Prayer Before Using The Internet HERE
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer for Priests HERE
Daily Offering HERE
House shopping, offered great mortgage rate. Kids/Wife are healthy. Starting ENT residency in July at my top-rated program. No recent losses in our extended family. It is Holy Week. The Lord is just and merciful. Bishop at home diocese put his foot down and refused to allow Jews/Prots to read the readings at the annual Red Mass (activity which the previous Bishop had fostered). Helping bring another young couple joyfully into the Catholic Church this Easter Vigil. All in all, very blessed.
Ok. Prayer said.
Good news? How about this? My husband and father of our 3 children, returns today from a 1 year deployment to Afghanistan.
I thank God for carrying us through this year and bringing him home safely. Many many prayers answered. Thank you to all the angels and saints I have called on this past year.
I praise God for his generosity, faithfulness and care for us.
Only 18 hours to go……
Others’ news will be more to the point than mine, I’m sure. However, . . . Jesus Christ is Lord of Lord and King of Kings and offers Himself to me and to all of us each day in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and what’s more, has given us His Mother as our very own – this, to me, is the best news there can possibly be, no matter what else is going on in the world or in my life. And it’s mine every day. Every single day. Endless thanksgiving!
Getting on in years: that everything (more or less) still seems to be working for husband and for me, albeit with some creaks and stiffness and wheeziness, is some good news! That we’re both still reasonably sharp, able to enjoy life, able to work, both have jobs, a roof over our heads, food on on the table, (and a pleasant roof and tasty food, at that), that we’re largely on good terms with family, friends, neighbors; we don’t have creditors or the IRS after us, nor are there warrants out for our arrest, and last but not least, in spite of dispirting and troubling things that have happened within our beautiful nation lately, we live in the U.S.A. All good news.
Five Dominican friars of the Eastern province will be ordained to the holy priesthood of Jesus Christ this May. Please pray for them!
My wife who broke both wrists in a fall a little over a week ago, was recovered enough to be able to attend Mass yesterday and is recovering well.
Thanks to the positive intervention of the diocesian bishop, our community can celebrate the Sacred Triduum in the EF once again. This will be the second time.
Deo Gratias!
We are expecting our fifth child, due on the Feast of Christ the King- three days after Thanksgiving. We are beyond happy about this!! God has blessed us again.
I had the good fortune to be a the Men’s conference at the Cathedral in St. Paul MN this past
Saturday. An inspiring homily by Fr. Bill Baer, a wonderful and challenging talk by Matthew Kelly and finally an address by Archbishop Neinstadt.
It was a wonderful conference, thanks to those whose hard work made it possible.
I didn’t give up coffee this week and I’m so happy to have my Mystic Monk in my hand. I need it today! I will make other offerings, but I’m glad to have my coffee.
Oh, and the Palm Sunday mass was so long and we had to be there so early with the altar boys, but it was SO beautiful. I felt so incredibly blessed when I got to kiss the palm and the print’s hand.
So, my good news was going to be my coffee, but I guess it is really the beautiful Holy Week liturgies.
Prayers for you and your intentions, Father, especially!
Congratulation to above news, prayer for your awaited news and the person, and lettuce seeds are little two leaf babies that have a week of sun, wind, and cold nights [no rain :( ] to survive in the cold frame – glass on/glass off timing. Wondering about asking own Guardian Angel to message another’s Guardian Angel, because I think of them as God’s messengers, whether it is OK to do so if I say according to God’s will.
*PRIEST’S hand! Good grief…apparently not enough MM coffee yet!
Prayer done. I like to think of our guardian angels as a modern saint once saw them. He said he awoke late at night in his family’s poor home and glimpsed a guardian angel, blazing with light, knelt in rapt adoration before a cheap ‘dime store’ print of the Last Supper.
