The school year just ended for me. It was my first year working at a Catholic school that practices the faith in an authentic manner. I loved being able to go to mass, confession and praying in our chapel and singing Ave and Pater Noster- Public school doesn’t know what they are missing- true intellect development needs faith to form properly and flourish. I pray that Catholics will send their kids to Catholic schools to help prepare them for a challenging world and that bishops and priest see the need to form the young before it’s too late and souls are lost. St Michael Pray for us!
I have one more class lecture to give, then I administer the final, and I will have successfully completed my first year as a canon law instructor. It’s been a great experience, and hopefully will be repeated, but I’m also greatly looking forward to a summer of a more humane schedule.
just got a place on an MA course at Durham University (UK) and I am also going back home for the summer (where I hope to come back to being an organist for a while:)! Can’t wait. Deo gratias!
michael – your post brought back wonderful memories of my high school years in London in 1998. What I have not to this day got my head round is why the Mass was offered only… during lunch break (instead of mornings – before classes or afternoons)
My 89 year-old Grandfather underwent a successful surgical procedure yesterday, and today, the hospital called my mother to “get him out of here” because he was walking around the joint telling people what to do……In a few weeks, he will go BACK TO WORK…..I should live so long, never mind go to work!
Took part in a Eucharistic procession yesterday–and the weather cooperated!
Also, my daughter will be competing in the National Forensics League tournament to be held in Birmingham, AL next week. The category she competes in is International Extemporaneous speaking. Please pray for safe travel for all the young competitors.
There will be a special Extraordinary Form Mass at
Our Lady of Grace Church, 2205 W. Market St., in Greensboro, NC on Sunday 21 June 2009, 4pm. This will be a Solemn High Mass unless one of the three clergy can’t make it. There will be, most likely, a women’s schola, a men’s schola, and the reqular choir. The priest will be Fr. Robert Ferguson, FSSP. Fr. Eric Kowalski has made the arrangements for this MEF. For information about this Mass contact ONLY Holy Angels Church, Mt. Airy, 336-786-8147, . A program will be available to follow the MEF.
We are very grateful to the pastor of Our Lady of Grace, Fr. Fidel C. Melo, for allowing this MEF. This church is simply the most beautiful, and most traditional, church in the Charlotte Diocese — complete with a marble altar facing east and marble sanctuary rails.
The last MEF in Greensboro was a missa cantata on Holy Family, 2008, again at Our Lady of Grace. Everyone of the 400+ who attended were simple awestruck with the mysterium tremendum et fascinans that they witnessed. Sunday the 21st promises to be just as Rudolf Otto-esque Holy — perhaps even more so as a Solemn High Mass.
NUMBERS ARE IMPORTANT for the future of the MEF, be it in the NC Triad, be it in the Diocese of Charlotte, be it in the State of NC. So if all’y’all can, BE THERE!
My wife and I will be Baptizing our third according to the old rite next Tuesday. The good Monsignor will be preforming this Sacrament in this manner for the first time in 37 years. We had our pre-sacrament meeting today and he was reading me the rite in Latin flawlessly.
Finally getting the blog for the independent and anonymous traditionalist journal I edit going – and getting some hits too! We’re a group of college students, so we’re almost always short on time and money. It’s nice to see something come out of hard, time-consuming work without pay (I’m sure Father understands!). Give us a visit at
Had altar server ( just one girl though) practice for Mass and Blessed Sacrament on Sunday. It will be a OF Mass, but I hope with the reverence and majesty due Our Lord
I think this qualifies: I was hit by a car going 30 mph last weekend in a crosswalk. It was a glancing blow (though it threw me in the air), and I walked away with some hefty bruises.
The experience was just enough pain and disability to impart some experiential empathy for people who are injured without any permanent damage. Of course, it is at once a humbling reminder of human frailty and the grace of God as well.
My baby cousin is no longer a little pagan. She was baptised in the Lutheran church, but at least that makes her a Catholic until she reaches the age of reason!
I finally heard from my SD, which for me is an unbelievable consolation in a very dry and dark spiritual place… of course, all he did was make reassuring noises and remind me that I can’t very well expect to find my ‘place’ here on earth, because, frankly, it isn’t heaven, but I need reminding!
A friend received the habit on Saturday in a monastery in Spain (traditional liturgy) and another will receive the habit tomorrow in France (also trad), I believe.
Our deacon is off to Wigratzbad and he will be a priest when he comes back :D Apparently he is taking the year nines with him.
The school fête, held today, raised over €500 for the school – even though it was midday on a Friday. It didn’t rain either. It didn’t rain for Corpus Xi, either, but since we processed round the cloister, that didn’t matter much.
My degree certificate was safely posted to me by my mother, without being lost in the incomprehensible French postal system. It may be useful.
Today is the last day of school. Bliss for the eight kids. Less driving, more chaos for me, but that’s okay–that’s what I signed up for in the first place. :)
I am making final preparations for serving the Ancient Mass as MC for the first time this Sunday. It’s the only Traditional Mass in the Diocese of Owensboro, KY. The only issue is, I think I’ll be the only one serving, and I haven’t had a chance to actually see the Church.
But either way, I am very excited! I’ve been studying nonstop. It’s going to be beautiful. I am so glad to have found a Traditional Mass within 2 hours, and by a good priest friend. Laus tibi Christe!
