I received a note from my friend Fr. Trigilio about the upcoming annual meeting of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy:
WHERE: Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein, IL
WHO: All Catholic priests, deacons and seminarians
Paying for a priest to do to this could be a nice ordination or anniversary gift for your favorite parish clergyman.
More information click HERE.
Happy to hear that you heard from Fr. Trigilio. I guess this means he has recovered from his recent automobile accident. Deo Gratias.
Yes, I am on the mend. Was in ICU for three days just before Saint Joseph’s Day then got discharged from hospital. No broken bones but some serious and severe bruising especially on left leg and upper torso. Vital signs were in danger zone, hence the intensive care unit. Thank You to Father Zuhlsdorf and his blog fans for their ongoing prayers. My mom is finally home as well. Please spread the word about the CCC conference to every priest, deacon and sem you know. Sincerely, Father Trigilio.
How does this group differ from the zygotic “Association of U.S. Catholic Priests,” now splashing its way in ads across “N.c.R.,” etc.?
Pingback: 2012 Meeting of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (USA) 31 July – 3 August – CHICAGO (Mundelein) | Fr. Z’s Blog – What Does The Prayer Really… | Catholic Canada
I’d like to attend! Fr. Z, could you please post on the topics that will be covered by the speakers, since there’s no information on that on the registration site? Thank you!
[There is also a handy link in the top entry! You can also click HERE.]
The CCC is faithful to the Magisterium and loyal to the Roman Pontiff, unlike some other associations of clergy. Founded in 1975 by Fathers Miceli, Levis et al., it defends orthodox doctrine and promotes reverent sacred worship. The main objective of the Confraternity is to promote ongoing spiritual, theological and pastoral formation of the clergy in a fraternal context. Open to all priests, deacons and seminarians of the Catholic Church (Latin and Eastern Rites).
The theme of the 2012 convocation is “Preparing for the Year of Faith as Part of the New Evangelization (as applied to the parish clergy)” Lectures from the invited speakers are normally not pre-determined. Topics include the Sacred Liturgy, contemporary culture and Catholicism, preaching the New Evangelization in the Year of Faith, etc. God bless. Father Trigilio
Dear Fr. Z,
Excluding airfare, how much would it cost for us to sponsor our Parish priest to attend the conference?
Glad to know that ‘timelord’ (aka Father Trigilio) has fully recovered from his recent car accident, and that he can put on the Confraternity conference.
Seemed kind of ‘touch and go’ for awhile….
Yes, I did escape the jaws of death by the grace of God and the maternal care of Our Lady.
To sponsor a priest, deacon or seminarian for the annual CCC Convocation would cost $450 to cover conference talks, accommodations and meals (inclusively) for each person. That excludes travel since many options exist (car, train, bus or plane). Fr. Trigilio