I heard from a commenter here in WDTPRS that the results of the 2006 Blog Awards were available. I had some difficulty getting to them on that website, so, in case you do also, here they are.
I cannot list every blog having a good showing, but another site listed the winners and runner(s)up. After all as St. Ambrose of Milan said: Cognoscamus etiam genera certaminum singulorum. (Ex. ps. 36.55.1) Right?
And I tip my tricorno to all involved. o{]:¬)
Best Apologetic Blog: Jimmy Akin
Runner-Up: The Cafeteria is ClosedBest Blog by Clergy/Religious/Seminarian: What Does The Prayer Really Say?
Runner-Up: PontificationsBest Designed Catholic Blog: The New Liturgical Movement
Runner-Up: Open BookBest Group Blog: The Shrine of the Holy Whapping
Runner-Up: The New Liturgical MovementBest Individual Blog: Open Book
Runner-Up: The Cafeteria is ClosedBest Insider News Catholic Blog: Whispers in the Loggia
Runner-Up: Open BookBest New Catholic Blog: Rorate Caeli
Runner-Up: Cardinal Sean’s BlogBest Overall Catholic Blog: Open Book
Runner-Up: Jimmy AkinBest Political/Social Commentary: The Anchoress
Runner-Up: Catholic and Enjoying ItBest Written Catholic Blog: Open Book
Runner-Up: Daily DanielleFunniest Catholic Blog: The Curt Jester
Runner-Up: Daily DanielleMost Spiritual Blog: Pontifications
Runner-Up: The New Liturgical MovementSmartest Catholic Blog: Jimmy Akin
Runner-Up: Pontifications
WDTPRS was #3 for Best Individual, #4 for Best Insider News, #8 for Best Overall, #7 Best Written, #3 for Smartest.
Thanks everyone!
Congratulations, Father! This is a daily “must read” for me and others feel the same. The eclectic mix is fantastic and the insider news and commentary are both appreciated. It is interesting that Rorate Caeli and the New Liturgical Movement also did well. Those are also on my “must see” list.
For all your hard work, thought and energy that goes into maintaining this blog while you are also busy with many other projects. You sensed the power of the internet back in the Compuserve days and now look at the results.
Thanks and best wishes for your continued success in this area and in your other literary pursuits.
I raise my cup of tea to you from the wilds of a thawing tundra.
Congratulations, Father. I’ll be on the lookout for that red Ferrari in
Congrats!! HOWEVER I am a little disappointed I would have liked to see you take a couple (or more) categories!!!
Congratulations Father! You deserve it. Thanks for the great blog.
Congratulations Father! This is one of the best blogs, I agree.
I’d never been to Danielle’s blog–I really like that one too! Thanks for the links.
Congrats Padre. You’re my first stop in the morning to get my Zfix… Even though I don’t post alot
I’ve enjoyed learning from everyone here.
Thumbs up!
Fr. Z, I am on my way to the Holy Land this morning for a week long retreat. I’ll sincerely keep you and all your readers (and their intentions) in my prayers. Congratulations! Ciao, Jeff
They should have a “Best Latin Blog” category (about and/or promoting Latin).
Well, if they would, may I humbly … ehem … not so humbly nominate my blog for that category:
I am trying to keep it simple but so far there’s been no interest at all.
Congratulations, Father! I’ve learned a lot here- and had some fun too. Happy Chinese New Year!
Congratulations, Father!
Perhaps the reason is that there aren’t many posts? When I go to your blog, I only see one from April and one from January. Could there be a security or cyberspace glitch happening when you post?
There are others who have not fared any better, such as:
Fr. Z:
Congratulations! I vote the WDTPRS Blog to be the best overall Catholic Blog: it is engaging, interesting, well organized, not repetitious, educational, informative, pious, inspiring, uplifting …
Tibi gratulor bene merenti!
Fr. Finigan: Thanks! Do you know when they deliver the Ferrari?
Here comes the Ferrari! That’s Father. He’s coming to give us a retreat. He will talk about the spirit of poverty. No wait! He will talk about vigilance. Be ye ever vigilant, ready to take off like a Ferrari. And he will speak about virtues and strength. Be ye, under that outer façade of kindness strong as the motor of a humming Ferrari. And be ye steady on the road to eternity like a loaded Ferrari. And learn to get through life’s challenges like a Ferrari flying by like an arrow. And be pure and clean like a Ferrari coming out slowly from a car wash, spotless in its glimmer. And be in control of your emotions so that you may be cool like Father driving his Ferrari with his shades. Cool stuff. Yeah! Sanctity: that’s where its at. Yo! Deal!
Andrew: Car wash?!? What were you thinking? Father is far too cool to put his Ferrari through a car wash. Latin sporting comment contributors here would be invited to wash it by hand and then carefully wax it.
Great job Pater!
Who voted for Rocco? That guy is a mess.
Te videre in galero rubro quam curro rubro malim