I got the email yesterday that we are having a procession, so I had to clean out all of our candleabra and polish them for the altars, which was alot of work. But, the only things not in Latin the whole procession are Holy God… and the Divine Praises. Everything else is in Latin, including the things that are being done as we process to each altar!
Might not be good news to anyone but me, but I found a bike trailer in perfect condition for for the two little ones, priced at a mere $25 this afternoon whilst garage saling. I’m so cheap I almost tried to bargain down, but it really was a great price. On our very small budget, this will be a great help. Exercise is good–our bodies are, after all, Temples of the Holy Spirit, for Pete’s sake!
I have my entrance interview with the local diocesan seminary in a few weeks. In your charity, please consider saying a quick prayer for me if you see this comment.
Fr Z, I cant begin to tell you what an amazing resource your website is for young men in the seminary and those discerning a vocation. Your blog has been invaluable to me over the last few years, I can’t thank you enough. [Thanks!]
Not to get all sappy and stuff, but my good news is that is up and Fr. Z goes through all the trouble to keep it up and running, with not only a blog that gives great insight (and recipes), but amazingly, podcasts and web cams and chat rooms. So, thanks Fr.Z, please recognize that you are much appreciated.
Oh and lately my scary, loud, black 100lbs. dog has decided he no longer has to try and kill any living thing that comes near of the yard. I’ve no idea why the change all the sudden (getting old perhaps?), but I’m not complaining.
A work project that I have been sweating bullets on the past 6 months is FINALLY coming together rather nicely this past week. Thank you St Joseph the Worker for your intercession.
I will say again ( after posting on wrong entry) we are having a pot luck picnic at Flensburg, Mn after the 10:00 Gregorian Rite Mass, it is always good fun, good food, and extra good friendship. Fr Hoppe will be there also,Did I happen to mention, Fr. Hoppe celebrated his 65th year of Ordinationon on Trinity Sunday June 7,2009. Come join us Fr Z, we would very much like to have you.
Our family visited the tomb of the Venerable Solanus Casey today, in Detroit. Being near the earthly remains of a true friend of Jesus brought me a peace I had not known in some time.
It seems as if the prayers and sacrafices of many have been answered by the Sacred Heart! There will be an EF mass said at St. Bridget’s in the Diocese of Las Vegas, NV inagurating the Year of the Priest on Friday 19 June @ 5pm.
It is a joy and blessing to see such an event in the “sinful city” and within a “liberal diocese”
My employer is sending me to a five-day all-day training course in the use of high-end video editing software. After more than thirty years as a graphic designer, and spending the last several years studying web design in school part-time, my career transition is culminating.
My husband and I our buying our first house. It is just about as perfect as it can get for a starter home. I am so happy and excited. My children will have a yard to play in and I will have my own washer and dryer. I know that this isn’t a prayer request thread, but prayers that all the closing hurdles go smoothly would be appreciated.
Well, we had a ultrasound on Tuesday and the baby girl is gestating at the correct rate for her gestational age, she weighs a bit over a pound now, and is VERY active and kicking me hard enough that when I prop the book I am reading up on my tummy she will kick it and make the book move!!
And I found my box of baby blankets which are 20 years old (my next child up in age is 18!!) and to my delight they are washing up nicely. Top it off, i thought I’d given away ALL my baby clothing and I found several outfits (girls) in the same box and they too seem to be washing up nicely.
AND my sister whose daughter is just a bit over a year says she now has two boxes of baby things for me.
Now if only my old crib would turn up in storage too. I thought I kept it, but am not sure since it seems to not be there. On the other hand, if it does not show up I get to go shopping for a new crib. :) either way it is good news for me!
Today I visited a cancer patient in the hospital with the Blessed Sacrament. His son, a priest, was visiting him. He immediately stood up, took the pyx from me (polite but firm — my kind of priest!), and while I sank to my knees as a lay woman, he did his job as a priest, administering the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus to his dad.
I am looking forward to going to St. John Cantius on Sunday for Corpus Christi Mass and procession! And my blog is getting juiced and more successful. If you google “sotomayor and securities”, my blog is number 2, last week it was number 1!
Today was my last day of work. In six weeks I will be moving to Austria to join the Canon Regulars of St. Augustine. I was very fortunate to have a great job with wonderful coworkers. Now, I look forward to starting a new path in my life.
Fr. Z. was a great help when I was thinking of becoming a Roman Catholic and I have learned a lot from reading this blog.
Spoke with my cousin from Atlanta tonight…she always makes me laugh and we always talk too long. We found each other a few years ago and became instant friends. Better late than never.
After the Vespers service in St. Louis Cathedral on the eve of Abp. Carlson’s installation, FIREFLIES lit up the lawns outside in the fading twilight–a graceful end to an enchanted evening!
My parish is having it’s annual St. Anthony Feast, we are are named after St. Anthony after all. Thankfully the weather has held out for the most part and only one night was cut short because of rain, hopefully tomorrow/tonight will be nice and dry in Hawthorne, NJ. The Feast is our parish’s big fundraiser and it will hopefully bring in a decent amount of money for the parish and school. :)
We’re also celebrating our youth group high school seniors who are to bigger and better things next year this coming Sunday at the 10am. No better way to close out the youth group year than with Mass and then their final act of service in July with Catholic Heart Work Camp in Maryland. :)
God is good, even throughout our painful sufferings.
A friend is getting married in the morning.
2 friends were married earlier today.
