Mantillas… help!

A friend wrote asking about a good source for purchasing high quality mantillas.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

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  1. I’ve gotten a couple from Halo Works and have been very happy with them.

  2. bernadette says:

    I have ordered a few from Headcoverings-by-devorah. She is a Jewish lady who makes beautiful headcoverings, many of them suitable for Catholic worship. Some of them come with a small comb sewn in to help anchor them on the head.

  3. Barb says:

    just about every Catholic store online offers them ~ looking for nice and affordable, go for Leaflet… looking for beautiful and last a life time, absolutely go to HaloWorks.

  4. Alice says:

    I got some of mine here:

    You can also keep an eye out for sales at the fabric store and make your own. They’re not that hard. I think I used a yard of lace and a few yards of trim and got two veils and a few little doilies.

  5. Chris says:

    I have ordered from Headcoverings by Devorah as well, and I was very impressed.

    I have also been very happy with purchases from Modesty Veils and from the “Lady In Blue” shop on Etsy.

  6. I made my own. It’s not hard at all: just go to the fabric store and buy a
    half-yard of heavy black (or white) lace fabric. Ta-daa! Mantilla.

    Non-lace veils are just as easily, if you want to save a bundle. Buy a yard of
    translucent white or black fabric and some lace (or other) trim. Figure out how long
    the veil should be by pinning the fabric to your hairline and getting a friend
    to put a pin in the middle of the fabric where you want to cut. Then fold the
    fabric in half and cut along the non-folded part to make a semi-U shape,
    ending at the pin. Unfold to see your nice U-shape. Then pin the lace
    (or other) trim along the U-shape and sew it on with tiny stitches.

    I made my wedding veil according to these directions and saved myself at least

  7. Lori Ehrman says:

    When my husband was deployed in Afghanistan he found me the best veils. One of the men at my parish liked them so much that he paid for my husband to buy 100 of them and we then gave them away for free at Church. They only cost $1.50 each.

    I have also found beautiful black/silver veils in Lourdes for 8 euro. I will be buying a couple more when I am in Lourdes in September.

  8. Rebekah says: sells some really nice ones.

  9. The best ones I’ve gotten, and the most unique, have been from Search for “chapel veil” and/or “mantilla.”

  10. Claire says:

    I recommend They’re not the most ornate, but extremely affordable.

  11. MargaretMN says:

    Does anybody know what the mantilla/veil etiquette is? When my mom wore them, it was white for young/unmarried women and girls and black if you were married or “of a certain age.” Among veil wearers I now see everybody wearing white or blue and almost nobody wearing black.

  12. dymphna says: has the best selection.

  13. Mac McLernon says:

    I posted on this – I get mine made for me in the UK, very reasonably priced. The contact details for the lady who makes them are in the first comment in the com-box

    June Woods + 44 (0) 1582 708 374
    £5 – £6 plus postage

  14. mrsmontoya says:

    MargaretMN: I haven’t been able to find black chapel veils, and mantilas seem only available in black and white. I want a deep blue chapel veil (smaller headcovering) instead of black because black is very harsh on me – I look ill in it.

  15. Girgadis says:

    If you’re looking for an authentic mantilla made in Spain, try

    Also, for higher quality mantillas that are still affordable see

    I just ordered a brown mantilla for myself from eBay which was under $20.
    I’ll let you know about the quality next time there’s a thread about veils.
    Personally, I prefer large headscarves and found some really nice ones at – they cater to cancer patients and women suffering hair loss
    but they make great scarves for religious use as well.

  16. I get mine from Halo Works. You can purchase some basic ones at Leaflet Missal. However, my friend, Chris (of Chris & Co blog) has purchased some of hers on

    MargaretMN, I wear whatever color matches my clothes. I have various colors, black among them.

  17. Girgadis says:


    that last one should have been

  18. Jenny Z says:

    I also recommend Headcoverings by Devorah. I’ve gotten a few from there, they’re great quality and very pretty.

