After several weeks away from home, I am collecting my mail from the various people who collected it.
So far, I have have found items sent by kind readers from my wish list!
Many thanks to MP of PA for the copy of the Collected Poems of St. Robert Southwell, a famous English martyr. Some of the poems are in Latin, most in Early-Modern English.
David’s Peccavi
In eaves sole sparowe sitts not more alone
Nor mourning Pelican in desert wilde
Then sely I that solitarie mone
From highest hopes to hardest happ exild
Sometime o blissfull tyme was vertues meede
Ayme to my thoughtes guide to my word and deede.But feares now are my pheares griefe my delight
My teares my drinke my famisht thoughtes my bredd
Day full of Dumpes nurce of unrest the nighte
My garmentes gives a bloody feild my bedd
My sleape is rather death then deathes allye
Yet kild with murdring pangues I cannot dye.
DS of CA sent me a copy of a book by Scott Hahn (I think the only one I have so far) Covenant and Communion: The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI.
From someone in Downers Grove, IL I received a CD of Gregorian Chant from the Institute of Christ the King: Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ Sovereign and Eternal Priest, and for Sts. Peter and Paul, and also for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I think Richard McBrien would enjoy this.
Here is a sample. They are very competent, though just a bit on the "delicate" side.
Also, I am seeing lots of activity around the feeders (now that I have filled them up upon my return). The male Goldfinches are well along in their color change. I am glad to see the Cardinal is still around.
I had the thought to go get a few things to help their nesting activities, if any of you want to pitch in.
Also, many thanks to you who have made donations. I remember benefactors in prayer. I will be saying Mass for the intentions of those who have recently made donations on Friday morning.
I didn’t know that the ICKSP recorded a CD-I’ll go over on their website and find out more about it!
Love the picture of ‘His Eminence’-his ‘complaint’ is funny!
Those cardinals are tough birds! Not afraid of my cats at all.
The institute is renouned for their adherence to Solesmes method, I myself occasionally will sing with the Schola in St Louis, when I can make it out to St Francis De Salles. I know in our case, the director is magnificent.
St. Robert Southwell, wow!
I love the English martyrs. Enjoy reading his poetry, Fr.Z. And, if you get the inspiration, share some of with us, when and if you can (the imagery is just breath-taking in the snippet you gave us). Happy Easter!
You can learn more about the Institute of Christ the King’s Gregorian Chant CD.
I like the “delicate” chant of the Institute. The CD is highly acclaimed. The schola director was recently in Chicago for a Chant Workshop.
Love the Cardinal, Father. Think that could be a good mug on its own.
That pic would make an excellent mug, I would have to explain it to most of the people within my sphere of influence.
Will Check our the ICRSS’s Gregorian Chant CD. For the few times I’ve heard it, delicate is an appropriate adjective.
Appreciate the prayer intentions Father Z. Will remember your intentions in mine as well.
Thanks for mentioning this; the audio samples on Amazon show they have a very nice sound, along the lines of the classic Solesmes recordings.
Re helping with the birds nesting activities. Along with a house or two, some folks put out nest building materials. Items such as dryer lint, bits of yarn, small strips of paper or fabric, etc. The birds will take them and add them to their nest construction.
I suppose the materials could be placed in a mesh bag of some sort or just be strewn among the branches of a shrub.
My very favorite of Scott Hahn’s books is The Lambs Supper. This was a real eye-opener for me. It’s all about the Mass as Heaven on earth. Maybe add this one to your wish list, Father Z.?