Our parish had a visiting choir. I am 1 year new to this parish and I think this may be the first schola choir for the parish (at least in a long time). Soooo happy to have the OF Mass supported by prayerful music and not overpowered by Disneyesque style entertainment. Please pray for us that we get to keep them! And they are a teen choir too! Latin and English sung in chant and appropriate hymn selection – I didn’t even realize how much I was struggling through mass until this choir released me into prayer. Brick by brick indeed :)
My most loyal and faithful companion of almost 12 years is being put out of her suffering today. Not the greatest news, but after seeing someone’s dog left on the road like a piece of road kill the other day, I guess I should be thankful for her long and happy life. Now I’m just left hoping private cremation isn’t some outlandish price now. I don’t want to turn her into bone fertilizer in some mass cremation.
Graduated Navy bootcamp on Friday. The Catholic chaplain at RTC Great Lakes, I am pleased to report, is a great priest. Mass celebrated very reverently, confessions heard every Sunday, regular preaching about Heaven and Hell, sin (he even says “sin”!), confession and worthy reception of Holy Communion, and he wears a maniple. It’s encouraging to see. Brick by brick in a place not normally associated with sanctity.
Sunday morning we had an assembly for Religious Ed and an Easter egg hunt. After the kids got back inside the DRE was firing off questions. “What does an egg have to do with Easter?” And so on. Then she siad, “After you break open your egg and eat what’s inside it, you can leave the egg next to your bed to remind you of something. What?” One of my student’s hand was about to shoot through the roof. “The empty Tomb!” she said.
That afternoon a well-received adult catechesis Christ as the Paschal Lamb.
Finally, I emptied out a box of change expecting to find $10 or so; got $81.
Went to confession Friday at St. Patricks Cathedral. After I got out of the box I joyfully beheld that the line was about 30 people deep {maybe not so joyful if you’re the 30th person, but let’s give her credit}.
Not much for me and mine. My Mom passed away Saturday morning after a long illness. That is compounded by my sister who threw two nutties in as many days. I will continue to pray for her. My Dad lost his sweet heart but seems to be bearing up pretty good. I’m doing all right, buoyed by my children and the knowledge that she died in a state of grace.
Good news is my RCIC sponsoree is so delighted to have returned to Christ. I know how the Shepard in the parable felt.
As I type I’ve decided that overall it’s not too bad.
Father, I’m glad you asked. We just found out we’re going to have another baby in December. Our first is just 4 months old, but we’re a somewhat older couple (at least from the standpoint of trying to start a family) so this is all not only unexpected, but a great show of God’s boundless mercy and His generosity even to wayward sheep like ourselves. We’ve returned to Him after some very badly misspent 20’s, and He has blessed us now with two children, when we were very worried we might have some trouble in that department.
So it’s been a great week.
I will be going to an Extraordinary Form of the Easter Sunday mass at 7:30 A.M. It will be the first time I’ve been able to go to the older rite all month. And it only takes me two hours to get there.
My husband finally got a job – noted that it happened within the octave of St Joseph’s feast day.
And I am looking forward to my dear friend’s entrance into the Church this Easter. I feel privileged to be her Sponsor, after so many years of telling her “you’d make a great Catholic, MJ!”
And the Tridentine Palm Sunday yesterday in McLean was so beautiful – procession, 3 priests, incense, chant and polyphony by the very excellent choir, and the dead silence in which we departed as we entered Holy Week. Mystical. Heavenly. Prayerful.
Father and all here are in my prayers.
Deo Gratias!
Confession yesterday.
Holy Week is upon us! We have some beautiful pieces to sing this Holy Week: Tenebrae, two Masses by Palestrina, Allegri’s Miserere, Durufle’s Ubi Caritas, and a few others. Loooots of singing…but it’ll really be lovely.
I hope everyone (and you Fr Z!) have a very holy Holy Week!