  19. Ygnacia says:

    Ditto on buying them on Ebay. I make most of my own, plus ones for our EF Mass to have for free use in the back of the church. My experience has been that many of the ones bought from mantilla makers these days are made of cheap, stiff lace – even ones that you pay quite a lot of money for. I try to find older mantillas on ebay, or I buy vintage lace (it drapes so much better, without stiffly flying off when you walk anywhere…) wherever I can find it.

  20. Nancy McClintock says:

    I paid 25 cents for mine at a St. Vincent de Paul thrift shop. Quality would
    be variable. I like mine, it stays on without pins.

    MargaretMN: Color may be a regional thing, with some regions more
    conservative about the etiquette. At the TLM I go to here in the northeast
    all the little girls wear white and so do some of the women. Black is very
    popular. Other colors are not common. I suspect the “Black is for matrons”
    rule is not well known or followed.

  21. Felicitas says:

    Just putting in another glowing recommendation for Headcoverings By Devorah.

  22. Peony Moss says:

    MargaretMN: Based on photos, I think the color went with the season and style of clothing — for example, white being worn in the spring.

  23. Garrett says:

    Although I’m sure Devorah makes very nice headcoverings, perhaps it would be best to give Catholic purveyors your business, ladies.

    And I have to admit to having a soft spot for women wearing actual headscarves, which accomplish the objective better than mantillas (namely, to cover the hair).

  24. Sacristymaiden says:

    I’ve found that the larger the mantilla, the better it stays on. And yes, vintage lace drapes much better that that “plastic” lace.
    Aside from that, has some very nice quality veils.

  25. NWFLDeaconsWife says:

    The one I make is a wide cloth headband with a pleated veil attatched to the back. I attach a simple rigid headband under the front edge of it to keep the veil on my head without requiring constant adjustment.

    Just a note, the Roman Missel states nothing about what the color should be, but states that any material is fine as long as it is dignified and is not overly ornate.

    Traditionally, (in Paul’s time) it should cover all or most of the hair, but there is nothing in the Cannon or the Missel that says it has to. Also, There is nothing there that says it has to be like the traditional mantilla. Mantillas are beautiful in their simplicity and grace, which is what makes them a favorite among ladies, but it is not the only ‘style’ considered ‘appropriate’.

    The ‘color’ tradition (white for a maiden, cream for a married, black for mourning/widow) is rooted more in the Victorian age, protestant-based traditions rather than attending Catholic church, but over time it became associated with wearing a veil for any occassion. It is not expected nor imposed in the Missel or the Cannon. Just so you know.

  26. Alice says:

    When my family went to the Indult Mass, my mother insisted that we girls wear a white (or light) mantilla or chapel cap from Easter to Labor Day and black (or dark) from Labor Day until Easter. It was the same with shoes and purses. Marital status had nothing to do with what color any of the ladies chose at our church and several of them (including my mother) had grown up before the Council.

  27. joebe says:

    I didn’t see this resource listed:

  28. Jill of the Amazing Wolverine Tribe says:

    MargaretMN: don’t forget the ever popular paper Kleenex hankie — if you want to be REALLY traditional. One bobby pin or two it’s up to you.

    As for myself — it would be a “when Hades freezes over” moment. Love TLM, but had my fill of walking two paces behind every male on the planet 50 years ago, and they can keep that part of it and leave me out. Paul’s logic isn’t enough to hang a dog on this issue.

  29. TLH says:

    Fallax gratia et vana est pulchritudo: mulier timens Dominum ipsa laudabitur.

  30. dymphna says:

    The veil sold at looks nice too.

  31. ETMC says:

    I made my own mantilla, and it wasn’t very hard at all!
    As for the color thing, even though I’m not married, I wear a black mantilla, since I don’t want to stand out too much.

