Folks, for years I have had a problem when I travel of carrying a copy of the Missale Romanum, in whatever edition. A small format edition is really useful when you have to take it on the road.
I have the very useful four volume set in Latin for the Novus Ordo which includes the readings. This is no longer available, unfortunately.
For the older Mass I have a very old and beaten up travel size edition of the full pre-Conciliar Missale Romanum, but it dates to even before the dogmatic proclamation of the Assumption, so that it is problem. It is really too worn to use easily. I think it was intended for military chaplain use.
I was therefore delighted to learn of a new travel volume (dimensions: 8½" x 6" x 1½") of the 1962 Missale Romanum, which looks like it may be as beautiful as it is useful. The price is $225. It looks like a hard cover, but that is acceptable.
All proceeds support the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius.
This would be a perfect gift for a traditionally minded priest.
I look forward to getting one, as a matter of fact! o{];¬)
I have this edition, and can attest to its being very worthwhile.
It is, essentially, a reprint of the 1962 Regensburg “Pustet” publishers’ Missale.
Pustet included the so-called Gallican Prefaces for Advent, etc., with full ferial and solemn tones.
The Appendix from the editio typica is there, though there is no “country” supplement, which, of course, makes it a truly universal publication.
The binding is very high quality, the tabs are fine, and the Canon illustration beautiful.
Beautiful; absolutely wonderful!
The only problem is that I can’t think of at least four dear Priests I would love to give one of these to.
The apparent beauty of this missal reminds us that there is still a need for a more attractive full-sized 1962 altar missal than the one republished by Roman Catholic Books. One with color, with a more attractive front and back cover, with more illustrations among the Propers.
We also need the complete Rituale Romanum – 1962 version – to be published, preferably with English rubrics and translations alongside the Latin. Those 1950-52 volumes that have recently appeared are simply not what Summorum Pontificum specifies.
And what I really covet is a three volume set of chant books for the Passion, for Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
Publishers out there, please help!
So…. when is your birthday? and have been selling this Altar Missal for quite sometime as well.