Two items of interest:
– Whilst cleaning the attic of the Vidum (a very large and beautiful old rectory) next to our village Church of St. Ulrich, we came upon two of the hand-carved Baroque era Chorstuhle (high-backed wooden seats where the servers would sit during Mass) that had been replaced during one of the earlier interior restorations (possibly in the 1940s). Both had been left in sad shape, abit worm-eaten and missing some parts. My wife and I suspected that both were to be discarded. Happily, we were given permission by Pfarrer Simon to have both, and we promptly sent them to a local Master of woodworking. Using parts from both, he was able to restore one of the seats in it’s entirety. It looks as it had when first created more than 250 years ago. I am hoping that at some time we will have the opportunity to return it to it’s rightful place by the altar at St. Ulrich.
– Having completed the cleaning of the Vidum, we are now ready to build the Heilige Grab; a large, painted wooden multi-panel tableau that depicts the story of the Passion of Christ, His crucifixion , burial in the tomb and then resurrection (Auferstehung). Such Heilige Grab can be seen throughout the Tirol and Bavaria; some are basic and reflect simple folk art (Volkskunst) style; others are more elaborate and have been painted by gifted artists. Treasured Heilige Graber were created as long ago as the 17th and 18th centuries. We will build it on the morning of Holy Thursday (Grundonnerstag) and it will remain in place until after Easter Monday (a national holiday here in Austria). You can read more about Heiligegraeber and see photos of ours at St. Ulrich’s here in Pinswang at
I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. I will remember her in my prayers, and I will remember you and your family, as well.
Just sent up a little prayer for the intentions you mentioned, Father Z.
@ APX: So sorry to hear about the passing of your dog. I know how you feel about losing a beloved pet-been there, done that, for sure.
@ Theodore: Sincere condolences on the loss of your mother.
Still have a busted window on my car (covered with clear plastic and held together by duct tape), but I have a ‘tiny’ bit of good news. Yesterday our ‘little choir’ sang for Palm Sunday Mass at our TLM chapel. We did pretty good, considering it was only four people (including the organist). Everything sung a’capella. Had s brief rehearsal for Easter-hopefully we will do well next Sunday. Went nuts trying to do the ‘echo’ part of Franck’s ‘Panis Angelicus’.
Got an early gift bag from the organist: a white veil and head comb in a pretty gift box, a holy card, some ‘holy’ Easter stickers, a notepad, and a beautiful St. Therese ‘rose Rosary’! Luckily there wasn’t any chocolate Easter candy inside, because I didn’t open it until I got home later in the day (it was in my trunk)!
Holy week spring break, serving for and seeing Bishop Morlino! Ohh rah!
Knoxville’s first EF solemn high Mass of Easter in recent decades. With sacred polyphony for the Ordinary, Gregorian chant propers, Mozart’s Allelulia, and three young diocesan priests as the celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon.
Today I celebrate my 57th birthday. Seven years ago today Bl. John Paul II passed from this world to the next.
Good news? Well, I have several friends that will be baptized and confirmed on Saturday night at the Easter Vigil! And I am applying to enter a religious community. It’s Franciscan and very traditional. I am open to God’s calling for me to be a sister. I have so much joy and peace around it.
@ APX and Theodore: It is very sad to lose one’s dog and even sadder to lose one’s mother. I just said a Memorare for both of you and the repose of the soul Theodore’s mother.
As for me, “no news IS good news!” And I mean that! I thank God for everything both good and bad. I remember what St. Therese of Lisieux said, “God always gives me what I want, because I want everything God gives me.”
Someone mentioned about praying to Guardian Angels. The priests of Opus Dei have a great devotion to Guardian Angels and often remind believers to pray daily not only to one’s own Angel but to other people’s Guardian Angels, too!
I will spend The Sacred Triduum with the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem. Please pray for them, and for me.
My daughter was confirmed in a beautiful confirmation ceremony last week in the EF!
I found out yesterday that the Triduum will begin with a special treat as our Bishop David O’Connell will be celebrating the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday at my parish, and he will process the Blessed Sacrament to our adoration chapel after mass.
It would be nice if I am asked to help carry the canopy like last year!
