Now this is a seriously festive chair!
The Holy Father went to the Basilica Liberiana for a recitation of the Holy Rosary (it’s May, after all).
He also had on a great stole over his white "paschaltide" mozzetta.
Here is Papa near a Pope-Magnet:
The tassle is actually from his pectoral Cross.
Here is the other view:
A seriously festive chair, indeed! And lest anyone think our Holy Father is not “green,” consider the fact that he has opened storage closets, dusted off old (beautiful!) furniture, recycling the past into a glorious today.
Was this taken today? Are we to assume that the white mozzetta is to be worn throughout Ascensiontide too?
Does anyone know the history of this chair? The Leo XIII Chair that Pope Benedict sometimes uses is stunning. But this is beautiful too
Oxon. I am thinking that after Pentecost it will go back into the drawer until next year.
“pope-magnet”… I love it!
This was from the Rosary/First Saturday devotions at St Mary Major. I saw some of it on TV, really beautiful with the Salus Populi Romani icon, and the Friars Preachers lined up in full regalia as if ready to do battle. I also noticed the Holy Father was using a rosary with the Scorzelli crucifix, although he carried the Pio Nono crozier. Aparently he’s not adverse to a little modern art, at least in his personal devotions.
Re, the earlier post about the Scala…what a beautiful setting for the Litany! Anyone know what it was?
Er Schola…mea culpa
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever – and I don’t mean the chair, though that, too, was festive.
The music at yesterday’s Rosary was sublime – oh for more like that!
I noticed the Scorzelli crucifix on Papa’s rosary. All of the “Papal rosaries” for sale around the Vatican have that crucifix and the Papal coat of arms on the purse. I am absolutely longing for a rosary with the “new” cross from the Papal staff, plus I’m actually praying for a gold pendant of the “new” cross. I even emailed EWTN to beg them to get one made and put in their catalogue, but so far they haven’t replied to this deranged woman!!!!!! The gold staff and cross have had a mixed reception, but I love this new look.
Yes, the rosary and May. Glad you mentioned it Father. A friend who feels the beginnings of an attraction to the TLM recently started visiting your blog. She said she likes your blog but wondered if you had a devotion to Our Lady? Perhaps you’ll write about it this month, Mary’s month.
Thank you and God bless you Father.
Allison: Tell your friend about Father Z’s Patristic Rosary Project which is linked under “Categories” in the left-hand panel:
I know of no one else who’s recently written as much about the rosary that’s fresh and new, but with the novel twist of an ancient patristic perspective.