Prayers requested

Kindly pray for the folks suffering from the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, where I was born and grew up.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tim Ferguson says:

    Prayers definitely being offered – I’m in a bit of a shock. I remember crossing that bridge on a daily basis when I lived in Minneapolis, and riding my bike on the bike path below it regularly when I was in college.

    For the dead, the injured and the mourning – gratiam et virtutem dona eis, Domine.

  2. Christ Jesus, Have Mercy.

  3. Mary Kay says:

    Prayers offered for those in the cars, their families and rescue workers.

  4. Matt Kennel says:

    May the Lord bless, console, and protect all those involved in this horrible happening and their families.

  5. fxr2 says:

    Thus will be added the list of special intentions form out family.

  6. Denis Crnkovic says:

    This afternoon before attending a play at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, my wife, daughter and I were enjoying the view from the theatre that overlooks the new park and the 35W bridge on the Mississippi. Within four hours the bridge had collapsed.

    For the dead: REQUIEM aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.

    For those who have lived through this, may Our Lord succor them and preserve them from further harm.

    For those of us who feel undeservedly lucky at this moment, may Our Lord give us the grace to accept humbly the mysteries of His ways.

    Please heed Fr. Zuhlsdorf’s plea for prayers; this event has shocked all of us who live here and love this city.

  7. Peter says:

    My brother’s workplace parkinglot is under that bridge. I have yet to reach him on the phone. Please pray for him. His name is John.

  8. Ann in Australia says:

    Father, Prayers have been offered and will continue to be

  9. Seamas O Dalaigh says:


    James Daly

  10. Prayers for all of the families and individuals affected by this terrible event.

    My family and I were glued to Fox News and CNN online last night watching the events unfold.

    We prayed a Divine Mercy chaplet for everyone last night.

    Lord have mercy!


  11. Marcin says:

    Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on the victims, for You are gracious and love mankind.

  12. Derik says:

    I join all of you in prayer to God, asking for mercy on all people involved in this terrible situation.

  13. Betty says:

    Peter, please let us know if you hear from your brother. We will be praying!

  14. Peter says:

    He is Ok! Thank you! Hopfully all the prayers said for him will bear spiritual fruit.

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