The Red Sox won their game against the Phillies. :)
The now-young woman for whom I have been guardian broken silence this week and we had a nice chat. Maybe lunch next week.
She has a way to gop yet. Please pray for Esmiralda.
Tomorrow my diocese is having a pilgrimage to Dokkum. There our patronsaint, St. Bonaface was murderd by Frisians. It’s a feastday and at the end of it, our bishop, Mgr. De Korte will celebrate the H. Mass. This H. Mass will be, for the first time in years, the normal Sunday Mass. There also will be a procesion with the Sacrament through the streets of Dokkum, from the parish church to the chapel. There are workshops about the Rosary, Confession, what the H. Mass is and there’s time to talk to the bishop and to a carmalite sister.
And the most beautiful thing of it all is that I have plenty of time to go there. And to participate in all activities!
My son is getting married to a beautiful, sweet, very smart woman next week. We are thrilled!
I have eight hummingbirds at my feeders.
My vegetable garden is growing beautifully despite the drenching rains.
Today, life seems simple and good. I won’t worry about tomorrow.
Sorry, Father, this is not good news, but many prayers are needed. On the official website of the diocese of Linz (Austria) you can see some picture of the latest Corpus Christi celebration:
I work for a very small state agency that may face severe budget cuts. However, my boss told me, privately, yesterday that my job will definitely NOT be cut no matter how bad things get. Our pay is likely to go down after July 1, we don’t know yet by how much, and we may be forced to take unpaid furlough days. These things may cause me some hardship but it’s good to know that I’ll at least still have a job.
I once lost a private sector job that I enjoyed very much with only 2 hours notice on a Friday afternoon and I didn’t want to go through that again. I pray for all those who are going through job losses right now and who may be facing them.
I went to the Memorial Mass and burial for Cardinal Dulles at Auriesville Shrine on June 1. It was a OF Mass, with the liberal Bishop of Albany saying it [man, he looked sick and skinny!]. It was okay, but rather jarring to me because I go to the TLM exclusively. But the nice thing that happened that day was that I met a group of young Jesuit novices! You couldn’t mistake them-all wore suits and ties, and were very polite and gentlemanly! I said to them after the Mass, ‘The future is here!’
Next day I got a call from my priest-friend in England-we’d been playing phone tag-and when I told him about going to the Mass, he shocked me by saying that he once met Cardinal Dulles in England! I shot back with, ‘No way!’
I just came back from my annual five day retreat. I go to Genesee Abbey in Piffard, NY. It is a Trappist community that keeps the traditional monastic hours. What a grace to pray and be with the Lord. I am renewed and refreshed and energized for the coming year.
My father just gave me The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “In Latin and English, in conformity with the 1961 Editio Typica of the Roman Breviary being permitted by the Summorum Pontificum. Including the Gregorian Chant appointed to be used in the Office.” So that’s pretty exciting. I begin my Latin studies next semester (I focused on Greek first as part of my classics minor, because Greek is more difficult to learn and learning it first makes Latin easier. Plus I’m already fluent in French and have a little Spanish, so Latin should be a cinch), so hopefully in the near future I will get comfortable praying the Little Office in Latin :)
JML, prayers for your sister. I’m a thyroid cancer survivor myself, and it had spread to the lymph nodes in me. First of all, if your sister has any questions or would ever like to speak with anyone, please feel free to pass along my e-mail, Second, God forbid it has spread, it is still completely treatable, and the radioactive iodine treatment that she is likely to undergo will destroy any of the cancer cells. Cancer is always scary, but as the doctor said to me, if you have to get cancer, this is the kind to get. I know it sounds weird, but it’s true. But I will pray. Let me tell you, one of the two greatest experiences of grace in my life was in the time just after my diagnosis. (Please forgive me, Father, if I tell this little story. It is fitting with your call for good news, even if it is almost two years later). I was diagnosed on August 6, 2007. At the time I was well into my preparations for the consecration to Mary via St. Louis de Montfort’s method. My date of consecration was to be August 15, the Feast of the Assumption. When I was diagnosed, I met with my surgeon, whose name was Diascoro Villenueva. Diascoro means “heart of God,” and I am a student at Villanova, preparing for seminary with the Augstinians, so his name itself was a great comfort and sign of hope. My surgery was scheduled immediately for August 15 – the date of my consecration! So on the 14th I went to the vigil Mass, and while typically the date of consecration one makes confession, goes to Mass, and then makes the consecration, I did it one better by receiving the anointing of the sick, as well. Surgery was a success the next day, and then it was on August 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, that I was told that it had spread to my lymph nodes.
The reason I tell this is because the beauty of it all was that as everything happened on such important liturgical dates, with the doctor that I had (who himself was a devout Filipino Catholic), corresponding with my consecration, it was as if God and the Virgin were assuring me that they were with me through it all, that I would never be alone. During those ensuing weeks, I was showered with grace and experienced the presence of God like I had only once before experienced, especially when I would pray the Office or the Rosary. What’s more, because a fundamental component of the consecration is that all our sufferings are offered through the Virgin Mary, and the grace given to her to be dispensed as she sees fit, I was able to rejoice that just at the moment of this consecration I actually had true sufferings to offer. Through the grace of God and this consecration to the Blessed Virgin my experience of cancer was actually an experience of thanksgiving and gratitude. There were certainly trials to come. The most challenging part was the two months that I was not able to take my synthroid as I awaited the radioactive iodine treatment. By the end of those two months I had literally zero metabolism and could barely get out of bed, but God never left my side, and I am a better and more purified man because of it.
