With a tip of the biretta to the Shrine o{]:¬)
Nun saves burning man with her habit
Apr 8 2008
A NUN saved a burning man from death by jumping on him – then smothering the flames with her habit.
Brave Sister Donatella Ciucciumei, 51, saw the elderly man douse himself in petrol in a street in San Severino Marche, in Italy.
She ran towards the 71-year-old as he raised a lit match to his body.
And as he was engulfed in flames, she jumped on top of him, spreading her habit to douse the flames.
The nun was unhurt and the man is recovering after sustaining second degree burns to most of his body.
Sister Donatella has visited daily to offer him counselling. Police said he was depressed because his wife left him.
This story reminds me of the animated movie The Incredibles, where Mr. Incredible saves someone trying to commit suicide and is then sued. Thankfully, it sounds like this superhero won’t suffer the same fate.
That was a witness of faith!:) This news seems to be lost in all the bad or unrelevant news in the world.
Great that you bring them forward.
That was a witness of faith!:) This news seems to be lost in all the bad or unrelevant news in the world.
Great that you bring them forward.
I saw a note on another messageboard wherein the poster was grateful that the nun was of a traditional order, because otherwise both man and nun would have suffered severe burns from her melting polyester pants.
Is this a call to habits? The Lord works in mysterious ways…
So there is a practical reason for the habit after all! Imagine what would have happened if the good sister had been wearing a pantsuit.
The choir cloak comes in particularly useful for “Stop, Drop and Roll”!
Was this post a “veiled” argument for the wearing of the religious habit? Yes, polyester tends to retain heat, so the alternative would have been disastrous.
**o{]:¬)** A tip to the blessed Sister whom took the opportunity to offer a most selfless act! God bless her and healing for the man.
Well, I see that others have already anticipated the thought I had when i read this: that there’s a good reason women Religious should not try to disguise themselves as unconsecrated laywomen.
As I like to say, let’s come into the 21st century, all the new nuns are wearing habits.
Yes, we need more nuns who look like nuns and less who look line flight attendents… I have a friend who was once considering religious life and she told me about how her and the other sisters, all dressed in identical skirts and jackets (no veils), stopped in a McDonald’s on the way back from a retreat. The woman who took their order asked them which airline they worked for.
SUPER NUN! This made my day- pray that God gives me a few girls who are called to religious life. This is glorious. Thanks, Fr. Z.