Fr. Z’s 2006 sermon for the Assumption in Camden, NJ.

Last year on this day, in the Cathedral of Camden in New Jersey, I had the honor of delivering a sermon for the marvelous Solemn Mass with the 1962 Missale Romanum sponsored by His Excellency the Bishop and the Mater Ecclesiae community lead by the intrepid and distinguish Fr. Robert Pasley.  I have wonderful memories of that Mass and the beautiful music.

Here is my sermon from that Mass last year.

At the end, there was a fine setting of Hail Holy Queen for the choir, orchestra and congregation raised the roof, I am sure, several inches off its mooring.

This recording was made with my little mp3 player and an external mike hooked onto the ambo.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. John Miller says:

    Father Z,
    Just thought I would bring to your attention:
    The link for the Hail Holy Queen says that the file can’t be found.


  2. John: Thanks, I think I fixed it.

  3. Dear Fr. Z,

    Thank you for reposting this! This year’s Mass was also a wonderful success. Hope you can come back to visit again soon!

  4. Jeff Pinyan says:

    Wow, I wish I had known about your blog a year ago. I’m sure that Mass would have been a joy on multiple levels. Please do stop by New Jersey again sometime!

  5. David Waters says:

    The Mass was absolutely beautiful yesterday, and the schola and orchestra is to be commended for their fine contribution to the solemnity of the Sacred Liturgy.

  6. dcs says:

    Yes, and Fr. Bartoloma’s sermon was excellent too.

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