Like I said, please feel free to have your sister contact me with any questions, whether it be about the cancer itself or the unique spiritual challenges that go along with it. And assure her of my prayers.
Yesterday, a young couple (22 and 21) celebrated holy matrimony, both having graduated several weeks before from the University of Dallas. In addition to being truly, deeply in love with each other, they asked their family and friends to celebrate a novena to St. Anthony and they had adoration and benediction the night before their wedding, with the opportunity for confession, asking for God’s blessing on their marriage. The nuptual Mass at the local cathedral saw the use of Latin in the ordinary of the Mass, as well as the reception of the Eucharist, kneeling, where the communion rail used to be. Their youth and love for God, His Church and each other was/is a huge testament to the love of so many youth for the Catholic faith.
Just returned from our shifted Corpus Christi procession. 17th annual event. All deanery from namesake Church for the deanery, Saint Charles Borremeo to Saint Peter (two of the most traditional and beautiful churches in th earea) with a stop at the Shrine of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. About 300+. 1/2 dozen Priests, several diaconate. For the first time in a while, it was not along the streets, but in the streets with police escort. KofC color honor guard and Scouts helping with the Songs in Latin, English and Spanish (Spanish ministry in the deanery). Lots of people from every demographic. Nice!
Last Saturday my diocese ordained three new transitional deacons. Yesterday we ordained three new priests. Last night and today I (and several of my fellow seminarians) attended the First Masses of Thanksgiving for these newly ordained on the Feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord!
We now have 28 men in formation for my diocese with another nine men either accepted or with applications pending for the fall of 2009.
The Lord of the Harvest is calling laborers. Please remind all of your Catholic readers that no man makes it through seminary alone. We rely on the Triune God, the comfort of our Blessed Mother and the PRAYERS OF ALL FAITHFUL CATHOLICS!
Without these three elements, no vocation to the priesthood would survive!
I took part in my first Corpus Christi procession today. My four year old son was bummed that he missed it (nap time took precedence this year) and asked when the next one will be because he wants to come along.
I was relieved to read the following news on our diocesan website last Saturday:
The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of Arlington, has announced the following clergy appointments effective on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, except where noted differently.
Reverend Paul D. Scalia – from Parochial Administrator of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean to Pastor of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Reverend Franklyn M. McAfee – from Pastor of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean to Pastor Emeritus with residence at the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Reverend James M. Poumade – from Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint Andrew the Apostle in Clifton to Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Father McAfee announced he was stepping down for reasons of health, but would not be retiring. We now have three priests in our parish who can say the Traditional Mass. This is good. Laus Deo!
Yesterday, my husband insisted that we say a family Rosary after dinner!
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“This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. Z
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on Daily Rome Shot 1124: “India is the sole leader in Budapest. India beat Hungary. Vietnam’s Le Quang Liem took down struggling world champ Ding…”
dPilk on “Sin against synodality”: “ It looks real. It reminds me of attending an all girls “Catholic” High School in the 1990s. The students…”
EAW on “Sin against synodality”: “Another reason, apart from the Pachamama abomination, to shun St. Peter’s until an act of reconciliation has taken place.”
David L. on Daily Rome Shot 1122: “Straightforward. 1. … Qxf2+ 2. Rxf2 Ra1+ 3. Qc1 Rxc1+ 4. Rf1 Rxf1#”
PatS on “Sin against synodality”: “Is it me, or does this seem eerily like a Maoist spiritual struggle session?”
Benedict Joseph on “Sin against synodality”: “Give me strength. The vacuous sentimentalism is worthy of a secondary school “liturgical” project. The self-indulgence, the self-gratification, the narcissism…”
maternalView on “Sin against synodality”: “A new way to be Church? What have we been doing, if not that, for some 60 years? “The liturgy…”
Joannes_Picus on “Sin against synodality”: “It’s fake: couldn’t find it anywhere in the Vatican sites”
Sid on “Sin against synodality”: “I am praying that you will find a place to live in Rome permanently.”
JesusFreak84 on “Sin against synodality”: “So they’re going to “confess” something in my name without my consent? If there was a formula by which I…”
Geoffrey on “Sin against synodality”: ““… a new way of being Church… sin against synodality…” After coming of age during the pontificates of Saint John…”
Everyone, work to get this into your parish bulletins and diocesan papers.
The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
St. John Eudes
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“Until the Lord be pleased to settle, through the instrumentality of the princes of the Church and the lawful ministers of His justice, the trouble aroused by the pride of a few and the ignorance of some others, let us with the help of God endeavor with calm and humble patience to render love for hatred, to avoid disputes with the silly, to keep to the truth and not fight with the weapons of falsehood, and to beg of God at all times that in all our thoughts and desires, in all our words and actions, He may hold the first place who calls Himself the origin of all things.”
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
- C.S. Lewis
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A monthly subscription donation means I have steady income I can plan on. I put you my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I often say Holy Mass.
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As for Latin…
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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The school year just ended for me. It was my first year working at a Catholic school that practices the faith in an authentic manner. I loved being able to go to mass, confession and praying in our chapel and singing Ave and Pater Noster- Public school doesn’t know what they are missing- true intellect development needs faith to form properly and flourish. I pray that Catholics will send their kids to Catholic schools to help prepare them for a challenging world and that bishops and priest see the need to form the young before it’s too late and souls are lost. St Michael Pray for us!
