Folks… I have the sense that the world, right now and more than usually, has dire need of prayer.
I think some hard times are ahead.
I ask you to stop, now, as you read this and pray the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Power of God –
thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
What is the point?
When all else fails, prayer can save us all. No matter what may befall us, God will not abandon us, I think that’s the point.
prayer said.
A student asked me earlier this week about what the Church’s teaching on “evil spirits.”
The prayer came flying out of my mouth.
Prayer support is on the way. Hang in there.
There was a time when the prayer to Michael the Archangel was said after Mass at the foot of the altar. We still say those prayers after Mass on Sunday. The fact that someone would fail to “see the point” is telling.
I also have the same sense that something is coming. Prayer said and more coming.
Thank you Father Z. for putting in the prayer to St Michael. There is a really vile proposed abortion law being debated right now in the Victorian (Australian) parliament. If passed there will be a real push for the same in the other Australian states.
Many of my relatives have fallen away from the church and are living in adultery. So much prayer is needed. I care about them and want them to reach heaven.
For the past few months as this thing began to unravel, I had a sudden sense that God has been giving us an awful of rope. How many people wish the clock could be rewound with what we know today. How many people would have been more reasonable with their spending, purchases and so on. God gave us the ability to just buy, buy, and buy, putting things on plastic and taking it all for granted. All the while, Pope Benedict has talked about the problems with materialism, consumerism, and similar.
In the meanwhile, greed has reared it’s ugly head for all that it is in the financial sector. In many cases, innocent people are caught in the middle.
At the same time, as financial corruption comes after us like the grim reaper, we are facing some of the worst moral corruption. We have a “culture of death” presidential candidate with a considerable lead who supports even the worst of abortion procedures. The liberal, left-wing, pro-choice media is aiding him by filtering the news and skewing it. Voter fraud is emerging already (which favors the same candidate). There is talk of Catholic, pro-choice governor, Jennifer Granholm being on the same presidential candidate’s short list for the US Supreme Court. You can see where this is headed.
I’m sorry to say that I believe the passivity of our bishops over the last 40 years with regards to pro-choice, Catholic politicians is coming back to haunt them. Many have boldly stood up to them this year, but it may be too little too late for this election. I know many Catholics who aren’t blinking an eye to vote for Obama without regard for the babies who will be slaughtered during his reign. I’m considered a right-wing, religious nut because I’m a Catholic values voter.
I pray that Our Lady will hear the prayers of the faithful and of her faithful bishops.
Yeah – hard times are ahead. It’s up to us to remain strong, and steadfast in prayer, reparation, adoration, sacrifices, etc.
I have advocated on my own blog the idea that we should treat this period before the election with the same intensity of Lent. I know many who have been fasting and praying for a good outcome to the election.
Above all, in spite of the dire daily financial news, I refuse to lose hope and faith. In God, all things are possible. I also know that it is important that we have faith, and hope, that with regards to the election, those prayers and sacrifices will be heard and the culture of death will not win the election.
Saint Michael, pray for us.
Prayer offered and added to the list. Time to step back and let the BIG guns take over!
Knee mail sent Padre..
Many prayers are going up, because through Christ all things are possible.
In the words of St. Teresa:
Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you.
All things are passing; God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who possesses God lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.
Father Z is right, prayer is needed now, as always.
In my view, God in His mercy is allowing us a glimpse at our collective and individual selves, so that we can hope for a better future. Summorum Pontificum, or rather opposition to it, had the unique power to show the extent of the rot of disobedience and pride in our Church. Life issues, most notably abortion, remain unresolved. The financial crisis speaks for itself, the rotten fruit of greed and delusion. And our individual lives, are they stellar examples of Christ’s teachings?
Let’s take our medicine like grownups, not loose our heads, go to confession, and pray.
God have mercy on me… and on us all.
Is this in regards to the financial crisis father?
