A pub stop – on a suggestion

On the recommendation of a WDTPRSer who emailed me, as I got close to China Town I stopped at De Hems for a BelleVue Kriek. I don’t usually get this sort of thing, but this stuff is really good.

Followed by some GREAT Beijing dumplings at a little shop nearby.

Then we watch a little Chinese chess on Newport Place.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. relee54 says:

    Being a beer afficianado, I don’t think there is a tastier brew in the world than Bellvue Kriek. Lambic fermentation coupled with the cherry taste, you just can’t beat it. Gives real meaning to Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote that” Beer is proof that God loves man and wants us to be happy!”

  2. relee: Indeed, with its cherry overtone… this was good stuff.

  3. Phil_NL says:

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying London, Fr.Z.!

  4. Phil: It has been great! But I am glad to have had a very slow Sunday.

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