Successful attacks by the enemy

A reader has sent me a photo taken clandestinely.

This may explain how the enemy maintains that sustained attack on the bird feeders.

This may even explain why I had no coffee beans this morning!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kaneohe says:

    Is this Sciurus super or Sciurus fidens?

    “What devastation of the feeders I have wrought!”

    Love it!

  2. Make me a Spark says:

    No! Its RJ Sciurus!

  3. irishgirl says:

    Oh, that picture was funny!

    Had to be Vincenzo’s doing….

    Needed a laugh this morning-just read on EWTN’s website that BO picked his candidate for Ambassador to the Holy See: a Cuban-American LIBERATION THEOLOGIAN!

    As Dilbert says, GAAH!

  4. Mike T says:

    This is what my dog has been warning me about for years, but I never
    listened to her!

  5. LarryD says:

    Just get some kryptonite and scatter it around the feeders.

  6. LOL!

    Here, we have to take bird feeders in in the spring, and put them back out only in the fall. Bears, you see, love bird seed.

  7. Joseph says:


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