Father our parish priest writes a weekly Q&A article in the diocese newspaper. Recently he answered a question from a reader who wondered why some parishes were practicing the old school tradition of praying the prayer to St. Michael after Mass. The answer essentially said that it was done away with because there was no need to pray after the mass, as the mass was the highest holy prayer that we as Catholics pray, and to follow the mass with another prayer was just not necessary. I’m not sure I agree with his response, as I kind of like reciting this after mass before I go out into the world.
Thank you, Father, for encouraging the prayer for the financial crisis amongst other things. We need it. Please, people should remember, that many very ordinary people are affected in the financial sectors, not just the greedy. We are all going to be affected, so we must pray now more than ever.
Father, I wonder whether there is something in the 1962 prayer books and rituales specifically for the financial crisis. Whilst I’m constantly surpised, I suspect not.
Amen, Father Z. Amen.
Father, my compliments to you. Priests like you should be the rule, not the exception, and things as they are you are certainly a blessed exception.
I noticed you’ve been saying special Masses. I think that’s great. I always unite everyone to your Masses and each Mass everywhere.
I’m with you, Father. At this time, I believe there is a sense of urgency we all need to pray for. At the moment–and not intending to create a rabbit hole–this coming election is more critical now than any of the past ones. If a certain candidate gets into Office, guaranteed it will not be business as usual and we carry on the next day as “oh well. Better luck next time.” Life will be greatly affected by this candidate especially for the unborn.
Any true Catholic who is spiritually aware knows that what affects the life and death of unborn children does affect the life of the living. The great Mercy of God also demands Justice. The Psalms say God heals as he chastens. Think of the chastisement needed to bring about the healing from all the abortions.
How self-centered are people not to see that abortion is an UNJUST, SELFISH act. Murderous act!
I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling like something is off, and not just the economic stuff.
Here is the Eastern Orthodox Prayer to Your Guardian Angel, in a translation by Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, Massachusetts:
O holy Angel, attendant of my wretched soul and of mine afflicted life, forsake me not, a sinner, neither depart from me for mine inconsistency. Give no place to the evil demon to subdue me with the oppression of this mortal body; but take me by my wretched and outstretched hand, and lead me in the way of salvation. Yea, O holy Angel of God, the guardian and protector of my hapless soul and body, forgive me all things whatsoever wherewith I have troubled thee, all the days of my life, and if I have sinned in anything this day. Shelter me in this present night, and keep me from every affront of the enemy, lest I anger God by any sin; and intercede with the Lord in my behalf, that He might strengthen me in the fear of Him, and make me a worthy servant of His goodness. Amen.
The prayer to St. Michael is especially appropriate as we need a protector to intervene at this crucial point in the history of the United States. The current financial crisis is but one of many indicators of how the “it’s all about me” mentality has replaced the Christian model of living. We are on the brink of an election which will allow either the chance to step back and re-group as a Christian nation or will forever embark us on a path to further decay. The left wing has substituted themselves and their power for God. Indeed, if they are successful those who are Christians may well be persecuted in the very nation founded in order to avoid religious persecution. Prayers said, and will continue to be said.
Folks: I am just getting a confluence of seemingly separate events.
For example, I know a couple Catholic sites under serious attacks, almost demonic in nature. The market is crashing in the USA on the 1st anniversary of its peak in the USA, but globally things are not good at all. Today was Yom Kippur, interestingly, the peak after the Jewish new year. There is talk of need for a global bank of some sort. The election in the USA is of great importance. One candidate in the US elections has spoken of civilian domestic security forces. General panic is setting in in the USA over lack of credit and fear of total lock up. We are pretty close to bank runs and the collapse of industries if things keep going the way they are going, leading to serious times.
I am not one for suspicion and conspiracy theories, but some people I know are pretty worried.
This is the sort of environment in which the Enemy of the soul can gain a claw-hold. I have a sense that many problems right now are partly due to increased attacks of the Enemy.
I am convinced that our spiritual acts and gestures can play a major role in this spiritual warfare. Our collaboration with our guardian angels, participation in the sacraments, offering the Sacrifice of the Mass properly, praying the Rosary… these could make a difference if we can get enough people doing them, along with some fasting and alms giving.
