What’s sauce for the goose-step…

I am reading stories that "the Vatican" has "rejected" Williamson’s recently issued apology.

Fr. Lombardi said:

…Williamson’s statement "does not seem to respect the conditions" set forth by the Vatican on February 4, when it ordered Williamson to "in an absolutely unequivocal and public way distance himself from his positions" regarding the Holocaust.

I don’t think that any apology SSPX Bp. Williamson may issue about his views on the Holocaust will ever be enough for certain groups, both of Jews and within the Church.  They may have crafted this in such a way that they know he will not do it.

But whatever else may happen with Bp. Williamson, will unambiguous apologies be required now from the more avid pro-abortion Catholic politicians?

If there are concerns that someone would deny that 6 million Jews were killed in WWII, and apologies are demanded from such a person, is there going to be equal concern over those who promote or participate in a far more extensive killing of the innocent?

Will Catholic pro-abortion politicians be required to issue apologies, as unambiguous as that which they require from Williamson… heck any apology at all…. for voting for abortion rights?

I’m just askin’

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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