I have one more class lecture to give, then I administer the final, and I will have successfully completed my first year as a canon law instructor. It’s been a great experience, and hopefully will be repeated, but I’m also greatly looking forward to a summer of a more humane schedule.
just got a place on an MA course at Durham University (UK) and I am also going back home for the summer (where I hope to come back to being an organist for a while:)! Can’t wait. Deo gratias!
michael – your post brought back wonderful memories of my high school years in London in 1998. What I have not to this day got my head round is why the Mass was offered only… during lunch break (instead of mornings – before classes or afternoons)
My 89 year-old Grandfather underwent a successful surgical procedure yesterday, and today, the hospital called my mother to “get him out of here” because he was walking around the joint telling people what to do……In a few weeks, he will go BACK TO WORK…..I should live so long, never mind go to work!
Semper Fi!
Took part in a Eucharistic procession yesterday–and the weather cooperated!
Also, my daughter will be competing in the National Forensics League tournament to be held in Birmingham, AL next week. The category she competes in is International Extemporaneous speaking. Please pray for safe travel for all the young competitors.
My cousin is getting married tomorrow.
There will be a special Extraordinary Form Mass at
Our Lady of Grace Church, 2205 W. Market St., in Greensboro, NC on Sunday 21 June 2009, 4pm. This will be a Solemn High Mass unless one of the three clergy can’t make it. There will be, most likely, a women’s schola, a men’s schola, and the reqular choir. The priest will be Fr. Robert Ferguson, FSSP. Fr. Eric Kowalski has made the arrangements for this MEF. For information about this Mass contact ONLY Holy Angels Church, Mt. Airy, 336-786-8147, . A program will be available to follow the MEF.
We are very grateful to the pastor of Our Lady of Grace, Fr. Fidel C. Melo, for allowing this MEF. This church is simply the most beautiful, and most traditional, church in the Charlotte Diocese — complete with a marble altar facing east and marble sanctuary rails.
The last MEF in Greensboro was a missa cantata on Holy Family, 2008, again at Our Lady of Grace. Everyone of the 400+ who attended were simple awestruck with the mysterium tremendum et fascinans that they witnessed. Sunday the 21st promises to be just as Rudolf Otto-esque Holy — perhaps even more so as a Solemn High Mass.
NUMBERS ARE IMPORTANT for the future of the MEF, be it in the NC Triad, be it in the Diocese of Charlotte, be it in the State of NC. So if all’y’all can, BE THERE!
Today I accompanied my wife to her first Ob/g appointment and ultrasound. We were very happy to see the baby’s heartbeat! [That is wonderful!]
I’m making the initial stages of escaping to the Diocese of Great Falls/Billings, MT to discern diocesan priesthood.
Dear Fr. Z
My wife and I will be Baptizing our third according to the old rite next Tuesday. The good Monsignor will be preforming this Sacrament in this manner for the first time in 37 years. We had our pre-sacrament meeting today and he was reading me the rite in Latin flawlessly.
“Brick by Brick”
Finally getting the blog for the independent and anonymous traditionalist journal I edit going – and getting some hits too! We’re a group of college students, so we’re almost always short on time and money. It’s nice to see something come out of hard, time-consuming work without pay (I’m sure Father understands!). Give us a visit at
In light of all the wonderful news that everyone has posted, this is probably the least important but I’m excited about it nonetheless.
Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals is on tonight! LET’S GO PENS!
Had altar server ( just one girl though) practice for Mass and Blessed Sacrament on Sunday. It will be a OF Mass, but I hope with the reverence and majesty due Our Lord
I think this qualifies: I was hit by a car going 30 mph last weekend in a crosswalk. It was a glancing blow (though it threw me in the air), and I walked away with some hefty bruises.
The experience was just enough pain and disability to impart some experiential empathy for people who are injured without any permanent damage. Of course, it is at once a humbling reminder of human frailty and the grace of God as well.
My baby cousin is no longer a little pagan. She was baptised in the Lutheran church, but at least that makes her a Catholic until she reaches the age of reason!
I finally heard from my SD, which for me is an unbelievable consolation in a very dry and dark spiritual place… of course, all he did was make reassuring noises and remind me that I can’t very well expect to find my ‘place’ here on earth, because, frankly, it isn’t heaven, but I need reminding!
A friend received the habit on Saturday in a monastery in Spain (traditional liturgy) and another will receive the habit tomorrow in France (also trad), I believe.
Our deacon is off to Wigratzbad and he will be a priest when he comes back :D Apparently he is taking the year nines with him.
The school fête, held today, raised over €500 for the school – even though it was midday on a Friday. It didn’t rain either. It didn’t rain for Corpus Xi, either, but since we processed round the cloister, that didn’t matter much.
My degree certificate was safely posted to me by my mother, without being lost in the incomprehensible French postal system. It may be useful.
John 3v16
See. Counting blessings!
Today is the last day of school. Bliss for the eight kids. Less driving, more chaos for me, but that’s okay–that’s what I signed up for in the first place. :)
Young 20-some discovers and falls in love with Catholic Sacred Music…
I am making final preparations for serving the Ancient Mass as MC for the first time this Sunday. It’s the only Traditional Mass in the Diocese of Owensboro, KY. The only issue is, I think I’ll be the only one serving, and I haven’t had a chance to actually see the Church.