There may be something bad happening or not. But do not think we are not at war.
This is war, friends. But it is always war. Right now the war is a little hotter. We all hope it doesn’t get hotter.
So, I remind you to pray, fast, and give alms. Receive the sacraments regularly. Clear your spiritual slates and do your part. Each of you have a role which God planned for you before He made the cosmos. That role is also a spiritual role in the ongoing struggle as good soldiers in the Church Militant.
Let’s pray it in Latin.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio,
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis,
Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.
Reply to Tam: The prayers after every Low Mass, all of which we continue to say at our parish(FSSP) were instituted by Pope Pius XI for the conversion of Russia. It seems that the Pope didn’t think it was superfluous but advantageous to say these prayers after Mass. I guess if you believe that Russia has been converted then it follows that they need not be said. Although there is still the rest of the world, right? First we say the “Hail Mary” three times, then the “Hail Holy Queen,” as a congregation. The celebrant then says, “O God, our refuge and our strength, look down with favor upon Thy people who cry unto Thee; and through the intercession of the glorious and immaculate virgin Mary, Mother of God, of her spouse, blessed Joseph, of Thy holy apostles, Peter and Paul, and all the saints, mercifully and graciously hear the prayers which we pour forth to Thee for the conversion of sinners and for the liberty and exaltation of holy mother Church. Through the same Christ our Lord.” We respond, “Amen.” Then we say the prayer to St. Michael. The original prayer is much longer. Following is the response to “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Have mercy on us), three times. I don’t think that Pope Pius XI is at all out of date.
Speaking of fasting, Father, could you give some advise on how to go about doing this? I am a cradle Catholic who fell away from the Church in high school and came back three and a half years ago, just before I found out my wife was pregnant with our first child. I took this as a sign from God that I was on the right path and he would entrust me with a soul to nurture here on earth (my wife, according to doctors, was not supposed to be able to get pregnant). Now I have two sons and my wife and I just started trying for our third. Anyways, that’s probably more information than you needed to know. My point is, I was never really taught much about fasting and don’t know if there’s a proper way to go about doing it, but I feel it is a good time to learn. I am worried along with you. Thank you for all that you do. When I first came back to the Church I knew I was searching for more than I had learned growing up in CCD class. When I found your site earlier this year I knew I had found a portal into the world I was looking for. Thank you so much. Now I check your blog several times a day. One last note, a few weeks ago you mentioned that you were thinking of changing the focus of the blog; how about a weekly or monthly article teaching the Catechism from a traditionalist’s point of view? That’s just my two cents. Thanks again.
Mark: I don’t think we need to over analyze this. Give something up. Be a bit hungry once in a while and say “no” to yourself. Be aware especially when you are shopping: put something back on the shelf and put the same money aside to give as alms somewhere. Or give something of what you would normally have to another. St. Pope Leo the Great talks about the fast times in the liturgical year as being moments in which you take from what you usually have, what you need, and you refrain from consuming it, and give it to the poor instead.
Also, I think you can fast from things, not just food.
Do your best. Let God handle the rest.
Don’t take this the wrong way; I’m as soft and squeamish about suffering as anyone. At the same time, I’d be more worried if we were *not* chastised, “for whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth.” (Hebrews 12:6) The alternative is to be abandoned to our sins, as the Amorites were (to a large extent, although the example of Rahab shows that repentance was still possible). To me one of the most chilling verses of Scripture is Genesis 15:16, “But in the fourth generation they shall return hither: for as yet the iniquities of the Amorrhites are not at the full until this present time.”
Father, thank you for your quick response. Just please don’t ask me to fast from this blog. :)
Done, Fr. Z.
*”Our collaboration with our guardian angels”*
How can we do this? I know very little about devotions and favors associated with our Guardian Angels (aside from the “Angel of God” prayer) and would very much like to learn more about these spirits who are so watchful over us. Thanks!
Daniel K.
Why is it getting so hot in here, and why am I in this handbasket?
