A reminder about Sr. Farley and abortion

A little discussed fact as you carry on your own discussions about the CDF’s Notification about Sr. Farley’s dreadful book and the grand-nutty feminists/liberals are throwing.

From CWN:

“The CDF warning is not the first public confrontation between Sister Farley and the Vatican. In 1984 she was one of the women religious who faced disciplinary action after signing an advertisement in the New York Times that said Catholics could legitimately support legal abortion. Sister Farley has said that she never retracted her position on that point.”

I don’t believe that Farley discusses abortion in the book that the CDF reviewed.

But this fact remains.

Radical feminists see abortion as their sacrament.

When the CDF turns its attention to you, they are not doing so because you don’t wear a habit, or you don’t live in community, or because you are a woman, or because you may hold some odd notions.

When the CDF is on your case, it is because you openly advance ideas contrary to Christian faith and morals, things that kill the life of grace in the soul and can lead you and others whom you influence to eternal separation from God in hell.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Supertradmum says:

    I remember the 1984 ad. I had to put up with joyous reception of this ad both at ND and in my home diocese. Why did the Vatican take so long to address these problems? How many souls have been lost because of these nuns and sisters? God forgive them.

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