The reign in Spain: Consecration of Spain to the Sacred Heart

From a reader in Spain:

Next Sunday 21st, being the ninety anniversary of the Consecration of Spain to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by King Alfonso XIII, Archbishop of Madrid Cardinal Rouco Varela alongside with other bishops will renew it at Cerro de los Ángeles. As far as I know, no political authorities are expected this time.

Cerro de los Ángeles is the geographical centre of Spain and where a great monument to the Sacred Heart with the legend "I reign in Spain" was erected.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Cliff W says:

    I’m sure the absence of a royal is no snub to the Church. I remember only a few months ago the royal family was in Pensacola, FL to celebrate the 450th anniversary of settlement. They invited the bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee as an honored guest.

  2. Cristero says:

    It would be wonderful if we could do that in our country as well!

    “Que Reina el Sagrado Corazon en los Estados Unidos y en Mexico.”

  3. Nathaniel1 says:

    I suppose that Cerro de los Angelos is on the plain. Obviously, the reign in Spain is mainly on the plain. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

  4. Thomas says:

    Does the royal family count as “political authorities”?

    It’d be wonderful to see the King and Queen in attendance…

    And the prince’s wife. Grrrrrr.

  5. EDG says:

    Something from La Ciguena (can’t get the diacriticals, sorry): “The Jesuits were devoted to the Sacred Heart as something that was consubstantial with them [the devotion was spread by the Jesuit father de la Colombiere, spiritual director of St Margaret Mary, although it predated her and had been a common devotion in Europe for a long time, particularly with the Franciscans]. In many Spanish cities, the image of Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned the highest point in the town. There were many religious congregations, both male and female, who bore the Sacred Heart in their names. The Apostolate of Prayer had hundreds of thousands of members. And among them were the readers of the Sacred Heart Messenger…All of this was abandoned for I know not what reason, and we ended up with nothing.”

    La Ciguena de la Torre (The Stork in the Tower, because every Spanish church has a crabby stork in its tower) is a blog run by an orthodox Catholic in his 60s who lives in a place near Madrid. It’s where you go to get Spanish religious gossip. He is always very positive about the Novus Ordo and Vatican II, but every so often, he lets slip the fact that the rich religious life of the Spain of his youth was destroyed – and for what? What was gained? Nothing.

    Cardinal Rouco has been wonderful at reestablishing devotions. Years ago, every door in every apartment building in Madrid had an image of the Sacred Heart on it. It was a brass plaque in the middle of the door, around the door knocker and the peep hole. You can still see it on unrenovated buildings, but it’s getting scarcer. But one good bishop can do wonders, and whether or not the royals came (the Church is under serious attack in Spain, and so are the royals), it is wonderful to see this. And the good people of Madrid are loving it.

  6. avecrux says:

    Thanks, Nathaniel1. I confess I was humming it already!

  7. Jacques says:

    According to this link:
    the renewal of the Consecration of Spain to the Sacred Heart would not be made in a more opportune time for this poor country.

  8. EJ says:

    Her Majesty Queen Sofia is extremely devout, like her daughter the Infanta Elena… unfortunately as goes with constitutional monarchs, they have to bow down to the will of the civil governments in power to a large degree…especially concerning public appearances etc. If it were up to her she would be there in a heartbeat – and it is very interesting the times where her personal opinion has slipped about things. She is certainly no lefty, and a loyal daughter of the Church…

  9. Willebrord says:

    Wow. When I read this post, I was thinking “Fr. should totally tag this ‘Just Too Cool'” and lo and behold, he has!

  10. Thomas says:


    Her Majesty is also a convert to the Faith from Greek Orthodoxy.

  11. EJ says:

    Thomas.. and a true CONVERT at that. I’m not trying to read into anything – but your point is…?

  12. Maureen says:

    Sounds like Thomas is just noting something interesting.

    Her wedding pictures were noted here a while back; they’re in Life’s photo archive.

  13. Mitchell NY says:

    There is so little of these traditions left in the world, I am happy for the people of Spain. All too often Spain reminds the world of what they have lost or given up in regards to Catholic Tradition. When not looking to Rome, Spain would be a good alternative..

  14. Thomas says:

    Maureen’s right. Just noting a bit of historical trivia.

  15. MCH says:

    Here is a photo of the Sacred Heart’s ‘execution’ at the hands of the anarchists in the Civil War:

    I find this to be an incredibly significant event. The Church in Spain is in such a dire state today, being attacked from all fronts by those who hate Her. Let us pray that the renewal of Spain’s consecration to the Most Sacred Heart will be the start of the Church’s revival in that country, which brought the light of Gospel to the farthest reaches of the world.

  16. ckdexterhaven says:

    This is great news. Thanks for posting this, Fr.Z. Hope.

  17. Paul says:


    If God is with us, then who can be against us?

    If you mess with the bull, you get the Horns.

    I pity those leftists.


  18. Liam says:

    “And the prince’s wife. Grrrrrr.”

    What is the “Grrr” intended to convey about Letizia, Princess of Asturias?

  19. Lola in Spain says:

    Speaking of “just too cool”, the Feast of the Sacred Heart falls on my birthday, this year. What a wonderful gift!

    I live in Madrid, and it is always saddening and sometimes frightening how anti-clerical the current Spanish national government is — I’m assuming the reference in the post to “no political authorities” meant cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, and so on. That would not include the royal family (who are not political authorities, and shouldn’t be confused with the government).

    Separation of Church and State is one thing; but having an actively and specifically anti-Catholic agenda, as the current administration does, is another. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us! ¡Corazón de Jesús, en Vos confío!

  20. irishgirl says:

    Is there still a Discalced Carmelite monastery near the Sacred Heart monument at Cerro de los Angeles?

    That was founded by St. Maravillas of Jesus in the 1920s.

    Yes-why the ‘Grrrr’ in reference to Crown Princess Letizia?

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