This creeps me out. I’ve been getting bad vibes for the past few months and know of other Catholic bloggers who feel the same way. Any nitwit can start having feelings of doom & gloom but when a man of the cloth admits to them it’s time to sit up and pay attention.
Just the opinion of a retired turd chaser.
Picked up from Fr. Loren Gonzalez’s blog, below are the Leonine Prayers, prescribed by Pope Leo XIII. Pius XI “converted” them into the prayers for the conversion of Russia, and Bl. John XXIII discontinued them (I have not read why but I suspect it had to do with his Ostpolitik). I would think their original and literal meaning is plain enough and certainly timely, so try to say them silently after daily Mass:
V. Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. (3x)
V. Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
V. Let us pray.
O God, our Refuge and our Strength, look down with favor upon Thy people who cry to Thee: and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St. Joseph her Spouse, of Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, mercifully and graciously hear the prayers we pour forth for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle: be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
R. Amen.
V. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
R. Have mercy on us. (3x)
This was sent to me I’m not sure the original source, I’ve found a couple sites that claim it is from Pope Leo XIII’s Original Prayer to St. Michael:
“O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.
“Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.
“These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be.
“Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.
V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered the root of David.
V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
R. As we have hoped in Thee.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
I was given a shorter version when I was first certified as a command post controller, and said it many times, during many a crisis or operation. A group of us prayed this the night the Gulf War began in 1991, and I lead another group in this prayer on September 11, 2001. My family has prayed this many times since.
Done. I find myself saying the Saint Michael prayer frequently as I reed my RSS feeds.
I’m an American living in suburban Sydney, Australia, and my absentee ballot arrived yesterday. There are supposed to be 6.6 million of us living overseas, so please vote in this crucial election.
Here’s how:
My bad! I should have mentioned that Pope Leo XIII was the one who originated the prayers. I also have the long form of the Prayer to St. Michael. There are those who take exception to the fact that it was shortened at all. I say the short form daily and often when I pass the statue of St. Michael that I have atop the armoire holding my computer. We really do need him badly. Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph with the Child Jesus have their place along with St. Michael. They watch over everything for me.
Someone above mentioned the abortion “reform bill” in the Victorian Parliament (Australia). It has been passed. Open slather abortion will become the law. And more: Catholic hospitals will be required to refer women on to abortionists when they refuse to carry out abortions and will be compelled to carry them out in “emergencies”. Archbishop Hart of Melbourne has been standing firm, saying Catholic hospitals have no intention of obeying the law, when finally enacted. The attacks launched against him have been vile.
It seems America is about to elect as president a man who has never achieved anything, is a shameless pathological liar, a friend of and panderer to vile extremists, a nihilistic coward who voted to allow babies to die in rubbish bins (three times), who is not in any meaningful way a Christian (nor even an honourable pagan) and whose career began in the living room of a terrorist. I think about that, as an America-phile of long standing, and what it means. On 4 November, a country that has always revered the “log cabin” dimension of presidential biography will – if polls are to be believed – elect a hustler who got his start in politics in the home of a malevolent evil-doer. And it will reject a candidate who, though flawed, has lost more skin for his country than any other and a woman who has been subjected to the worst assault of putrid calumnies I’ve ever seen in politics – mostly because she’s pro-life. Worse than the sub-prime crisis is the Sovietisation of the American media. They now constitute an arm of the Obama movement. In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, this is sad and disturbing.
Thanks for this post. I think most of us are in denial. Sometimes I have the sense that “reality TV” has become our “reality.” Thank you for your blog and for educating and leading us in prayer. It is nice to stumble upon straight-talking common sense in the church and in the world.
Perhaps whatever happens will make us better. We seem to be a nation that has kind of lost our way. We pray.
Prayers said.
…and today in Victoria Australia Abortion was made legal.
I think we need the long version…Thank you Sandra.
Father Z,
For years I have wondered how Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, and other blesseds/saints, spoke about a serious revolution in Italy, France and England that would be a chastisement from God (this is echoed in part in Garabandal when Conchita spoke of a terrible crisis against the Church and civil unrest).
I have never been able to see a scenario where people would take to the streets that seriously. Now with the way things are going with the global economy, it could happen.