Two months left (to the day) until our grand daughter is due! Time is flying.
I’m just wondering what B. Obama has planned for THIS Friday. (He loves foisting stuff our way on Friday afternoons.)
My mom finally got her marriage convalidated by the diocese, and was able last week to make her first confession in thirty years!
She’ll be able to receive communion along with my little brother whom I am sponsoring through RCIA at Easter Vigil this year. He is also getting baptized.
Finally, in less than three weeks, my son will turn one, and he is getting better and better at walking.
Laus et gloria semper sit Domino Deo Omnipotenti
The people sat during the reading of the Passion at Mass yesterday. That didn’t seem right to me… Is that the correct rubric for the Novus Ordo these days?
PM125, I think it’s just fine to ask your guardian to talk to someone else’s guardian. They’re each charged with getting a soul into Heaven, so it makes sense they’d want to coordinate during a tricky situation. :-) My guardian has spoken to others’ guardians for me in the past (and twice, spoken to the others themselves) and doesn’t seem to mind doing so.
Good news for my parish: our new pastor is going to move the tabernacle up behind the altar this week, rather than having it off to the side. I’m SO pleased. I hope he doesn’t catch any flack for it.
I’ve found a new spiritual director…and may possibly consider entering seminary again.
When I read this post this morning I didn’t feel I had anything extraordinary to add.
I can now add something.
All of our toilets once again flush.
Added benefit, I see the beauty of a cabin in the woods and a hole in the ground.
In my experience, this has nothing to do with the NO rubrics, and everything with the reading being so exceptionally long (can appraoch nearly a full hour, depending on the pace). A typical parish would see a big chunk of the parishioners not being able to stand that long without discomfort, so I often see that on Palm Sunday, a collective exception is made. Whether or not that qualifies as good news is doubtful, but bad backs, knees and feet are rife, and few people are accustomed to standing (let alone kneeling) for a prolonged time.
Our 18 year old daughter joined the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Cresson, PA and is a Postulant in this joyful, traditional, contemplative/active, Franciscan order! I have prayed for vocations since our children were born, and God has blessed us with one, so far…we have 2 sons open to the Holy Priesthood if God calls them. Glory be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! Glory Forever!
How about this? My daughter just got accepted for the STM program at the International Theological Institute (see here)
One of the two young priests who help say the EF here at St. Mary’s in Kalamazoo celebrated his first Palm Sunday High Mass yesterday, backed up by our excellent schola and well-trained altar boys–procession and all. It was beautifully done–not theatrical, but solemn–very conducive to interior participation. Father read the Gospel in exemplary Latin, instructed us to mediate on it during the week, rather than repeating it in English, and gave us a good, brief sermon linking love to sacrifice.
It’s my first time outside the USA, and I’m spending Holy Week in Rome! Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s was amazing, and today I heard Bp. Javier Echevarria (the Prelate of Opus Dei) address us (the young people at conferences this week in Rome). It was a heartwarming, honest, hopeful, fatherly address, and was very inspiring to me and everyone I talked to. I’m really looking forward to the rest of the week and the Triduum!
Dear All, thank you for sharing your happy and sad events. I ask God to be close to all of you, in happiness and sorrow.
Our happy events are…after two years of diligent CCD my great-nephew (much more like my own Grandson) is going to make his first Holy Communion on May 6th! I am beyond happy.
We are going to have a new baby in our family in the next few weeks! Another irishman on the way.
My son makes me so proud. He is a hard worker, a loving husband, and a completely devoted Dad. Best of all a man who loves Jesus.
I saw a blue heron and a huge snapping turtle sunning herself today. She is looking for a place to put her eggs. Little turtlets! I hope the heron doesn’t see the turtlets.
Thanks be to God!
I am taking wife and four kids to the TLM for Easter Sunday!! This took some persuading… I want to find a chapel veil for my wife and my 12 yr old daughter to give to them Easter Sunday morning. I have no clue if they will wear them, but it would be so wonderful if they would!