But either way, I am very excited! I’ve been studying nonstop. It’s going to be beautiful. I am so glad to have found a Traditional Mass within 2 hours, and by a good priest friend. Laus tibi Christe!
Our Bishop, Gregory Aymond, is returning to the See of his youth – New Orleans. While we are sad to see him go, I’m sure he will do much good there.
I got the email yesterday that we are having a procession, so I had to clean out all of our candleabra and polish them for the altars, which was alot of work. But, the only things not in Latin the whole procession are Holy God… and the Divine Praises. Everything else is in Latin, including the things that are being done as we process to each altar!
Might not be good news to anyone but me, but I found a bike trailer in perfect condition for for the two little ones, priced at a mere $25 this afternoon whilst garage saling. I’m so cheap I almost tried to bargain down, but it really was a great price. On our very small budget, this will be a great help. Exercise is good–our bodies are, after all, Temples of the Holy Spirit, for Pete’s sake!
I have my entrance interview with the local diocesan seminary in a few weeks. In your charity, please consider saying a quick prayer for me if you see this comment.
Fr Z, I cant begin to tell you what an amazing resource your website is for young men in the seminary and those discerning a vocation. Your blog has been invaluable to me over the last few years, I can’t thank you enough. [Thanks!]
A friend’s daughter was just accepted to the US Coast Guard Academy! Semper Paratus!
Not to get all sappy and stuff, but my good news is that is up and Fr. Z goes through all the trouble to keep it up and running, with not only a blog that gives great insight (and recipes), but amazingly, podcasts and web cams and chat rooms. So, thanks Fr.Z, please recognize that you are much appreciated.
Oh and lately my scary, loud, black 100lbs. dog has decided he no longer has to try and kill any living thing that comes near of the yard. I’ve no idea why the change all the sudden (getting old perhaps?), but I’m not complaining.
A work project that I have been sweating bullets on the past 6 months is FINALLY coming together rather nicely this past week. Thank you St Joseph the Worker for your intercession.
Now we just pray that the software will work….
My brother and his bride to be married at the end of this month.
Both my daughters received their First Holy Communion this year.
We’re going on vacation to Cape Cod.
My daughters just learned how to ride their bikes (w/o training wheels) today.
I trust my employment situation to the intercession of St. Joseph (and St. Anthony whose feast is tomorrow)who has never let me down.
My sister had her cancerous thyroid removed today. Fortunately, the cancer seems to be just in the thyroid. Please pray for her speedy recovery..
I will say again ( after posting on wrong entry) we are having a pot luck picnic at Flensburg, Mn after the 10:00 Gregorian Rite Mass, it is always good fun, good food, and extra good friendship. Fr Hoppe will be there also,Did I happen to mention, Fr. Hoppe celebrated his 65th year of Ordinationon on Trinity Sunday June 7,2009. Come join us Fr Z, we would very much like to have you.
Our family visited the tomb of the Venerable Solanus Casey today, in Detroit. Being near the earthly remains of a true friend of Jesus brought me a peace I had not known in some time.
Blogger Dawn Eden’s surgery was a success:
Thanks be to God for all things!
It seems as if the prayers and sacrafices of many have been answered by the Sacred Heart! There will be an EF mass said at St. Bridget’s in the Diocese of Las Vegas, NV inagurating the Year of the Priest on Friday 19 June @ 5pm.
It is a joy and blessing to see such an event in the “sinful city” and within a “liberal diocese”
Another parish in Eire phases out female altar boys
My employer is sending me to a five-day all-day training course in the use of high-end video editing software. After more than thirty years as a graphic designer, and spending the last several years studying web design in school part-time, my career transition is culminating.
There are worse ways to handle a midlife crisis.
My husband and I our buying our first house. It is just about as perfect as it can get for a starter home. I am so happy and excited. My children will have a yard to play in and I will have my own washer and dryer. I know that this isn’t a prayer request thread, but prayers that all the closing hurdles go smoothly would be appreciated.
Well, we had a ultrasound on Tuesday and the baby girl is gestating at the correct rate for her gestational age, she weighs a bit over a pound now, and is VERY active and kicking me hard enough that when I prop the book I am reading up on my tummy she will kick it and make the book move!!
And I found my box of baby blankets which are 20 years old (my next child up in age is 18!!) and to my delight they are washing up nicely. Top it off, i thought I’d given away ALL my baby clothing and I found several outfits (girls) in the same box and they too seem to be washing up nicely.
AND my sister whose daughter is just a bit over a year says she now has two boxes of baby things for me.
Now if only my old crib would turn up in storage too. I thought I kept it, but am not sure since it seems to not be there. On the other hand, if it does not show up I get to go shopping for a new crib. :) either way it is good news for me!
I hope this brightens your day Fr. Z!!
Sold my house without losing money! I didn’t bury a statue either, but I did pray about it. Sold in 90 days…very fast for my area.
Today I visited a cancer patient in the hospital with the Blessed Sacrament. His son, a priest, was visiting him. He immediately stood up, took the pyx from me (polite but firm — my kind of priest!), and while I sank to my knees as a lay woman, he did his job as a priest, administering the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus to his dad.
I am looking forward to going to St. John Cantius on Sunday for Corpus Christi Mass and procession! And my blog is getting juiced and more successful. If you google “sotomayor and securities”, my blog is number 2, last week it was number 1!
