Father, but Father!! I’d have emailed it to you but ….. no email address.

  34. michigancatholic says:

    Up at the top just under the picture, Guy.

  35. Guy Power says:

    Michigancatholic: Up at the top just under the picture

    Thank you! If it were a snake it would’ve bitten me!

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