VATICAN CITY, 31 OCT 2008 (VIS) – Benedict’s general prayer intention for November is: "That the testimony of love offered by the saints may fortify Christians in their devotion to God and their neighbor, imitating Christ who came to serve and not to be served".
His mission intention is: "That the Christian communities of Asia, contemplating the face of Christ, may know how to find the most suitable ways to announce Him, in full faithfulness to the Gospel, to the people of that vast continent so rich in culture and ancient forms of spirituality".
I would add: “That American do not choose an aggressively pro-abortion president on November 4” I am continuing to pray to Our Lady of Victory that Obama does not win. Please God preserve us and have mercy on this nation!
My kingdom for once time when the words “love” or “hope” aren’t uttered in something coming from the vatican.
Why can’t the prayer intention for November be for the repose of all the holy souls in Purgatory?
Is that too heavy these days?
I don’t mean to be negative. I just can’t stand the empty fluff any more.
I am happy to see that the Church in Asia is in the Holy Father’s intentions this month. It is in Asia where the faith is currently under the most violent persecutions. Together with Pope Benedict, especially pray for the faithful in Vietnam, China, North Korea, India and Iraq. That the example of so many heroic martyrs might give them strength to persevere in their trials. May they continue to be emboldened in their mission to spread the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.