Today was my last day of work. In six weeks I will be moving to Austria to join the Canon Regulars of St. Augustine. I was very fortunate to have a great job with wonderful coworkers. Now, I look forward to starting a new path in my life.
Fr. Z. was a great help when I was thinking of becoming a Roman Catholic and I have learned a lot from reading this blog.
Spoke with my cousin from Atlanta tonight…she always makes me laugh and we always talk too long. We found each other a few years ago and became instant friends. Better late than never.
I got to share in a bit of His trial: some recent actions of good will were mistaken for political intrigue and power-mongering.
I have great news.
Unlike those poor souls trapped on the Sabine Farm, I am not living in constant fear of bear maulings :-D
Appointed Worthy Lecturer of our KofC Council and Service Program Director! Huzzah!!!
After the Vespers service in St. Louis Cathedral on the eve of Abp. Carlson’s installation, FIREFLIES lit up the lawns outside in the fading twilight–a graceful end to an enchanted evening!
My parish is having it’s annual St. Anthony Feast, we are are named after St. Anthony after all. Thankfully the weather has held out for the most part and only one night was cut short because of rain, hopefully tomorrow/tonight will be nice and dry in Hawthorne, NJ. The Feast is our parish’s big fundraiser and it will hopefully bring in a decent amount of money for the parish and school. :)
We’re also celebrating our youth group high school seniors who are to bigger and better things next year this coming Sunday at the 10am. No better way to close out the youth group year than with Mass and then their final act of service in July with Catholic Heart Work Camp in Maryland. :)
God is good, even throughout our painful sufferings.
A friend is getting married in the morning.
2 friends were married earlier today.
The Red Sox won their game against the Phillies. :)
(oops, scratch that. 3 friends getting married tomorrow. Mea culpa.)
The now-young woman for whom I have been guardian broken silence this week and we had a nice chat. Maybe lunch next week.
She has a way to gop yet. Please pray for Esmiralda.
We won the Stanley Cup, and the Hershey Bears won the Calder Cup! It’s a great day for hockey in Pennsylvania!
Tomorrow my diocese is having a pilgrimage to Dokkum. There our patronsaint, St. Bonaface was murderd by Frisians. It’s a feastday and at the end of it, our bishop, Mgr. De Korte will celebrate the H. Mass. This H. Mass will be, for the first time in years, the normal Sunday Mass. There also will be a procesion with the Sacrament through the streets of Dokkum, from the parish church to the chapel. There are workshops about the Rosary, Confession, what the H. Mass is and there’s time to talk to the bishop and to a carmalite sister.
And the most beautiful thing of it all is that I have plenty of time to go there. And to participate in all activities!
My son is getting married to a beautiful, sweet, very smart woman next week. We are thrilled!
I have eight hummingbirds at my feeders.
My vegetable garden is growing beautifully despite the drenching rains.
Today, life seems simple and good. I won’t worry about tomorrow.
Sorry, Father, this is not good news, but many prayers are needed. On the official website of the diocese of Linz (Austria) you can see some picture of the latest Corpus Christi celebration:
Could you and everyone pleas say a prayer now? This is much needed.
I work for a very small state agency that may face severe budget cuts. However, my boss told me, privately, yesterday that my job will definitely NOT be cut no matter how bad things get. Our pay is likely to go down after July 1, we don’t know yet by how much, and we may be forced to take unpaid furlough days. These things may cause me some hardship but it’s good to know that I’ll at least still have a job.
I once lost a private sector job that I enjoyed very much with only 2 hours notice on a Friday afternoon and I didn’t want to go through that again. I pray for all those who are going through job losses right now and who may be facing them.
We just had a wonderful new priest ordained in the Diocese of Lansing this morning!
I went to the Memorial Mass and burial for Cardinal Dulles at Auriesville Shrine on June 1. It was a OF Mass, with the liberal Bishop of Albany saying it [man, he looked sick and skinny!]. It was okay, but rather jarring to me because I go to the TLM exclusively. But the nice thing that happened that day was that I met a group of young Jesuit novices! You couldn’t mistake them-all wore suits and ties, and were very polite and gentlemanly! I said to them after the Mass, ‘The future is here!’
Next day I got a call from my priest-friend in England-we’d been playing phone tag-and when I told him about going to the Mass, he shocked me by saying that he once met Cardinal Dulles in England! I shot back with, ‘No way!’
Oh, I forgot…the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup last night! Woo hoo!
But I couldn’t watch it on my TV because I’m not connected to the ‘digital age’-no converter box-bummer!
I just came back from my annual five day retreat. I go to Genesee Abbey in Piffard, NY. It is a Trappist community that keeps the traditional monastic hours. What a grace to pray and be with the Lord. I am renewed and refreshed and energized for the coming year.
