Today’s PODCAzT get’s into De praescriptione haereticorum of Tertullian, a chunk of which is featured in today’s Office of Readings for the Feast of Sts. Philip and James, apostles.
I also speak about the "Tridentine" Mass and a peculiarity of 5 May as a date for the Motu Proprio.
We hear from Pope John Paul II’s 1988 Motu Proprio "Ecclesia Dei adflicta", which has an interesting point to think about.
Also, I give public thanks to a fellow blogger!
Can’t wait :D
Although I cannot see May 5th as a possible release date either, unless the staff in Vatican City work saturdays.
Father: Who is the singer at the beginning of the pod-cast?
Tertullian ended up a heretic himself did he not? Or some of his followers? At any rate there is no St. Tertullian. I didn’t actually listen to the podcazt, so if you addressed this, sorry for wasting a few bytes of your blogspace.
Absolutely fascinating, Father. I can’t say what I found more interesting–your discussion of Tertullian or the quote from Ecclesia Dei Adflicta. You really have a way to make the Patristic readings come alive. Do you have any way to get these podcasts to a wider audience?In Christ,
Perhaps Father needs his own television show, I could actualy see that, perhaps on EWTN…
Please God, let it be so.
Yes, Tertullian left the Catholic Church and joined the Montanists, because he thought the Catholic Church had gone soft — too much emphasis on mercy and forgiveness, he thought. Within a short time, however, he realised that the Montanists, even though they were tons more strict than the Church, also weren’t pure enough to meet the infallible point of view of Tertullian, so he left the Montanists and founded his own very tiny and unimportant sect, the Tertullianists.
Even though he came to a bad end and therefore can’t ever be canonised (pray for him), he still wrote a lot of good things, especially when he was a Catholic.
Nathan: Do you have any way to get these podcasts to a wider audience?
Hmmm… good idea. Maybe I ought to put them on my blog!
Father, excellent idea. Maybe a link on the Bollettino sala Stampa Della Santa Sede as well?
Jonathan Bennet wrote:”…unless the staff in Vatican City work saturdays.”
It reminds me of the old saw about Pope John XXIII.
A reporter once asked him how many people worked in the Vatican.
He paused, scratched his brow and, after another brief pause, responded: “About half!”
Couldnt anyone else see Fr. Z on TV? He could read and talk about the Church Fathers, rant about liturgical abuse and fun stuff like that, and then read letters and emails from the “ASK FATHER Question Box”. All live from Rome ;)
ZTV, excellent.
Perhaps they could find a slot for you on the Holy Whapping Television Network, that is, if it weren’t fictional.
Hey Father,
Have you heard anything yet about the Motu Proprio?
Domenico Bettinelli said it was sighted in the offices
of the Vatican.