Got (good) news?

As we go into the stretch of the Octave of Easter, what is your good news?

Have any?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Banjo pickin' girl says:

    I lost 4 1/2 pounds during Lent. Will continue the program now.

    I got a real consolation at Mass on Palm Sunday about my health and everything. I missed Easter Mass but was able to go to church on Thursday and Good Friday.

  2. Ella says:

    My good news: as of Easter Vigil, I’m now Catholic :-)

    Also, my dentist fixed my broken tooth even better than it was when I was born…pretty exciting to me.

  3. Allan says:

    I was waiting for you to ask! My MRI showed some surgical complications, and reduced liver function, but nothing life threatening. The important part is this: no more tumours seen anywhere! And my last chemo session is tomorrow!

    Looks like I might just have beat this thing (thing=pancreatic cancer).

    Now THAT’S good news!

  4. paternoster says:

    I was appointed a pastor. My first pastorate, please pray for me.

  5. samba says:

    My wife joined the church.

  6. Well, we have a “Smiling Irishman” as the new Archbishop of New York who was installed on one day and the very next day, one of his flock, the catholic(sic) Governor of New York, introduced a bill calling for degenerates to be allowed to be “married”. I truly cannot imagine what could possibly be done which would get our hierarchy angry. We have had priests and Catholic laymen abusing boys . We have had priests (Fr. Drinan) and lay (the Kennedys as one example) who are pro abortion. Why is anyone smiling?

  7. ignatiangroupie says:

    My mother went to mass Easter Sunday for the first time in 45 years and plans on going back this Sunday. Next stop is trying to get her to confession.

  8. Bryan says:

    Post-hospitalization check and x-rays showed no lingering (that they could see) effects of my collapsed lung episode from last week.

    Stitches out in an hour.

    Jesus was good to me in inviting me to suffer with him during Holy Week. I even have the wound in my side to prove it…:) Received, in hospital, the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, and of the Sick. Was able to approach the Easter Vigil with as renewed a soul as possible to fully participate in the unmerited gifts of His Grace at that most special celebration.

  9. Cathguy says:

    Grateful for my health and for my family.

    Grateful to Christ for all he did for me.

    So far so good on my job for next year.

    My buddy who lost his job got a new one in the same company and got to keep his salary and benefits.

    Especially grateful for that poster with his news about the cancer. That is wonderful! God bless!!!!

  10. ChristopherY says:

    My mother has finsihed radiation treatment for breast cancer and my father in law just had quintuple bypass and they are both feeling great.

  11. Nancy McClintock says:

    Fr. Robert Parent, the only TLM chaplain in the State of Maine, has recovered
    and celebrated two Masses on Easter Sunday. And Fr. Z will not have to act on
    his impulse to get on a plane to help. God bless you, Father, for your kind

    Thank you all who prayed for Fr. Parent.

  12. Dean Herrick says:

    My oldest son and his wife of 14 years, married civilly and for the most part civilly married :-) have agreed to be wed in the Church!

  13. Old Sage says:

    Attending services during the Tridium in the Old Rite.

  14. My daughter was confirmed last night.

  15. Andrew, UK and sometimes Canada says:

    Toronto, Canada: 21 degrees Celsius. Warmest day of the year so far and sunny!

  16. I have been accepted to the Postulancy at St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, AL (near Mother Angelica’s Shrine).
    (Sorry, I do not know how to make this into a link….)

    I am in need of financial support to help pay academic debts. If anyone would like to help, please E-mail or call me! (Contact information in above link)

    -Kevin Symonds

  17. TNCath says:

    My biopsies turned out negative! Deo gratias!

  18. Suzanne says:

    I have a wonderful, loving husband and five well behaved, discplined, loving children on this earth and three children in the care of our Lord! Alleluia, He is risen!

  19. mariadevotee says:

    I sponsored a man coming into the Church who has renounced his activity with same sex attraction and strives to lead a life in conformity with the teachings of the Church.

  20. Woody Jones says:

    As I hinted at yesterday, background “chatter” is increasing significantly with respect to the reunion of traditional Anglicans with the Holy See. The Holy Father is said to want this to happen and the “last few” details are supposedly being worked out now. So we may well see something very significant in this area sooner rather than later. Or so, at least, is my hope.

  21. canon1753 says:

    I’m getting my snow tires taken off my car. (I did this last year in June).

  22. Liberal social workers masquerading as nuns are under investigation.

  23. Anthony says:

    Christ is Risen! He is truly risen!

    Next week the bishop will Confirm 77 children, teens, and adults, with 60 of those children and teens receiving their first Holy Communion at the same Mass!

