a stroll

I do enjoy a nice Flatiron Building once in a while.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. John F. says:

    That is my favorite Manhattan building.

  2. Lubeltri says:

    That’s my #2 favorite in New York, right after the Chrysler Building.

    Father, if you like burgers, you HAVE to go to the Shake Shack, which is located in the park across the street from the Flatiron Building. It might be the best burger in all of New York. It has to be tasted to be believed.

  3. Charivari Rob says:

    I’d have trouble narrowing any such list down to less than 10 or 20 sites, but the Flatiron is a good one.

  4. Jack007 says:

    We had a flat iron building here in Kansas City. Sadly it was razed some twenty years ago and replaced by a park. They did install a sculpture of a flat iron to commemorate what once stood.
    Still sad.
    Jack in KC

  5. Maureen says:

    I think it was Tor Books that used to have offices in the NY Flatiron Building…? Apparently, it was an interesting place to work.

  6. Maureen says:

    I remembered correctly! Behold, someone took a picture of their slushpile o’ unsolicited novels!


    I remembered correctly that the building has been acquired by a development company which plans to turn the place into a hotel, but apparently it can’t legally do that until the current tenants’ leases run out. So apparently Tor and St. Martin’s Press will continue to be housed in this historic and fittingly odd building for quite a while yet, to which I say Yay!


  7. Lirioroja says:

    I only wish the weather could’ve cooperated more for your visit Father.

  8. Thomas says:

    Hmm. There’s an apartment building like that just down the street from my home. Never knew it was a particular style. Just figured they had to wedge it into the available space.

  9. Mitchell NY says:

    I pass by it every week or so…I never miss the opportunity to marvel at its’ uniqueness..If you have time Father, and are into architecture check out the old Ansonia Hotel, probably remind you of Rome or Europe…The exterior is amazing for a “new world” creation….Enjoy the rest of your stay here..

  10. noel jones says:

    The Ansonia Hotel still, in the late 60’s, had its huge skylights still painted black from WW II.

    It was a hermitage for many classical musicians in the 60’s, more a residence hotel than traveler’s. Wellington Ezekeil, “Zeke”, sang Bass at the Met during WW II, and his wife lived there and ran Lincoln Square Music with co-owner Vincent Crisqualo, a tenor. They both populated the Catholic funeral circuit, booking singers around the city with a knowledge of every church and the closest subway station.

  11. John F. says:

    Shake shack is a good recommendation but my real weakness is the Oyster Bar.

  12. Martial says:

    I used to work right down the street from that building on 23rd street accross from St vincent de Paul church

  13. Charivari Rob says:

    Flatiron… New York… Flatiron… Kansas City…

    Hmmm… I’m developing a craving for steak for supper tonight. Can’t imagine why.

  14. Peter Esser says:

    Stupid me! – As a foreign speaker I first guesed that “flatiron” was some kind of french word I didn’t know … :-D

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