Worrying times indeed but even should things ever get that bad… Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry!
My children and I are praying the Rosary daily for the conversion (ahem) of Catholic politicians in Washington who are pro abortion.
Unfortunately, I grew up in the 70’s, and never knew the St. Michael prayer until a couple of years ago. I don’t think of him or pray to him as I should. I WISH we could pray the St. Michael prayer after Mass. Thanks for the reminder, Fr. Z.
I, too am worried. I fear that our country has forgotten what God did for us in 1776.
Tam: I know the article you are talking about. You are correct, in my humble opinion, to be suspicious of the opinion offered. I welcome you to visit St. Boniface Church (right off the East St. exit of 279) for Low Mass on Sundays at 8 AM. Immediately after the Last Gospel, the priest leads us in the great prayer to St. Michael and all of the other post-Mass prayers which absolutely ARE still appropriate AND necessary. God bless.
We pray to St Michael after every Mass, despite the instant chattering that occurs after the last note of the recessional.
If you’re head of the house, do it–drop to your knees as a family and say the prayer, perhaps those around you will take notice and join you! You are responsible for your family’s spiritual health, no one else.
With respect to our country, God may indeed be prepping us for the Depression of 2009…get those mattresses ready!
The prayer to St. Michael is most appropriate, perhaps now as never before. The battle has not yet reached its height.
I can only recommend to those who haven’t already to read John Henry Newman’s Advent sermons on the Antichrist from when he was still an Anglo-Catholic:
First Sermon
Second Sermon
Third Sermon
Fourth Sermon
Fr. Z, I have shared this premonition for months. I, too, remember the Prayer to St. Michael and frequently say it in time of temptation. It was part of the prayers for conversion of Russia recited at the foot of the altar after the Last Gospel. One of our losses over the past 40 years has been an the understanding that the cosmic forces of good and evil are continually at war, and that we each play a role in this struggle with evil. This loss accounts for toleration of abortion and other evils by baptized Catholics.
Here is another prayer I frequently say:
“O Lord, who at all times and at every hour in heaven and on earth are worshipped and glorified, O Christ our God, most patient, most merciful, most compassionate. Who love the righteous and show mercy on sinners, Who call all to repentance and salvation through the promise of good things to come: Receive, O Lord, our prayers at this hour, and direct our lives according to Your commandments. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our minds, deliver us from all distress, evil and sorrow. Surround us with Your holy angels, that guided and guarded by their host, we may attain to the unity of the faith, and the full knowledge of Your unapproachable glory, for You are blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.” (From the Royal Hours on Great and Holy Friday.)
find the closest 40 days for life location to you, go and get involved.
There does seem to be something going through Catholic circles at the moment. Last night, I finished my work early and instead of watching a movie or reading a book I decided to pick up my Rosary and pray it, in Latin :), together with the Litany of St Joseph and the prayer to St Joseph prescribed by Pope Leo XIII (1962 Missal). Next thing I do is go over to WDTPRS, only to find Fr Z’s appeal!
“To Thee, O blessed Joseph, we fly in our tribulation and after imploring the help of thy holy Spouse, with confidence we ask also for thy interecession. By the affection which united thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the paternal love with which thou didst embrace the Child Jesus, we beseech thee to look kindly upon the inheritance which Jesus Christ acquired by His precious blood, and with thy powerful aid to help us in our needs.
Protect, most careful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen people of Jesus Christ. Keep us, loving father, from all pestilence of error and corruption. From thy place in heaven be thou mercifully with us, most powerful protector, in this warfare with the powers of darkness; and, as thou didst once rescue the Child Jesus from imminent danger of death, so now defend the holy Church of God from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Guard each of us by thy constant patronage, so that, sustained by thy example and help, we may live a holy life, die a holy death, and obtain the everlasting happiness of heaven. Amen.”