  24. Joanne says:

    We’d probably convince more people that our opposition to same sex marriage is not rooted in antipathy for gays and lesbians as human beings if we showed a bit of charity for people with same sex attraction.

    Good news: I recently heard that a certain couple is going to have their child baptized, when there was some talk of it not happening. The mother is not Catholic and the husband is sort of Catholic in name only, but they are baptizing their daughter anyways.

  25. Joanne says:

    introduced a bill calling for degenerates to be allowed to be “married”

    This was copied in my post above, not sure why it didn’t come out in the thread!

  26. anjaa says:

    I just bought my very first appartment and I am mighty proud I did it all by myself (with help from the Lord ofcourse) :)

  27. therecusant says:

    My brother-in-law (the husband of my wife’s sister) was received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. This follows his wife’s conversion two years ago. Please pray that this year is my wife’s turn!

  28. msproule says:

    In our family we will have a Baptism and a first Holy Communion this weekend!

  29. Judy says:

    This week, our ten-month-old daughter slept through the night for the first time. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  30. Miseno says:

    3 weeks to go until my 3rd year of Theology in the Seminary is completed. Deo Gratias.

  31. Kevin says:

    My return to full communion with the Church is progressing well.
    Thanks be to God.

  32. Precentrix says:

    Best news of all?

    Christos Anesti!

    Another friend received into the Church, as likewise a friend\’s Dad.

    Have been able to contact people I haven\’t seen in years.

    The altar cloths are finally resembling an ironed state – Fathers, never, ever tumble-dry your altar linen!

    And I may, just possibly, have figured out what is going on with my life. Prayers gratefully accepted for discerning the Lord\’s will in that!

    Julie Michelle

  33. JC says:

    I was contacted this week by a Byzantine priest who is studying law at USC and wants to start a Byzantine mission in Columbia!

  34. vera says:

    My husband got work today after 7 months with nothing. Thank you Our Lady, St Jude and St Gaetano, patron saint of the unemployed.

  35. Jason R says:

    I just got my plane tickets to go to the annual Notre-Dame de Chrétienté in France! I can’t wait!

  36. Precentrix says:


    Maybe see you there!

  37. Jeff Pinyan says:

    My book on the new English translation of the Mass (volume 1, the prayers of the people) is 90% done. I only have the Communion Rite and the Concluding Rite left. Then it’s a matter of getting approval to use the English and Latin texts. ICEL and the USCCB have been sending me in circles. :|

  38. alan says:

    Our good news is that we are finally getting the E-F in our parish, St. Joseph’s, in Jacksonville, Florida after a struggle lasting almost 19 months. It will be the only one in our diocese (St. Augustine) apart from the prior indult Church, Immaculate Conception. We plan to start on Pentecost Sunday. Our only problem is that we are finding it extremely difficult to obtain maniples, chalice veils, pall, burse, long altar cloths etc. We have vestments, 1962 Missale Romanum. Please post any suggestions as to sources of supplies. We have even telephoned several suppliers in India.

  39. I recently managed to obtain my own URL for
    the blog. This has helped traffic tremendously
    and has allowed me to get serious about my

    In other news, I managed to finally reconnect
    with a good friend who has been going through
    a tough time in her marriage. She sounded like
    things had calmed down.

    Glory to God for all things!

  40. DavidJ says:

    I just found out that my two daughters will enjoy the company of a little brother in around 20 weeks! We’ve known about the child, but now we know the gender!

  41. FutureNACSeminarian says:

    Classes end very soon.

    I was recently assigned to the North American College (to my great surprise).

    Please pray for me.

  42. JohnE says:

    Started my first hour of adoration this morning at our new perpetual adoration chapel.

  43. Fr Christopher says:

    I’m flying out from Manchester UK to San Diego to give my newphew his first holy communion.

    Sanctifying grace and sun!

  44. Catherine says:

    Four abortuaries have been served with “cease and desist” orders for practicing without a license in San Antonio. A fifth, where the 40 Days for Life program has been holding non-ending prayer vigils, is being investigated.

    AND….this made front-page headlines in the paper!

    Take that, Planned unParenthood!!!
    Thanks be to God.

  45. JL says:

    70 degrees in Boston!

  46. Maureen says:

    My broken arm is healing well and I don’t have to wear the cast all the time anymore. The local tea party was spirited and well-attended. I didn’t screech anything in Beethoven’s Alleluia Mount of Olives. I wrote a song this morning that wasn’t half bad. And I think I’ve finally grasped the melody to “Aurora Lucis Rutilant” — and that it sounds a lot like birds waking up. :)

  47. Bogna says:

    Good news? In 10 minutes I’m leaving to listen to High Mass, gregorian rite!!!

