Juventutem meetings in February and May

From e-mail, I learn that the young people’s group Iuventutem will have some meetings in the near future.

Meeting in Bern, Switzerland: 20-22 February 2009. Every group is cordially invited to contact the Bureau and send at least one delegate. Like last year, the purpose is the diversity of representatives rather than the actual number of members attending. Please do your best to support this event which is an important opportunity for the Juventutem International Federation to update and grow stronger. Of course we do not expect many members outside Europe to be able to travel to Bern, but please pray for us and with us during this important meeting. Contact: Juventutem, Kirchbergerstrasse 42, CH-3008, Bern, Switzerland; Tel./fax: +41 31 371 29 20. Email Cosimo Marti at : codama[at]bluewin.ch.

Juventutem in Chartres: 30 May-1st June 2009. A Juventutem Chapter is to attend again the great Traditional pilgrimage from Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris to Notre-Dame cathedral in Chartres: on Whit week-end 2009. Come and join the Juventutem young adults, one group among 8.000 young Catholic walking the 70-mile pilgrimage across the beautiful French countryside! Contact: email Gregory Flash, at: flash[at]gregory-f.com. For your information: www.nd-chretiente.com http://www.nd-chretiente.com.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mark M says:

    Though, Father, I’d hardly call Chartres a “meeting”!

    Rather, it’s a quite amazing 75-mile pilgrimage from Notre-Dame de Paris to Notre-Dame de Chartres, taking place over three days. I would dearly like to go one of these days! :D

    Also, a wee plug, if I may: if there are any young folk in Scotland reading this, they might like to descend upon the blog “Juventutem Scotland“, and use it to get in touch. We are trying to breathe life into our small Chapter here, and would like to try and get some folk to Chartres!

    God bless,

  2. Ben Trovato says:

    I would certainly back the recommendation to go on the Chartres pilgrimage. I’ve been twice, and three of my kids have been, some of them more often than me. Always a fantastic spiritual experience: and particularly valuable for younger adults and kids to see thousands of others who take their Faith seriously – and joyously!

  3. Mark M says:

    I would love to, Ben, though I am a bit worried about my feet! :-o

  4. Edward C. says:

    I’ll be counting my pennies hoping and praying that come summer I’ll be counting my blisters!

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