The Enemy will try savagely to ruin what has been set in motion. He and the minions of hell hate the Church, hate unity, hate harmony, hate us, hate hate hate us! They have angelic powers and are mighty enemies.
But we have God, and who is like Him? We have the saints and angels to help us. We have the Mother of God to defend us.
At 2100 GMT, 2300 Rome time, 1700 EDT, I will say Mass using the Votive Mass for the Unity of the Church in the 1962 Missale Romanum for the intention of Bp. Bernard Fellay, that though the merits of this Mass he will be defended from the attacks of hell.
I don’t have the Z-cam in the Sabine chapel going now, but pray please, in a special way, if you read this from the top of the hour onward for about 40 minutes or so. I don’t have the Z-cam in the Sabine chapel going now.
O God, Who settest straight what has gone astray,
and gatherest together what is scattered,
and keepest what Thou hast gathered together:
we beseech Thee in Thy mercy to pour down on Christian people,
the grace of union with Thee,
that, putting disunion aside and joing themselves to the true shepherd of Thy Church,
they be able to render Thee worthy service.
(Translation from the Roman Catholic Daily Missal – Angelus Press)
Mass was duly celebrated. Thanks for the unity in prayer.
Keep it going!
Thankyou Father,
May God’s will be done. Amen.
I’ll add my prayers. (PS-Angelus Press-nice touch!)
I am praying as I send this.
I too add my prayers as I send this to you.
Prayers going up.
I’ll be working those rosary beads overtime, Father, and God bless you for this initiative.
Prayers up! Thank you Fr. Z!
Surely God wishes it. I am praying hard because it would be of such tremendous benefit to the church.
Deus vult!!
I will unite my prayers to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered by Fr. Zuhlsdorf and all other priests throughout the Church for the purpose of unity.
St Micheal and all you mighty Angels defend them, protect them, surround them so no evil may interfere or harm them. Amen
I will pray now and again at adoration tonight.
I wish I could pray along at home, but I don’t know my way around the missal that well. So, my prayers are with you at the altar.
Do not be afraid. The gates of the underworld will NEVER hold out against us. We have His word.
All we have to do is pray, pray, pray …
Rise up, O Lord, and may Thy enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Thee, flee before Thy Holy Face.
Excellent post.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Divine Power of God –
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Amen. For the special intention of Bp. Fellay at this time.
Thank you, Father.
Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God, Pray for us! Saint Joseph Pray for us! Saint Michael the Archangel, Pray for us! All Saints, Holy Martyrs, and our Guardian Angels, Pray for us!
Our Lady of the most Holy Rosary, Crush the head of satan and assistt all of our hearts as our prayers ascend to heaven.
Just seen the excellent post. Hope the paryers I’ve just offered up will be in time for the end of your Mass, Father Z.
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Prayers said.
My prayers too. St Michael, Archangel, pray for us.
I’m praying.
Out of curiosity, what is the Latin of that Collect? I ask because it looks to have been truncated and otherwise altered in the O.F.:
Omnípotens sempitérne Deus,
qui dispérsa cóngregas et congregáta consérvas,
ad gregem Fílii tui placátus inténde,
ut, quos unum sacrávit baptísma,
eos et fídei iungat intégritas,
et vínculum sóciet caritátis.
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,have mercy on us and on the whole world.
“Today bring to Me the Souls of Priests and Religious,
and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind.”
Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard — upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.
You nailed it all, Father, thank you. These moments don’t come often, but they have the capacity to allow us to focus on what the Mystical Body truly is. Praying…
Holy Mother, intercede for all of those who are concerned. Also, intercede for Fr. Z and the intentions of Bishop Fellay.
Defend, we beseech Thee, O Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this Thy congregation from all attacks of the Enemy. Protect them against his snares. Let their hearts return to the unity of Thy Truth.
If it’s at all possible, please could you do this again soon, giving us a little more advance notice? I am in the UK which is 5-6 hours ahead, and tonight I was out at a concert in London – a train ride in which I could say the rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet and add some spiritual reading. I would LOVE to have united my intentions with yours but only saw your post on my return. I fervently hope and pray for the day when the SSPX is formally reunited with Rome. So many missed graces! So much opportunity! Oremus!!!
I add my humble prayers to yours, asking the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
After reading your request I went directly to chapel. I read/prayed from the Our Father section of
“Jesus of Nazareth” and made Pope Benedict’s prayer my own. May the fatherhood that is “in heaven” point
us toward the greater “we” that transcends all boundaries, breaks down all walls, and creats peace.
I pray that god will send St Michael to stand as our champion for unity.
In the future, translations from Baronius Press or other non-schismatic publishers might be more appropriate.
Next we’ll be using Cramner’s translations the next time the Anglicans come knocking.
[Sad. I used the Angelus Press edition’s translation for very good reason. Perhaps you read the top entry? Moreover, the translation in the Angelus Press volume is actually based on The Ideal Missal which had in imprimatur in 1962. FWIW. Fr. Z]
Sheesh, Rellis, does this mean that only those in communion with Rome can translate Latin properly?
My natural combative nature inclines me to pray otherwise than requested. However,Thanks be to God I am Catholic so I can add this to my Rosary intentions.
Holy Holy Holy, Lord God of Hosts. May your legions descend and protect Bishop Fellay against the onslaughts of Hell.
My issue is not the translation (the worth of which I leave to those who actually know Latin, which isn’t me).
My issue is creating a moral equivalence. At some point, we’re the good guys. Those who have put themselves in quasi-schism (or worse) need to come to us. I understand being gracious, but being uncritical of Angelus Press is a bridge too far IMHO.
We should recognize that Angelus Press is a mechanism for the SSPX to make money. The SSPX is in a state of separation from Rome. Putting Angelus out there as “just another option” (or even a preferred one) ignores this inconvenient truth. Faithful Catholics would be better to patronize publishers whose profits aren’t used to fund quasi-schismatic activities.
As a preemptive answer, I have no vested interest in Baronius, Ignatius, or any other press.
I found the Latin text of the prayer:
Deus, qui errata corrigis,
et dispersa congregas, et congregata conservas:
quaesumus, super populum christianum tuae unionis gratiam clementer infunde;
ut divisione reiecta, vero pastori Ecclesiae tuae se uniens,
tibi digne valeat famulari.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
At some point, we’re the good guys.
Luke 18:19: “And Jesus said to him: Why dost thou call me good? None is good but God alone.”
We should recognize that Angelus Press is a mechanism for the SSPX to make money.
I don’t think the SSPX makes a lot of money off of Angelus Press.