  48. mrsmontoya says:

    My 3 kids are on Easter vacation this week and we have had a wonderful time, without expending much energy, just enjoying hanging out. We’ll go back to our routines on Monday rested and happy.

    On top of that, I was able to watch Bishop Dolan’s installation and chat on z-chat with wonderful fellow Catholics.

    And Easter Vigil service at our church was lovely.

  49. Muscovite says:

    We were just told we would be getting a new pastor in July– and the only priest ordained in our diocese since Vatican II to say the old Mass! We are beyond excited! Ever since we were received into the Church six years ago, our family has been hoping for a reprieve from the liturgical disorientation and insanity.

  50. Joanne says:

    “Started my first hour of adoration this morning at our new perpetual adoration chapel.”

    Ooh, lucky you! May I ask where this is?

  51. Ruthanne says:

    I attended my first Easter Triduum services in 25 years and was positively giddy with joy by the end of Easter Vigil. Christ is risen, Alleluia!!

  52. Ricky Vines says:

    Bishop D’Arcy will join ND march for life this p.m. if his schedule lets up.

  53. Brian M says:

    God blest me with a great Triduum! ALLELUIA!

  54. MCH says:

    This is the twentieth anniversary year of my reception into the Catholic Church. Thanks be to God.

  55. magdalene says:

    Today praying at the abortion mill in the wet cold slush we got splashed on and honked at…and I was happy to do the extra penance for the conversion of hearts.

  56. Thursday says:

    I’ve turned in my application to seminary, interviews begin next week. I am one step closer to discerning God’s will more perfectly.

  57. Joamy says:

    The Red River is on its way down- Yippee!!! Thanks be to God. (And thank you St Joseph.)

  58. Larry says:

    It’s a boy. First one out of 6.

  59. Edward Martin says:

    My heart & mind has been in a dark place all week, but they are being illuminated by the love, hugs, and prayers of my wife.

  60. HD says:

    I attended Mass on Easter Tuesday, and though (or because) I did not present myself for the Eucharist, I began to feel a great weight being lifted and a purging of the remorse I’d been feeling. This led to my making amends and I’m preparing now for Confession. God through his sacrifice and sacraments is drawing me back to him.

  61. Charivari Rob says:

    My good news? Much to be thankful for!

    He is risen! He is risen indeed! Confession and absolution! Relatively better health of late for our parents after a challenging year. A roof over our heads and continued employment in tough times. A new pastor named for our parish, hopefully turning a page on some of the trials of the past few years. Friends and family to share both the joys and sorrows. The example of a friend who refuses to let tragedy, grief and anger draw him into violence. The graces of the Word and the Word made Flesh.

    Lent, in particular, brought many graces. Maybe more to say in a separate comment.

  62. Tom S. says:

    I attended Mass in the Extraordinary Form on Easter (only my second time as an adult). And a week later, I am still kind of overwhelmed by the experience. And my 6 year old daughter accompanied me and she want to go back too!

  63. Gloria says:

    I began a novena of prayers to the Miraculous Infant of Prague for one of my sons and his family, and for one of my grandsons and his family. Both were having extreme financial difficulties. Within two weeks the biggest problem for my grandson was solved, a decent place to live; and the other day my son called to tell me that their problem was resolved with even better results than they could have expected. I have promised to promote devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague. These problems were of long standing and not until I began the novena were the outcomes happy. I do believe in miracles.

  64. Mary B says:

    My daughter made honor roll for the 3 quarter at her tough Catholic high school

    Mary B

  65. Mark R says:

    I resumed regular confession during Lent and am hoping to continue…oh, and I lost eight pounds.

  66. Adrian Berch says:

    Some of my Catholic embroidery was shown on EWTN’s Life on the Rock last evening…very exciting!

  67. I celebrated my 20th Anniversary of Priesthood on Wednesday, April 15, 2009. I spent the day with Mom and Dad, whom I get to see only three times a year.

  68. Sara says:

    Saw Sandhill Cranes for the first time this past week (Utah)…last Saturday by the reservior and just a few days one flew right over my house!! Sorry Fr Z didn’t have my camera at the ready.. :(

    Also during Lent I was asked by my parish to bring the Precious Body to a homebound individual who was recovering from surgery..what a joy that was and she sure appreciated the visits.

  69. Jayna says:

    The photos a fellow parishioner and I took over the Triduum made it into a featured story on our parish in The Georgia Bulletin, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. And, one of the photos I took takes up the entire first page of the paper. I was excited when I saw it, to say the least.

  70. Joe Woodard says:

    My wife and I just spent most of the Easter Triduum at Santissima Trinita del Pelligrini, the FSSP parish in Rome, and it is definitely good news. There is apparently solid (if not universal) support in the curia and Roman chancery for liturgical reform.
    O7-07-07 — the beginning of the recovery of Christendom.

