I picked up from NLM that His Excellency Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, Bishop of Oakland, …
… [l]ast Sunday, September 20, … offered Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior at St. Margaret Mary Church, an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (cf. Upcoming Pontifical Mass in California). Jay Balza of [the blog Veritatem facientes in caritate] has sent in some first pictures of the occasion, and there is video as well. More may become available.
We sure miss His Excellency here in San Diego. Keep his name in your mind, I believe you’ll be hearing much more about him in the future.
Deo gratias.
His Excellency sure seems to celebrate the Extraordinary Form a lot.
Is there an American bishop who celebrates it more often? Outside of (the mess that is) China and aside from Bp. Rifan, is there a bishop in full communion with the Pope who celebrates it more often?
What’s with the green vimps?
I am not certain how often you would consider “a lot” or “more often,” but His Excellency Bishop Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph celebrates the traditional Mass fairly frequently. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph has two recognized traditional societies (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest & Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles) for which Bishop Finn celebrates Mass along with performing other episcopal functions such as consecrating churches, conferring the sacrament of Confirmation, presiding over Solemn Professions of nuns, and so forth.
TNCath: This Mass was on a Sunday after Pentecost, meriting green vestments. For the sake of the solemnity of the occasion, i.e. a Pontifical Solemn Mass, the vestments for the sacred ministers were gold, while the vimps and the bishop’s dalmatic (and tunicle) were green.
There are an abundance of traditional Masses in China?
The liturgical devastation kind of skipped China.