Get rid of the disgust. Priests must be MEN!

To counteract to wyrdwymynpryst thing, how about listening to some Don Camillo stories?

Priests are MEN!

Part I

1) The Little World
2) A Confession
3) A Baptism

Part II

4) On the Trail  … and
5) Night School

Part III

6) Out of Bounds …
7) The Treasure

Part IV

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. mcitl says:

    Thanks, Fr Z, for these great recordings. You are doing a stellar job and have a true gift for regaling God’s people with the best of Catholic Faith and culture.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful gift of your vocation.

  2. Richard T says:

    Sadly very few priests these days are “men” by Dom Camillo’s standards. Perhaps the story where he gets a young curate would be more appropriate today?

  3. Lurker says:

    Those old movies are fabulous! Priests must be men (but not necessarily manly!). [Wrong.]

  4. says:

    Speaking of “priesthood = manliness” may I recommend a podcast interview by (the now defunct?) Heartland Catholic of Fr. Christopher Pieroni?

  5. bryan says:

    The fact that many priests have been the almost limp-wristed Alan Alda ‘sensitive male’ is
    part of the problem. Who the heck wants to follow some wishy-washy metrosexual man? Real leaders (and our priests are just that, our spiritual leaders) are true to who they are,
    not some vanilla pudding caricature.

    A vigorous, forceful, masculine priest in love with our Lord is a gift. I’m sure our
    Savior was not some feel-good hippie. Witness his reaction to the moneychangers in
    the temple. No wimp was He.

  6. Bill Haley says:

    Please bring us more Don Camillo!

    This is the first I had heard.

    Reminds me of Fr. Christoforo (Manzoni’s) with perhaps a wee bit more Irish in him.

  7. John Enright says:

    The current issue of the Episcopalian magazine “Forward in Faith” includes a quote from an Episcopalian “priest” named Carter Hayward on the subject of abortion which speaks for itself:

    “Abortion would be a sacrament if women were in charge. Abortion should be a sacrament even today. I suspect that for many women today, and for their spouses, lovers, families and communities, abortion is celebrated as such, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning.”

    This shows just how ridiculous this whole “women priest” thing can get.

  8. John Enright says:

    Sorry. Carter Hayward isn’t a “priest.” She’s a “priestess.”

  9. Aelric says:

    Sandro Magister has a article about this:

    He documents the nuanced dissent of about 40 US bishops to Ordinatio Sacerdotalis .

    Curiously, he frequently refers to women as “ordained” (c.f. “In Rome, in fact, the fear is that the number of ordained women will continue to increase”) rather than the more correct option: ‘number of women claiming to have been ordained will …’. Magister does, however, early in the article point out the issue of invalidity though from that point on, focuses on the canonical penalty of excommunication rather than the validity (or lack thereof).

  10. Atlanta says:

    In terms of pray 4 priest, there is the crusade for priests, that has a whole prayer book for praying for priests. In terms of priests should be men, I know some priests who joke about women who should be priests. I find that joke offensive, but apparently they find it amusing.

  11. Deusdonat says:

    Father Z – I haven’t yet had the time to listen to your podcast on Don Camillo (mea culpa) but I’m actually procrastinating a bit, since they are unfortunately going to bring back some potentially repressed bitter-sweet childhood memories and emotions (I know, TMI). Needless to say, they are very close to my heart as I remember them from my earliest childhood (not all that rosey).

    Can you help me here? Which story is the one where Don Camillo gets arested by the Commie mayor and comes out of the jail and rips a book in half in front of him to show he hasn’t lost his strength while encarcerated? That is by far my favourite.

  12. I think the links are repaired now.

  13. Todd says:

    Same for me….with FF 3.01

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