  32. jennywren says:

    Wow, Jill of the amazing wolverines….so you think the rest of us are just doing it because we think we should walk 2 paces behind the man? I’m thinking you’re missing the “logic” on this one…..perhaps you should learn more about it before casting the rest of us into that role.

  33. Melody says:

    I got mine here:

    They are very beautiful and come in different sizes and patterns.

    When I first got a mantilla, I didn’t know about the color rules, so I got black since my hair is dark. But seeing so many older women wearing white I just shrug and tell myself the color rules have gone out of fashion for now.

    Jill: Mantillas have absolutely nothing to do with equality. Veiling is an acknowledgment of the female body as sacred and an identification with Mary. Most traditional men I’ve met only walk ahead because they are taking Jr. to the men’s restroom or finding a seat for everyone. Read up on something before you dismiss it.

  34. Clara says:

    I let my husband lead the way down the aisle at Mass because, having very long legs, he is rather more picky about pews than I. (Some pews have more leg space than others, he claims.) So it’s just easiest to let him choose. I wonder if people like Jill think this fact, coupled with my mantilla-wearing, is intended as a symbol of my moral inferiority? Ha ha, funny thought.

  35. Graham says:

    Try St Paul’s Bookshop or Catholic Truth Society next to the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood (Westminster).
    They have lots in white or black!

  36. “Paul’s logic isn’t enough to hang a dog on this issue.”

    That’s what I used to think as well (as first a Prot and a Quasi-Modernist Catholic) but then I realized that, hey, Paul’s logic was good enough for Holy Mother Church for all of 1,900 years so I guess it’s good enough for me.

    Oh sorry, am I not allowed to comment on your beliefs since I’m an evil, horrible male who wants women to spend their entire life wrapped up in a blanket in a shuttered living room, kissing my feet and cooking their own children for my dinner from a distance of two feet behind my back?

  37. In point of fact, I consider women who cover their heads in Church one of the most awesome and humbling things to behold (yes, that’s right: a woman’s superior humility makes me feel humbled).

  38. Girgadis says:

    Here is one more site that caught my attention. They adorn their chapel veils and mantillas with Swavorski crystals and they seem to offer a variety of colors like navy blue and “cocoa”. A bit too ostentatious for me but if I were a bit younger I would love to have one of their veils.

  39. Chris says:

    My wife also loves Halo Works.

  40. Joanne says:

    “Although I’m sure Devorah makes very nice headcoverings, perhaps it would be best to give Catholic purveyors your business, ladies.”

    In my experience, Devorah makes an excellent product, and there is something about her site and philosophy that I like, so I will continue to give her my business and recommend her to others.

    A note on Devorah, though – be sure when ordering from her that you specify “No substitutions” when you make a purchase. She does sometimes substitute one lace for another when she has run out of stock in a particular style.

    I have ordered from GlamDoily and I like the little veil I received, but I have found that I’m only able to wear it when I bring it to the hairdresser and have her put it in my hair. It didn’t really look right when I did it myself. I will say, however, that my GlamDoily veil was perfect for 2 weddings I attended this past spring. One of the posters here named “Chris” recommended the GlamDoily site to me, and I wanted to say THANK YOU! Wonderful suggestion.

    Also, Jill – please keep posting here. I don’t always agree with your comments, but I always enjoy reading them!

  41. larry says:

    I did not see the reason for headcoverings posted, it might be helpful to clarify this, as it most certainly is not to denigrate women or put them below men.

    To say that headcoverings are meant to lower women is a twisting of the truth, it plays right into the hands of those who hate the traditions of the Catholic Church and our belief in the truth of our faith.
    The truth is, Angels are present at Mass, and for women to cover their heads they acknowledge that fact, they honor the holiness of the Mass by putting on a headcovering.

    Unfortunately it looks like many Catholics do not believe in the presence of the Angels anymore and this is shown by not paying respect to their presence. Headcoverings are about showing a love for the presence of the saintly, they honor women and show a humility and modesty actively discouraged these days in our culture.

