I had this from a reader:
This is disturbing but it sounds more likely than liturgically-approved rainbow vestments, right?
Rabbi Schneier of New York Says Tridentine Mass a Liabillity
"The Tridentine Mass is a real liability. We live today in a global world and must co-exist as religion — therefore one needs respect for the another. And Jesus was finally, a Jew. That was and is still ever a liability. And that is the question in tandem with Pope Pius XII. I believe, the best solution would here be, once again to basically go through the archives. The Church is eternal, would it make any difference to wait a few more years!"
The original is here (http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=25226) in German, for those of your online community who wish to tackle this one.
Oh, BTW, I heard Hugh Hewitt reference your contribution to his show tonight. How cool is THAT!
I respond: Cunctando regitur mundus…. the world is ruled by delaying.
I add: At the same time as we must not lack in charity in dealing with those who are not of our Faith, we must not water down our faith or our liturgical worship… ever.
I’ll keep the combox closed on this.