Brick by Brick at Boston College

From a reader:

Dear Fr;
 On the Feast of St Michael the Archangel, Fr Agustin Anda Celebrated a Traditional Mass according to the 1962 Missal, granting the request of  two student organisations, the Boston College Thomas More Society (Law) and the (conservative) Boston College  Observer. Organizers  were Michael Williams and Philip Micele, who also Served on the Altar. Assisting Fr Anda was the Thomas More Society adviser, Fr. Gary Gurtler, SJ,  and Gregorian Ordinary, Propers and supplementary Sequences Hymns and Responsories were sung by the Cathedral of the Holy Cross choir, Schola Amicorum. This event was not widely publicized in advance, but nevertheless was attended by approximately 50 very devout congregants, mostly students.

Event Photos

Tridentine Latin Mass sponsored by the Thomas More Society of Boston College, Celebrated in St Mary’s Chapel by Fr Agustin Anda, assisted by Fr. Gary Gurtler, S.J.. Chant choir Schola Amicorum, from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Feast of St Michael the Archangel. Acolytes Philip Micele, Michael Williams

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Lynne says:

    How wonderful! Did I miss the flying pigs? Seriously though, this is really wonderful…

  2. FrCharles says:

    This is great, as I expect to be at BC next fall!

  3. introibo says:

    Boston College? I am amazed. There is hope…

  4. Jack Hughes says:


  5. lucy says:

    Thanks be to God !! Let the EF grow and grow and grow – only then will we begin to fix what’s wrong.

  6. Thomas S says:

    An all-too-rare occasion when I’m proud of my alma mater. Great to see the sanctuary sans versus populum altar. This is a long way from the Mass Cardinal Arinze celebrated with traditional African tribal music in the same chapel.

    I do have a question/observation I posted over at NLM about the pictures of this Mass:

    I just checked the photos anonymous linked to and have a liturgical question.

    Fr. Gurtler, in choir, is wearing the black zucchetto. I guess that’s not so much a question as an observation of something I’ve not seen in my limited EF experiences. I remember hearing that a priest offering the Mass cannot wear the zucchetto (in the OF anyway), but in choir is something I don’t have information on.

    The only other time I’ve seen the black zucchetto at Mass was an OF celebrated in the Fall River Diocese. A bishop concelebrating with Bishop Coleman approached the altar, removed his mitre, and there it was. I was happy to see it, but am still confused by a bishop wearing a black zucchetto at Mass.

  7. Seraphic Spouse says:

    YAY! But, of course, it was all due to the faithful remnant: the St. Thomas More Society and “The Observer.”

    If you are a serious, traditional Catholic on your way to BC, run, don’t walk, to the STMS and “The Observer” office.

  8. Hidden One says:

    Incredible. There is hope!

  9. Bornacatholic says:

    WOW!!! Fantastic news, Fr.

    Kudos to The Thomas More Society and The BC Observer. To me, I like to think of the difference between the EF and the Normative Mass in musical terms.

    The FSSP Parish, Christ The King Chapel, in Sarasota, Fl has a Gregorian Schola, whereas, for all intents and purposes, all other N.O. Masses in Florida may as well just play a recording of John Ashcroft singing, “Let The Eagle Soar”

    May the real Eagles (St. Thomas More Society and The Boston College Observer) soar at BC.

  10. JoeGarcia says:

    Look at it this way…if, with 12 Galilean peasants, Our Lord was able to rattle the very foundations of the Roman Empire, imagine what he can do with the STMS and BCO!

    At this rate, can the more “creatively wayward” members of the Society of Jesus hold out much longer?


  11. Luke says:

    JoeGarcia: I’m not sure if Matthew would have been a peasant or not…I also like the phrase “creatively wayward” members. It’s more like a tearing down of the building of God than a creation, however.

    I was at a Jesuit retreat this summer and was pleasantly surprised to find a very fine and orthodox retreat master. No, I don’t think the others can hold out much longer.

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