My father just gave me The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “In Latin and English, in conformity with the 1961 Editio Typica of the Roman Breviary being permitted by the Summorum Pontificum. Including the Gregorian Chant appointed to be used in the Office.” So that’s pretty exciting. I begin my Latin studies next semester (I focused on Greek first as part of my classics minor, because Greek is more difficult to learn and learning it first makes Latin easier. Plus I’m already fluent in French and have a little Spanish, so Latin should be a cinch), so hopefully in the near future I will get comfortable praying the Little Office in Latin :)
JML, prayers for your sister. I’m a thyroid cancer survivor myself, and it had spread to the lymph nodes in me. First of all, if your sister has any questions or would ever like to speak with anyone, please feel free to pass along my e-mail, Second, God forbid it has spread, it is still completely treatable, and the radioactive iodine treatment that she is likely to undergo will destroy any of the cancer cells. Cancer is always scary, but as the doctor said to me, if you have to get cancer, this is the kind to get. I know it sounds weird, but it’s true. But I will pray. Let me tell you, one of the two greatest experiences of grace in my life was in the time just after my diagnosis. (Please forgive me, Father, if I tell this little story. It is fitting with your call for good news, even if it is almost two years later). I was diagnosed on August 6, 2007. At the time I was well into my preparations for the consecration to Mary via St. Louis de Montfort’s method. My date of consecration was to be August 15, the Feast of the Assumption. When I was diagnosed, I met with my surgeon, whose name was Diascoro Villenueva. Diascoro means “heart of God,” and I am a student at Villanova, preparing for seminary with the Augstinians, so his name itself was a great comfort and sign of hope. My surgery was scheduled immediately for August 15 – the date of my consecration! So on the 14th I went to the vigil Mass, and while typically the date of consecration one makes confession, goes to Mass, and then makes the consecration, I did it one better by receiving the anointing of the sick, as well. Surgery was a success the next day, and then it was on August 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, that I was told that it had spread to my lymph nodes.
The reason I tell this is because the beauty of it all was that as everything happened on such important liturgical dates, with the doctor that I had (who himself was a devout Filipino Catholic), corresponding with my consecration, it was as if God and the Virgin were assuring me that they were with me through it all, that I would never be alone. During those ensuing weeks, I was showered with grace and experienced the presence of God like I had only once before experienced, especially when I would pray the Office or the Rosary. What’s more, because a fundamental component of the consecration is that all our sufferings are offered through the Virgin Mary, and the grace given to her to be dispensed as she sees fit, I was able to rejoice that just at the moment of this consecration I actually had true sufferings to offer. Through the grace of God and this consecration to the Blessed Virgin my experience of cancer was actually an experience of thanksgiving and gratitude. There were certainly trials to come. The most challenging part was the two months that I was not able to take my synthroid as I awaited the radioactive iodine treatment. By the end of those two months I had literally zero metabolism and could barely get out of bed, but God never left my side, and I am a better and more purified man because of it.
Like I said, please feel free to have your sister contact me with any questions, whether it be about the cancer itself or the unique spiritual challenges that go along with it. And assure her of my prayers.
God bless,
At 10:55 am (Eastern Daylight Time), I became a priest of Jesus Christ forever.
May God be praised for the great gift of the priesthood, which is the love of the heart of Jesus Christ Himself!
Our Lady, mother of priests, intercede for us!
Yesterday, a young couple (22 and 21) celebrated holy matrimony, both having graduated several weeks before from the University of Dallas. In addition to being truly, deeply in love with each other, they asked their family and friends to celebrate a novena to St. Anthony and they had adoration and benediction the night before their wedding, with the opportunity for confession, asking for God’s blessing on their marriage. The nuptual Mass at the local cathedral saw the use of Latin in the ordinary of the Mass, as well as the reception of the Eucharist, kneeling, where the communion rail used to be. Their youth and love for God, His Church and each other was/is a huge testament to the love of so many youth for the Catholic faith.
Just returned from our shifted Corpus Christi procession. 17th annual event. All deanery from namesake Church for the deanery, Saint Charles Borremeo to Saint Peter (two of the most traditional and beautiful churches in th earea) with a stop at the Shrine of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. About 300+. 1/2 dozen Priests, several diaconate. For the first time in a while, it was not along the streets, but in the streets with police escort. KofC color honor guard and Scouts helping with the Songs in Latin, English and Spanish (Spanish ministry in the deanery). Lots of people from every demographic. Nice!
Last Saturday my diocese ordained three new transitional deacons. Yesterday we ordained three new priests. Last night and today I (and several of my fellow seminarians) attended the First Masses of Thanksgiving for these newly ordained on the Feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord!
We now have 28 men in formation for my diocese with another nine men either accepted or with applications pending for the fall of 2009.
The Lord of the Harvest is calling laborers. Please remind all of your Catholic readers that no man makes it through seminary alone. We rely on the Triune God, the comfort of our Blessed Mother and the PRAYERS OF ALL FAITHFUL CATHOLICS!
Without these three elements, no vocation to the priesthood would survive!
I took part in my first Corpus Christi procession today. My four year old son was bummed that he missed it (nap time took precedence this year) and asked when the next one will be because he wants to come along.
I was relieved to read the following news on our diocesan website last Saturday:
The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of Arlington, has announced the following clergy appointments effective on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, except where noted differently.
Reverend Paul D. Scalia – from Parochial Administrator of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean to Pastor of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Reverend Franklyn M. McAfee – from Pastor of the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean to Pastor Emeritus with residence at the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Reverend James M. Poumade – from Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint Andrew the Apostle in Clifton to Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint John the Beloved in McLean.
Father McAfee announced he was stepping down for reasons of health, but would not be retiring. We now have three priests in our parish who can say the Traditional Mass. This is good. Laus Deo!
We had a lovely camping trip.
Yesterday, my husband insisted that we say a family Rosary after dinner!