Some time ago I made a PODCAzT about St. Ambrose and pro-abortion Catholic politicians.
054 08-04-29 Pro-Abortion Politicians and Communion; St. Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius
Also on Ambrose:
- 060 08-05-16 Pentecost customs; St. Ambrose on the dew of the Holy Spirit
- 065 08-07-19 St. Ambrose “On mysteries”; Interview: Fr. Robert Pasley
- 097 09-12-07 Ambrose to a new bishop; In The Bleak Midwinter
Yesterday, there was a huge demonstration here in MD against a late term abortionist who moved in from Nebraska. This weekend the archdioceses of Washington DC & Baltimore invites the faithful to a Mass and then a procession on the side of the killing shop. More at