First, I get lots of e-mail. As a result I have a pretty high portcullis.
Lot’s of innocent e-mail gets pulled into my spam filters.
However, I am also having problems with my spam filter. I am trying to use a program called Cloudmark, but I think it is more trouble than it is worth with my e-mail client, which is Outlook.
Yes… I know about Thunderbird, folks, and others.
If you write:
1) Make sure the title has a subject. If it doesn’t I will delete your mail unopened.
2) Write once.
3) Don’t expect a direct answer, if any.
4) If you write it to me, it is mine. I try to be careful with posting things people send, but… it is mine.
5) I try to read or at least look at the mail I get. But don’t expect me to read long rambling narratives which I must study before I find the point.
6) Short is good.
7) If you have information you want me to consider posting, then make it usable. If I have to rewrite or figure out the who, what, where, when, why, how, etc., I probably won’t do it.
8) Just because you send it, doesn’t mean I’ll post it. I also have things to do in my other life.
9) If you send photos, attach them, don’t embed them.
10) When yours is one of about 700 I get per day, don’t assume I will remember the one you sent last week.
Just a few points.