  42. isabella says:

    If you have a nice fabric store, look at their bridal lace. I made mine from about half a yard. The pattern repeats all over, so once you choose a shape (rounded or triangular), you just get a little pair of very sharp little sewing scissors and cut between the pattern motifs – usually floral of some sort. The lace itself is very thick and will last a lifetime. No sewing or hemming required at all :)

    I wish I could remember the name of the lace. Darn, it’s not Chantilly – if I was more awake I could remember what I used. Brussels, maybe? It’s similar to what was popular about a year ago with some famous designer whose name I forgot. He or she had gold-dyed purses and dresses. I tried to look on line for you, but am brain dead by now. If I remember, I’ll let you know.

  43. Peony Moss says:

    @isabella — Alençon lace, perhaps? or Venice?

  44. Banjo Pickin' Girl says:

    Jill, I can just imagine me showing up at a traditionalist parish: YOU, yeah, YOU, with the jeans, cover your head! A whited sepulchre would be I. Dress as you are internally. I am definitely not Mary. I cover the parts of me that should be covered. I am clean. I don’t smell bad. I sit where I won’t offend. People smile at me anyway, amazing thing, that. I kneel at the rail and the priest’s eyes twinkle (like little stars). I will stay put with my Dominicans.

  45. Banjo Pickin' Girl says:

    Isabella’s idea sounds great for those of us who are sewing-impaired!

  46. Jordanes says:

    Jill said, “Paul’s logic isn’t enough to hang a dog on this issue.” Well, it doesn’t matter what you think of the logic by which St. Paul laid out reasons for his authoritative teaching. His teaching and ordinance would have been binding even if he hadn’t offered an accompanying explanation.

  47. Precentrix says:

    Banjo Pickin’ Girl,

    I know people who *do* that… jeans and mantilla. Yep. Not that uncommon in Y2000 settings, for example. Always struck me as quite odd, but sweet.

    Still, stay put with the Dominicans (not that I’m biased at all…). :)

  48. jjoy says:

    I make crocheted chapel veils, a little different from the standard lace ones, but well-received, and have recently gotten a website. Come and visit me at

  49. TLH says:

    “jeans and a mantilla”!?
    I know…I have seen this aberration before at some TLMs at which I have assisted…really messed up! I always have to ask myself the question…what’s so very wrong with this picture? The whole pants and veil combo…jeans or otherwise. The problem is that those who wear such get-ups don’t see the contradiction. With the Novus Ordo it’s understandable…such things are part and parcel of the N.O. culture whether it’s offered by Dominicans or diocesan priests or whomever…wrong but understandable but at the TLM….uhhh!

  50. JayneK says:

    Wearing a mantilla (or other headcovering) is a complex symbol with many layers of meaning. For me its primary significance is reverence for the Echarist, followed by respect for traditions of the Church. To a lesser extent, it also expresses for me feminine submission. I have more positive feelings around this last concept than you appear to have.

    While I myself accept what St. Paul has to say about women, I don’t think it is necessary to do so in order to wear a mantilla. My impression of online discussions I have seen on the topic is that many women focus on aspects of the symbolism with which you would agree.

    (My mantilla was a gift so I don’t have any advice about where to purchase them.)

  51. Frank H says:

    Banjo Pickin’ Girl —

    I see the occasional veil at your Dominican parish. Always makes me smile!

  52. Nadege says:

    I agree that vintage lace is softer and drapes better, but it’s also more fragile. I need material that’s more sturdy, because I tie the ends of my mantillas behind my back. I’ve tried that with vintage mantillas and they fall apart immediately. So I buy cheaper simpler ones that I can replace if they rip.

    As far as color goes, I prefer light colors, I don’t like how black mantillas look on me. But then I have to deal with the fact that they’re more noticeable. Well… so what’s the worst thing that can happen? Somebody will turn around? Okay…

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