comic relief

This is how I felt getting up today and thinking about the news I would read.

An editorial cartoon… Michael Ramirez!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TJerome says:


  2. Consilio et Impetu says:

    Re: An editorial cartoon… Michael Ramirez!

    “Father, forgive them…”

  3. LoyalViews says:

    The second funny, is just so relevant to today’s media. Unbelievably relevant!

  4. deborah-anne says:

    Just when we think it can’t get any worse, it does. Some levity it always a good thing to help lighten the weariness.

  5. As a Norwegian Catholic during these days of trial and tribulation, I can well identify with the first chicken. Coffee does help a little, but still….

  6. acmeaviator says:

    The second cartoon is exactly right. I have spent a ridiculous amount of time posting on secular new sites supporting the Church – my wife says I’m a glutton for punishment lol. In almost every case any post that attempts to point out facts of the issue, supports the Church, or defends the Pope draws instant accusations that I am defending “criminals, pedophiles, wackos, freaks, etc”. Dawkins and Hitchens announcement that they are seeking to arrest the Pope has really brought out all the extremists.

  7. introibo says:

    You just know the media will dig up something linking Pope Pius XII to all this mess…….

  8. irishgirl says:

    Seeing that second cartoon, I can breathe a sigh of relief and say, ‘Thank goodness there were no ‘media sharks’ on the first Good Friday!’

    ‘Father, forgive US….’

  9. jaykay says:

    “Seeing that second cartoon, I can breathe a sigh of relief and say, ‘Thank goodness there were no ‘media sharks’ on the first Good Friday!’”

    Ummm, Irishgirl, there were. They were even at the foot of the cross (hint: they weren’t the BVM, St John or the Holy Women)

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