Dear Fr Z – indeed, I have felt for a long time that “something” is coming… It can be no “coincidence” that as we have a Holy Father imploring tradition and a return to old faithful customs and thinking, that the heavens are portending something ominous…
However, let us not get too carried away – “Watch ye therefore, (for you know not when the lord of the house cometh: at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning,)” Mark 13:35 we must not fall into the trap of the forsayers but rather gird ourselves to be ever watchful and prepared as we have always been bid… for these times are no more or less dangerous than the world has been through since Christ was among us, the Early Church too thought they were in the “end times”…
Let us hold fast to the knowledge that the Great Battle is already won – what we should focus on meantime is OUR salvation, the salvation of our individual souls. We must not rely on the efficacy or not of “General Confession” but seek out our priests and make our personal confession. We should live our lives as per the Gospel and actively seek to bring others to do the same, that their and our “souls desire” may be fulfilled and the Great Commission also.
The “end of days” may be upon us… or they may not… they are always with us for we never know when our passing shall be, either individually or corporately. But we should always be prepared!
I commend the prayer to the holy Archangel St Michael to us all as a prayer to be recited privately if not publicly after hearing any Mass (EF or OF), upon rising and before going to our beds. We should always be vigilant as our Guardian Angels are vigilant for the “snares of the devil” and seek always to keep ourselves focused on the purpose of our earthly “exile” that we may indeed return home to the place that has been “prepared for us”.
Hope and trust in God.
Prayer said. And me to the list of those who pray the Prayer of Saint Michael after mass…
What a wealth of strong prayers this thread has gathered!
I don\’t usually come on here until later in the day, but for some reason this morning I did. I\’ve printed them off for regular use, and will take them to Adoration this afternoon–God willing, if my car gets back from its necessary visit to the service centre in time.
A Dominican priest friend who taught me years ago passed on the following, below. I then sent it to our parish secretary who sent it out to all parishioners. She did this on her own due to the fact that all efforts to speak the truth about this election’s choices were thwarted by the bishop and then, due to fear, most pastors. God bless her. We now have to act individually, through prayer, since we’re fighting powers and principalities, a one world government, chaos to be “settled” by some one world type leader (anti-Christ). Mr. Obama just stated that we must find a “global solution” to a “global problem” and he is now repeating this message over and over to crowds. We have to pray so that we, individually, can stand for our Faith and our love for Christ through even a call for martyrdom or an underground practice of faith that very well may be in our futures. And we can always ameliorate the consequences of God’s justice which has begun for our sake due to His mercy, through prayer, fasting, trust, confession.
This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced,
and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren’t voting Christian values.
We all need to be on our knees.
Do you believe we can take God at His word?
Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders unfold.
This scripture gives us, as Christians,
ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it.
I challenge you to do that.
We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land.
2 Chronicles 7:14. ‘If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land’
During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill,
who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night
at a prescribed hour for one minute, to collectively pray for the safety of England ,
its people and peace. This had an amazing effect, as bombing stopped.
There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America .
The United States of America , and our citizens, need prayer more than ever!!!
If you would like to participate, each evening at 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time
(8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you’re doing,
and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States,
our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, the upcoming election,
that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws governing our land,
and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.
If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.
Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power
we have available through prayer, we might be speechless.
Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
God Bless You!!!
People need to keep the financial crisis in context. I have my own theory I will advance here. For the past 25 to 30 years people of all stripes (not just Wall Streeters) have put a great deal of “faith” in the stock market. It had become sort of an idol which could solve all monetary problems. And the run-up in the stock market beginning in 1983 has been nothing short of astounding. Created a lot of wealth for a great number of people. It has become the golden calf so to speak. Well, live by the sword…die by the sword. I believe the Good Lord is letting people’s greed take its course. Not to punish them…but to encourage them to return to Him once they hit rock bottom. The Lord doesn’t have too many options left to help people snared in the trap of materialism realize that He is the one true source of all good. Not the stock market. Not material goods. Just my own theory.
St.Paul to the Romans1:18-28
Methinks these verses from St Paul to the Romans are very apt for today: They fit in with the anti-God Culture of most of the Westen World. I pray, read them.
Paul F.X.
Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Chapter 1 vv. 18-32. I pray read these verses. They appear to me very apt for what is now (and has been for a long time) to the anti-God Culture of most of the Western
Paul F.X
Throughout history, faith and observance have gained new adherents and awakened old ones in time of peril. Perhaps some souls will be saved, including mine, as a result of our current mess. If this is the case it is not all in vain.
Yes, I am participating in the 40 days of prayer and fasting. Yes, I think there is a global unfolding of events. Yes, I think the evil is growing and growing–I feel like some must have felt in Germany in the 1930s. But even with all this–I think of St. Padre Pio: PRAY, HOPE AND DON’T WORRY!
We have had years to prepare our souls. Whatever happens, God will be with us. The opportunity to be saints is always there too.
Ave Maria!
Amen, Father and everyone else. THe prayer to St. Michael is on my fridge, and I say it at least once a day, both for protection from personal attacks and the safekeeping of family and friends. I too have felt for some time that “something’s gotta give”, and it looks to me as if it’s happening. We all need to pray the Rosary, get to Confession/Mass/Holy Communion as often as possible. I guess in military parlance, that would be rolling out the heavy artillery. May God and His holy angels (esp. St. Mike) protect us all!
Diane wrote:
“…God gave us the ability to just buy, buy, and buy, putting things on plastic and taking it all for granted. All the while, Pope Benedict has talked about the problems with materialism, consumerism, and similar…”
I believe this is true also. I define it ultimately as class envy. Others “have it” so the “don’t haves” want it also. On top of that, no one is willing to work for it. They want it now and want it instantly. To achieve that, as Diane said, pull out the plastic!!
Add to this, society’s obsession with celebrities and the “rich and famous.” Because they get millions for seemingly doing very little and getting their faces hyped up everywhere, everyone else wants that also. How deep vanity runs in people.
This also I believe why abortion is so rampant and the birthrate diminished. These women, and their “men” add to it also, don’t want any interruption in their pursuit of vanity. Them them them. Only them. God forbid a child should happen to show up. This is why abortion on demand is so deep-seated with people in this country and the rest of the Western world ( the essence which gave civilized living to the rest of the world is in the throes of killing itself off. ) Achievement is a good thing, but its end is what betters others, lifts them up, NOT the veinglorious asides which may come with it, and this is the obsessive focus of the majority. This is why no one has time for God, and I believe this is why a greater catastrophe is looming.
In union with the Sacraments, only prayer, **penance**, fasting and alms-giving ( which also means time and effort for others, not just giving things ) will effect change.
God bless us all and our USA.
Santos Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael, ruegan por nosotros.
Actually, I have found Saint Raphael the Archangel to be a wonderful intercessor (not that every saint & angel is not a great intercessor). Raphael means “God’s healer.” We need God’s healing, for sure.
We are due for a chastisement for sure. God is taking away the god of greed/money with the economy and stock market situation, and we are due for something serious with the continued abortions, and now legalization of homosexual behavior spreading rapidly. At Sodom and Gomorrah, God had to do the fire-balling. Now we have the technology to do it ourselves. The media is full of lust and violence inciting garbage. As Our Lady of Good Success (Quito) said, there will be almost no innocent souls. Just look at the Bible Book of Judges when Israel got unfaithful for a generation. Just think how different the world was only 50 years ago morally. Prayer and penance are most definitely needed. We are at the precipice. Praying the St. Michael prayers at least twice a day helps, but of course so does the Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration.
I do attend the Latin Mass at St. Boniface. I love it, but prefer the High Mass.
Along with what has already been mentioned, please pray the Rosary daily as Our Lady requested at Fatima (for her intentions), especially as a family. Also the Divine Mercy Chaplet (especially at 3pm, the Hour of Divine Mercy). Pray the Office, at least Morning, Evening and Night Prayer if you can.
Meditate on Holy Scripture. Read lives of the Saints. Wear the Brown Scapular and the Miraculous Medal as well as the St. Benedict Medal. Form prayer groups. Thank you for your contributions. I got a lot out of reading them. In JMJ, S.