Also prayers for you Fr Z, and for the others who are struggling and posted herein: trust in the Lord, joy is around the next corner
I cantored the Vigil Mass on Saturday and another on Saturday morning, then sang another with the choir. And I didn’t die. :) Seriously… got to go to Confession on Saturday also, so that was good. Also got some nibbles on my job search and found some new info for my ongoing project. So it’s all good.
Make that “Sunday morning.”
Just got the news that Bank of America will accept a short sale on the house which we have had on the market for four years. Also, just traded up cars. This is nothing short of miraculous, since our credit is in the dumps. Our old (and I do mean old- 1998 Toyota Camry with almost 300,000 miles on it) car had no real entrance or egress, since both the driver’s and passenger door handles were broken. On the driver’s side, the door handle was broken both within and without. To get out of the car, I had to put my seat back, roll the window down, haul my 52 year old frame half-way through the window, and stick my arthritic hand under a sharp piece of broken metal to try to pry the door open….
I am now driving a 2009 Mazda CX-7, with all the frills, including an on-board computer…. Praise G-d for the little things!
Fr Z, I said a prayer for you and the person you asked us to pray for-
Philip – congratulations, Sailor! Good to hear about the chaplain, too. I was at Great Lakes a couple years ago (down the street at the Marine reserve unit next to the NEX furniture store). I used to go to Mass at the mainside chapel, but the priest who was there at the time wasn’t as you describe.
Theodore – I’m sorry for your loss, and will pray for your family, too. My mother died a year ago Saturday (31st), also in a state of grace. We were blessed to all be able to come home and be with her while she was still able to talk to us, and to be there with her when she died. The hard part was that she left a letter addressed to all of us, but asking me to pray for my brothers and sisters, because none of them go to Mass any more. So, I’d be grateful if folks here can add people’s apostate siblings to their prayers…
My good news is that, although I might rather spend Easter with my Dad, since Uncle Sam sent me to Fujairah, UAE for a month – there turns out to be a big Catholic parish here. There’s even a Catholic high school. Parishioners are the immigrant workforce who do all the blue collar and some of the white collar jobs in these oil-rich gulf states. Mass is in English, but on Good Friday, they’re having Stations of the Cross in Hindi, Malayalam, Singhalese, Konkani and Tagalog. It’s good to actually see the universality of the Church. And it’s a good standing-room only crowd at the Sunday night Mass.
I went to confession Monday. I got in just before Father stopped for Mass (but he promised to hear confessions after Mass for those who missed out). AND, he totally waited until I said the complete act of contrition and then said the WHOLE, ENTIRE, & PROPER words of absolution. What beautiful words they are. I felt like I was on cloud nine when I came out. I am so ready for Holy Week!
Baronius Press emailed that my pre-order for the new Roman Breviary should SOON be on its way !!!
pax et bonum
Just returned from a short visit to my daughter and her family in London. As she was very busy at work and rehearsing for her choir concert I was able not only to go to Confession and Mass at St James Spanish Place where I was thrilled to find a row of proper confessionals and a sizeable number of people waiting. The following day I went to Farm St for Stations of the Cross and Mass. My daughter made several comments about how insane I am to “spend all day going to Church ” coupled with many disparaging anti-Catholic remarksand I was neither hurt nor defensive but serene. And I continue to pray for her and her husband’s conversion.
Then on Sunday I was able to go to the EF Solemn High Mass at Blackfen despite it taking about 7 hours because of 4 hours travelling and waiting for buses. By car it is a pretty short journey . But getting to EF Mass in my corner of NW Wales is impossible so this was an amazing treat. My first experience of the Palm Sunday liturgy. The only downside was that I was so tired after that that during the choir concert in the evening which was very good (except the orchestra) I nodded off a couple of times during King Olaf . But I was sufficiently awake for most of it to enjoy it.
they look marvelous but SOOOOOO expensive!
England is returning to Walsingham: