Christians Attacked in India

From Vatican Radio:

Christians Attacked in India

(27 Jan 10 – RV) The Indian State of Karnataka has been the scene of new anti-Christian attacks within the past week leaving two churches damaged.

The Archbishop of Bangalore in Karnataka, Bernard Moras, says the attacks are being carried out by Hindu fundamentalists…

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. The Cobbler says:

    They didn’t learn from the elephants?

  2. JonM says:

    Cobbler, you beat me to it.

    In case people did not hear about the story, the Archdiocese of Colombo reported that this past December, elephants stormed an area that in 2008 sustained truly horrific anti-Catholic violence. I won’t post what happened, other than ‘bad, REALLY bad.’

    The fascinating aspect of the story is that the elephants left alone Christians and seemed to target non-Christians. This is a real story and has been featured on pretty mainstream services like BBC.

    It is a good reality check as we argue in parish committees about how many EMHC to have or who gets to be reader this week.

  3. jt83 says:

    Our Lady, Help of Christians: Pray for Us.

  4. Hans says:

    The story can also be found in print at Zenit.

  5. Francisco Cojuanco says:

    Well, the two incidents happened in two different countries – the first (Sri Lanka) had a Buddhist majority, the second obviously is majority Hindu.

    What is even worse is that one of the organizations that incite anti-Christian violence is actually a major party (they’re the country’s second largest political party), and they do this openly to rile up their base. At least here in America when people rouse hatred against Catholics, they have to lie about it.

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