Fr. Z in National Catholic Register

I was just informed by JM in Switzerland (go figure) that the National Catholic Register finally published an interview with me by Mr. Tim Drake about Summorum Pontificum



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in SESSIUNCULA, SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM. Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Jeff says:

    Gotta love that headline!

  2. Paul Murnane says:

    Great stuff Father, as usual. I expect you’ll see a spike in traffic and a slew of new readers. I hope and pray alot of them will be from out here on the left coast. :)

  3. Andrew says:

    This is an engaging interesting and useful commentary that does not stick with the usual boring points. It raises the readers’ minds up to look at things from a higher perspective. Thank you, Fr. Z!

  4. jmgarciaiii says:

    Excellent, Father!

    I wonder if it’s premature to speculate on a star in the Vatican Walk of Fame…



  5. Al says:

    That was great!

  6. JPSonnen says:

    Great article and hearty congrats!

  7. TJM says:

    Father Z,

    Congratulations on your very fine interview. It’s nice to have a voice of reason on issues like Summorum Pontificem.

    Best regards,


  8. Christine says:

    Father, Looks like they lifted your headshot from this blog. Perhaps time to get a new one?

  9. Brian Mershon says:

    Good interview!

  10. Christine: Perhaps time to get a new one?

    A new blog?


  11. Brian: Good interview!

    I take that as a very great compliment, as it is from someone as well versed as you are.

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