Happy Birthday Card. Mayer: 98

Please in your charity today pray for His Eminence Paul Augustine Card. Mayer, OSB.

It is his birthday today: 98 years old, making him the oldest Cardinal.

He was the first President of Pont. Comm. "Ecclesia Dei".

His Eminence has been a priest for 73 years and a bishop for 37 years.  He was an abbot and an expert at the Second Vatican Council where he helped to write the documents on priesthood, Optatam totius and Presbyterorum Ordinis.

Card. Mayer ordained me a deacon at the Basilica of San Nicola in Carcere, in Rome, in June of 1990 on the Feast of the Sacred Heart.  I worked under him at the Pontifical Commission.  He is a dear friend and mentor.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. We are praying for him.

  2. Andrew, medievalist says:

    Wow. According to Wikipedia, he was ordained 25 August 1935!

    May God grant him many happy years. May God give health, years, and grace to a most devoted servant.

    Would that we all be so blessed to serve Him thus.

  3. Mark M says:

    God bless him! Ad multos annos!

  4. ad multos annos !

  5. This reminds me of another priest I know: Fr. Vladimir Kozina who first celebrated the Latin Mass in California after Vatican II. He’s been a priest for a long time too, and I know how you probably feel about Cardinal Mayer. I sincerely hope they may both have several more years serving the Holy Mother Church.

  6. Mario Mirarchi says:

    Cardinal Mayer was the first Cardinal I ever met. The second was Joseph Ratzinger, who was standing next to him. Cardinal Mayer kindly loaned me his pen so I could get then Cardinal Ratzinger’s autograph.

  7. Jayna says:

    Wow, 73 years as a priest. That’s gotta be come kind of record in this day and age. Happy Birthday, indeed.

  8. Tim says:

    Ad multos annos!

  9. TNCath says:

    He looks like a very kind, warmhearted man. Not long ago I ran across an interview Fr. Z. conducted with him several years ago. He sounds like he has been a longtime warrior for the authentic implementation of the fruits of the Second Vatican Council, especially regarding the liturgy. Ad multos et gloriousque annos!

  10. TNCath says:

    Correction: Ad multos gloriousque annos!

  11. Limbo says:

    God continue to bless this great good man !

  12. kmerian says:

    Happy Birthday to His Emminence

  13. Hidden One says:

    Ad multos gloriousque annos!

    I suspect that I shan’t meet him until Heaven, if I manage to get there, but I’d certainly like to before then!

  14. God grant him many years in health and happiness!

  15. Ottaviani says:

    Congratulations to the Cardinal – I am glad he lived to see Summorum Pontificum

  16. irishgirl says:

    Happy birthday to His Eminence!

    Was he ordained in Germany, or Italy?

    Mario-how cool that must have been, to meet both Cardinal Mayer and Cardinal Ratzinger at the same time!

    I too am glad that he has lived to see Summorum Pontificium!

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