I am thinkin’ perhaps lunch at a pub in central London.
After lunch I will probably visit the Courtauld Gallery today, on the recommendation of a blognicker from last evening.
Then maybe… perhaps, back to the National Gallery?
I also have not yet seen St. Etheldreda.
I been to St Etheldreda.
UPDATE 1511h
Taking a break from the Courtauld I am having a coffee in the court yard of the lower level. NB for a visit: there are little lockers on the lower level too in case you are carrying things.
I have finally seen a Renoir I rather liked. la Loge. I have not been able to warm up to him. Also, a Kandinsky, amazingly enough. Rapallo – Gray Day.
There is an interesting connection between my last trip to NYC and the Van Gogh here, a self portrait with bandaged ear after his release from the hospital. VG had quarreled with Paul Gauguin. If I remember rightly, at the Morgan Library is a letter of VG to PG about PGs upcoming visit when they quarreled.
There was a nice set of Tiepolo studies. I rather like his haughty looking BVM depiction. There was a nice St Charles I hope to find in the shop.
The Rubens Cain Slaying Abel was disturbing and the Cranach of the moment Eve gives Adam the apple was interesting: animals are there witnessing the Fall. Poignant. This is when man and nature fall into disharmony. One of the critters is a lion looking out at you, surrounded by his future prey. I also liked the Paolo Veronese study for a Baptism.
In any event, I have seen the two upper floors and will now see the Gothic and early Renaissance on the ground level before moving on.
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