Southwark Cathedral

I rather like Southwark… little streets and interesting corners.

I popped into the once-Catholic Cathedral for a visit.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. dominic says:

    It must be said, that when it was Catholic, that it wasn’t a cathedral… (it only became such in 1905, I think). A glorious place, none the less.

  2. I’m praying that it will be Catholic again some day!

  3. Rellis says:

    Stripping of the altars, indeed. One day, one day…

  4. Sid says:

    Looks like a nice combination of French Gothic (the nave) and English Gothic (the Eastern end).

  5. irishgirl says:

    I never got to see Southwark Cathedral…the only place I went to on that side of the River Thames was the ‘restored’ Globe Theatre. I bought a two-tape set of “Romeo and Juliet” in the shop there. And I think I bought a cardboard model of the Globe to give to my [then] TO Discalced Carmelite spiritual director. He asked me to get it for some youngsters he knew.

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