  71. Mario Mirarchi says:

    Maybe the “new atheism” is “jumping the shark”:

    Plus, some good pro-life news:

    Virginia’s Governor Tim Kaine signed two pro-life bills. One allows Chose Life license plates, the other prohibits the use of state funds for Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

    Also, Al Gore is helping fund research into Adult Stem Cell Research:

  72. Father Totton says:

    good news?

    On Easter Vigil we had 3 baptisms + 3 more receptions. The next day one girl made her First Holy Communion, Next week will see 20 more First Holy Communions and I have multiple infant baptisms lined up for the remainder of April and May. One wedding tomorrow and another in two weeks. Before the end of the school year, I hope to start training the boys in 3rd grade to serve ad altare Dei. There most be more, but those are the highlights for now.

  73. Teresa says:

    This week we learned that our pastor(FSSP) will be the celebrant
    for the Missa Cantata High Mass in the extraordinary form for Good Shepherd Sunday at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament (EWTN) We are so blessed!

  74. Father Totton says:

    How could 3 forget. The end of May, this parish will see its second son ordained (to the priesthood) within the year. Father will say his first Mass here the next day.

  75. Father Totton says:

    This is awkward, He is not “the second son” of the parish, but the second priestly ordination of a man from the parish in the last 12 months.

  76. Tantumergo says:

    I discovered the absolute best title for the Old Mass…

  77. a catechist says:

    A 1st class relic of St. Faustina was installed today by Bishop Walker Nickless in the Divine Mercy Chapel, Trinity Heights, in Sioux City, IA.

  78. Girgadis says:

    The good news is that we’re continuing to handle the not-so-good news with
    complete confidence and trust in God. I learned today that my 13 yr-old’s
    cardiac problems have been exacerbated by puberty and will require more medication
    and more frequent monitoring but not, thank God, surgery, at least not now
    This on the same day that my autistic son had to start wearing a very cumbersome
    back brace for a spinal deformity that was just diagnosed. And, this is in addition
    to the 13-yr-old also needing a back brace to hopefully correct her scoliosis. Am I complaining?
    Not on your life. The hospital where both kids are treated is brimming with
    families facing much tougher problems and with astounding grace and courage.
    When the grandparents start freaking out about all of this, I remind them that
    someone always has it worse and we actually don’t have it all that bad.

  79. Fr. A says:

    Susan Boyle, a devout Catholic from Blackburn, West Lothian, Scotland is good news. The youngest of nine children, her now famous rendition of _I Dream a Dream_ has taken the world by storm. She is good news.

  80. Argent says:

    Two friends were confirmed by the Bishop in the Extraordinary Form last night. The Devil worked very hard to block them up to the last minute. But they persisted and God prevailed. Praise be Jesus and thanks to guardian angels.

  81. RosieC says:


    I wonder if we were in the same small NC town last night. My son was also Confirmed, by the Bishop, in the Extraordinary Form.

    It was the answer to a lot of prayers, to have the Bishop actually come to our tiny little parish like that, and to have a liturgy that was so reverent.

    We had a litany for vocations during Exposition and it was so appropriate. This group has been mostly boys since their class first formed in the first grade. I know for a fact that one has been thinking about the priesthood and I suspect some of the others are, too.

  82. Jayna says:

    And I forgot to add some really great news. Word has it that my pastor is planning to put up a crucifix in the sanctuary (and he wants a really big one to hang from the ceiling above the altar). There is some very vehement opposition to it from the staff, but I think the parishioners at large will appreciate it.

  83. Jimbo Gumbo says:

    I’m on the road and can still read WDTPRS again! What a blessing!

  84. Athanasius says:

    Here in Coeur D’Alene Idaho, our FSSP chapel, St. Joan of Arc, has progressed immensely since we moved into it last August. I will send some pictures shortly. We’ve grown to over 400 in a short space of time and had to add a third Mass on Sunday. I’ll send some pictures shortly.

  85. Mary Rose says:

    Last Easter Sunday, after waiting for one year for the declaration of nullity regarding my husband’s previous marriage (I had married outside the Catholic church and at the time, never imagined I’d come back…) our marriage was finally convalidated and I was allowed to receive the Holy Eucharist again. It was amazing. I sobbed like a baby. During that year of waiting, the Holy Spirit showed me that yes, the Eucharist is indeed the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not a “symbol.”

    Words cannot express my joy.

  86. Nan says:

    I was Confirmed on Apr. 2, the 4th anniversary of Pope John Paul II\’s death.

    Father Totton, it made sense to me the first time and is wonderful imagery to think of the priests as sons of the parish.

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