What’s in a name?

Check out this great post at Rorate!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. cor ad cor loquitur says:

    Someone should send the blogmaster over at Rorate a copy of Fr Z’s wise and timely RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, especially Rules 2 and 3:

    2) Do not strut. Let us be gracious to those who have in the past not been gracious in regard to our “legitimate aspirations”.

    3) Show genuine Christian joy. If you want to attract people to what gives you so much consolation and happiness, be inviting and be joyful. Avoid the sourness some of the more traditional stamp have sadly worn for so long.

  2. New Catholic says:

    Graciousness is humorous.

    Humorlessness is sour.

    Thank you, Father, for enjoying it. It was meant as a moment of rest before the storm.

  3. New Catholic says:

    Graciousness is humorous.

    Humorlessness is sour.

    Thank you, Father, for enjoying it. It was meant as a moment of rest before the storm.

  4. Legisperitus says:

    Speaking of names, check out Rorate… the motu proprio is to be called “Summorum Pontificum.”

  5. Jordan Potter says:

    Thank you, Father, for enjoying it. It was meant as a moment of rest before the storm.

    I got a nice chuckle out of it too — and, boy, a picture sure is worth a thousand words, eh?

  6. Zach says:


    I have to say that if the traditional rite is designated as the “Extraordinary Roman Rite” in this new document it could cause trouble. I’m not sure I like that prospective. Also, everybody seems to be making quite a presumption. We haven’t even seen the document and yet everybody is testifying that it’s going to name two rites “extraordinary” and “ordinary” rites. We simply don’t know this yet.

  7. Simply marvellous. The contrasts are staggering.

    Praise God for giving the Church such a good German Shepherd!

    May he overwhelm evil (and minimalism) with an abundace of good!


  8. Janet says:

    Beautiful! And in a few more days I’ll be experiencing “Extraordinary” for the first time! Ahhh…. Hurry up, July 8th!

  9. Tim Ferguson says:

    The purported title of the coming motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, begs the grammatical question, the Pontiff of the highest what?

  10. Barrett says:

    It means “of the Supreme Pontiffs.” Obviously a noun will follow. Cf. title page of Missale Romanum 1962: “…Summorum Pontificum cura recognitum…”

  11. They copied my idea!! But I don’t mind. They did it better!

  12. Sid Cundiff says:

    A sight for sore eyes.

  13. Jordan Potter says:

    We haven’t even seen the document and yet everybody is testifying that it’s going to name two rites “extraordinary” and “ordinary” rites.

    True, we don’t know that Summorum Pontificum will explicitly designate the Missal of Paul VI as the “ordinary” form of the roman Rite and the Missal of Blessed John XXII as the “extraordinary” form. But we do know that’s what Cardinal Bertone and others have said the Pope is going to do.

    And to be accurate, it’s not “two rites,” but two forms of one Roman Rite. That’s how the Church wishes to speak of this matter.

  14. New Catholic says:

    Chris, we certainly did not copy your idea…, and would have no qualms of putting a reference to you if it had been so. It actually had been in my mind for months, at least since our post on the “One Rite”, last year.

    What can I say? Even if we are not great minds, we think alike.

  15. New Catholic says:

    Chris, we certainly did not copy your idea…, and would have no problem of putting a reference to you if it had been so. It actually had been in my mind for months, at least since our post on the “One Rite”, last year.

    What can I say? Even if we are not great minds, we think alike.

  16. Woody Jones says:

    I am certainly intending to follow Father’s rules of engagement, but let us not forget that we Catholics are supposed to be militant, too. Following the example of Our Lord.

  17. JPT says:

    Could someone with a subscription to i.media please post a copy of the news release? Even in French is fine.

  18. Brian Walden says:

    What about Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion? They really throw a wrench in the whole ordinary/extraordinary theme.

  19. swmichigancatholic says:

    I don’t have a problem with this post of Rorate’s. The contemporary masses he pictures could have happened anyplace in America. They are very common scenes.

    I also don’t think it’s gloating. I think it’s about time people admitted the truth about this. The Pauline mass is UGLY the great majority of the time and no effort is made to relieve the ugliness. And when one remarks on its ugliness, one is told it’s supposed to be as it is (ie. ugly). Go figure.

    One wonders if it’s more true that the mass is ugly because people think the church is ugly, or if it’s more true that people think the church is ugly because the mass is ugly.

  20. Ioannes says:

    Motu Proprio:
    Summorum Pontificum !!!!

  21. swmichigancatholic says:
  22. Craigmaddie says:

    Summorum Pontificum: “Wrestling popes”?

    (Sorry, dreadful joke..)

  23. swmichigancatholic says:

    Does anyone have access to the article accompanying that link on I.Media?? It requires a password, I believe.

  24. Sorry I have had a hard day. I normally don’t make such rash claims.

  25. Henry Edwards says:

    What about Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion? They really throw a wrench in the whole ordinary/extraordinary theme.

    Wrench? How? Extraordinary Ministers are the most common of all ministers these days. So if extraordinary rite Masses turn out in due time to be the most common of all Masses, what’s the problem? If that’s our Supreme Pontiff’s idea, who are we to criticize?

  26. Brian Day says:

    I second Henry Edwards.

    The Extraordinary Rite Masses should be as plentiful as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

  27. Irulats says:

    There’s an update on Rorate with the I-Media report….

  28. finegan says:

    You all should visit some the “progressive” Catholic websites to get a taste of the moaning, whining, and complaining about the Motu Proprio. It’s hilarious!! One guy even said the MP is just a ruse to destroy Vatican II and reinstate the “Waffen SSPX.”

    Very charitable folks, some of these liberals!

  29. Brian Walden says:

    “What about Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion? They really throw a wrench in the whole ordinary/extraordinary theme.”

    Wrench? How? Extraordinary Ministers are the most common of all ministers these days. So if extraordinary rite Masses turn out in due time to be the most common of all Masses, what’s the problem? If that’s our Supreme Pontiff’s idea, who are we to criticize?

    I meant, the ordinary ministers of communion are ordained clergy, the EHMC are not. In that case the extraordinary designation is not better than the ordinary version. It’s backwards from the ordinary/extraordinary theme. Maybe EHMCs need to be renamed (not to mention used only when absolutely needed), no one ever calls them that anyway and I just get upset when I hear people call them Eucharistic ministers.

  30. Serafino says:

    I, for one, am not too happy with the term “ordinary” and “extraordinary” rite of Mass. If these terms are used in the MP, it is no doubt a concession to the various bishops conferences and other liberal brethren that oppose the TLM. The implication is that the Novus Ordo Missae is the official rite of Mass in the Catholic Church, and the TLM can be used for “extraordinary” occassions for specific groups of people who many be attached to that “extraordinary” form of Mass.

  31. swmichigancatholic says:

    Not to worry. We’ll see over time how it comes out. No one really knows how this is going to work yet.

  32. swmichigancatholic says:

    It all depends on the number of hoops a bishop has to jump through to prevent the TLM. Here’s hoping he has to file a great big report in triplicate with photos and references and then wait for the Vatican to get to him. IT would be poetic justice.

  33. dcs says:

    I’m sure if Rorate’s blogmeisters wanted to be sour or bitter that there are a few other pictures they might have posted. . . .

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