Some people claim that even though the Holy Father issued Summorum Pontificum, no one is really supposed to actually use the older books.

They have the same attitude about the TLM as they do about Gregorian chant: it should be seen and not heard.

Here is an interesting announcement.

The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei has issued their own helpful material for the older form of Mass, the Missa Extraordinaria, or Usus Antiquior, in line with the Supreme Pontiff’s own Summorum Pontificum.

This is an official multimedia release, by the Holy See, on DVD in four languages for priests and laypeople to learn the older form of Mass.

It is an official release of the Holy See.

The project had been announced by the former President of the PCED, Card. Castrillon.

On the first DVD is a recording of a Low Mass.  There are also other videos of Masses including a Pontifical Mass at S. Maria Maggiore in 2003.

On the second DVD is a didactic presentation with detailed explanations of rubrics and directions for serving, as well as the preparatio ad missam and thanksgiving in the sacristy.

On can obtain it on request from the PCED.  It is hoped that it will be distributed also in bookstores and religious goods stores.


Sussidio didattico audiovisivo per sacerdoti e laici

con presentazione di
il Sig. Dario Card. Castrillon Hoyos

Cofanetto di 2 DVD
sottotitoli in italiano/english/espanol/francais

per richiederne una copia

Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei – Palazzo della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede
Piazza del Sant’Uffizio, 11 – 00193 ROMA – Tel. 06/69885213 – 69885494 – Fax 06/69883412

Una produzione multimediale ufficiale in quattro lingue per favorire sacerdoti e laici ad apprendere il rito romano nella sua forma straordinaria: ecco il primo concreto contributo della Santa Sede allo sviluppo delle ambizioni papali contenute nel Summorum Pontificum. Un progetto didattico annunciato dall’allora Presidente della Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei, il Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos subito dopo l’entrata in vigore del Motu Proprio, e completato proprio quando il prelato sudamericano giunge al termine del suo mandato.

Nel primo DVD è contenuto il filmato completo di una messa letta nella forma straordinaria introdotta da un’intervento del Cardinale Presidente. Vi sono anche contributi video con alcune messe gregoriane, compreso il Pontificale tenutosi a S.Maria Maggiore nel 2003.

Nel secondo DVD è contenuto il filmato didattico vero e propri oche spiega nel dettaglio gesti e rubriche del messale giovanneo per la Messa letta, dalla preparatio ad missam al ringraziamento in sagrestia.

Per acquistare una copia è possibile chiedere direttamente agli uffici della PCED. Si spera presto in una sua distribuzione più ampia presso tutte le librerie e i negozi di articoli religiosi.

This is an official release of the Holy See.

Please take note, editors of The Tablet et al.,…. this is an official release from the Holy See.

With a tip of the biretta  o{]:¬)   to Rinascimento Sacro.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Steve K. says:

    I wonder how it compares with the DVD produced by the FSSP? Do they complement each other, etc.? I have not seen the FSSP’s except by online excerpts, but it looks amazing, and incredibly useful to priests learning how to say the Mass. Perhaps the PCED’s version has more aimed at the laity, which the article seems to suggest. That would be useful – laity need education in this as well as the priests.

    Perhaps we should send a copy to Abp. Mani of Sardinia? ;-)

  2. Brian K says:

    So, are we still anticipating a “clarification” of Summorum Pontificum?

    (We also need a statement from PCED that individual bishops cannot coerce priests to undergo a Latin exam prior to offering the TLM, and that individual bishops do not have the authority to determine which written requests for a TLM do or do not comply with Summorum Pontificum. At least that’s what we need locally, for starters…)

  3. Dove says:

    awesome! It makes excellent sense to put out a how to DVD as a follow-up to the permission for the extraordinary form of the mass. Really good news. :)

  4. gloriainexcelsis says:

    I have the FSSP DVDs. They are wonderful. I loaned them to an 84 year old gentleman who has a hard time following the Mass. His reading is laborious. He has, for awhile now, been a passenger of mine or of a friend’s in driving the one hour plus to Sacramento. He still has his very old Lasance Daily Missal, but hadn’t been to an EF Mass for many years. He kept the DVDs for several weeks, playing them over and over, and can now follow what’s going on. I would be interested in the new offering.

  5. Lee says:

    I hope our holy father will use the new DVD and soon say the EF form of the Mass!

  6. jesusthroughmary says:

    This is just a group of reactionary fringe traditionalists trying to trick people into thinking the Old Latin Mass is mainstream.

    I mean, come on, really. It’s not like this is an official release of the Holy See.

  7. C. says:

    They really want all of us to call in tomorrow and just ask for a copy?

    Should I set my alarm for 3 AM Eastern?

  8. TJM says:

    Thanks Father Z, although this will depress the usual “nattering nabbobs of negativism” who will never be satisfied until the Holy Father abrogates the Novus Ordo. Tom

  9. medievalist says:

    “…multimediale ufficiale…”

    “Multimedia” as in technology? “Official” as in the Holy See? In the same sentence?!? The end is nigh! ;-)

  10. lofstrr says:

    Old form, New format. This is going to be a liberal brain-melter. This made me grin this morning. May God bless our reactionary fringe traditionalist Pope.

  11. ssoldie says:

    Interesting, fallowing a ‘Polka Mass’ the (“Gregorian Rite) Mass was prayed the hour before it, children were out side playing, as it was connected to a church bazaar, and a group of children were watching a smaller group of children (T.L.M.) playing, and the remark being that those were the one’s that were not Catholic. So you see the catholics who pray the 1500 yr old ‘Gregorian Rite Mass’ are considered non Catholics, kinda puts me in the same class as the FSSPX. Glad of it.

  12. Chris says:

    Steve K: “I wonder how it compares with the DVD produced by the FSSP?”

    The FSSP isn’t going to promote a modernist dialogue Mass.

  13. Mark M says:

    Chris: careful now; dialogue Masses are common in continental Europe, for example. Is it truly fair to call them modernist?

  14. robtbrown says:

    The FSSP isn’t going to promote a modernist dialogue Mass.
    Comment by Chris

    Why would you say a dialogue mass is modernist?

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