RADIO SABINA and the Z-Cam in the the chapel of The Sabine Farm have been on for a couple weeks.
BTW… there is a viewer cap, a limit of how many can watch at a time. If you can’t connect, and you do not get the default video, try again in a while.
Today I added some more musical selections. It was surely getting repetitive. Let’s fix that.
I want to add a few more audio prayers and readings in the next couple days. If you have texts or prayers you would like to suggest, you can e-mail them to me. (No promises.) Tomorrow, Sunday, I will be doing some audio projects.
I will take guest submissions, if they are good! Contribute to RADIO SABINA!
I need to fiddle around with the lighting. The chapel has an automatic light system, which I like to have on for a little while in the evening: it makes the chapel shine like a little beacon you can see from far away! It is gorgeous, especially in the winter when the light from the stained glass reflects on the snow. However, lighting the chapel so much is expensive, as is the level of bandwidth I maintain. I just had to switch to a single light for a while.
Now and then my old notebook computer I run this from decides to reboot: I haven’t figured out why. BUT I WILL. In any event, this means once in a while the cam goes off the air without my knowledge. If RADIO SABINA goes off air, you might let me know. If I am not in residence, there might be ways I can get it going remotely. (I can’t change lightbulbs remotely yet.) I have improved the audio a little, I think.
Sometimes, I just go in. I say the office. I adjust candles. I clean.
Finally… NO… I won’t post Mass times in advance. However, if I think of it I will post a temporary Mass alert when I am heading out the door. Mass times vary depending on who is around, my server is available, what my work load is, etc. For a while I won’t have any server.
Finally, this is a just little chapel in the middle of nowhere. It isn’t a grand basilica. This is merely a cyber-knothole onto a corner of my life.
Finally, this is a just little chapel in the middle of nowhere. It isn’t a grand basilica. This is merely a cyber-knothole onto a corner of my life.
No, but when you say Mass there, or indeed, when the Blessed Sacrament is reserved there, is it not the center of the world?
Surrounded by all the angels.
Of course it doesn’t matter if one is out on the mission plains with an impromptu altar or in St. Peter’s Basilica itself, the Eucharist is equally consecrated with equal efficacy in each locale, given the rubrics of mass are strictly followed, and the Priest is validly consecrated (a prospect which has ominously called into question lately with some priests).
The tridentine priest on mission in the great plane consecrating the Eucharist against the wind and cold is as much a servant of God than the highest Cardinal consecrating the Eucharist in St. Peter’s…
Fr Z, Id love to hear the Universal Prayer by Pope Clement XI (For All Things Necessary to Salvation)on Radio Sabina! If you don’t have it I can post it or email it. Thanks.
How about the Athanasian Creed?
“Now and then my old notebook computer I run this from decides to reboot: I haven’t figured out why. BUT I WILL.”
Windows Automatic Updates might do that, depending on how you configured it.