First, remember to use the entry…
We can help each other out spiritually in our needs and in the aid of others.
Now some recent posts as they scroll along.
- Minnesota Supreme Court rejects ‘Repressed Memory’ junk-science used against priest
- Just Too Cool: Options for Divine Office sung in Gregorian chant – ONLINE
- 31 July – St. Ignatius of Loyola: Church Militant
- Just Too Cool: US Flags still standing on the Moon
- Question for readers: free texting from iPhone to iPhone anywhere
- INDIA: 600 million people without power for 2nd day
- Bp. Trautman retires, successor appointed to Diocese of Erie
- “Chicago values”: Card. George, Archbishop v Rahm Emanuel, Mayor
- QUAERITUR: How to make myself known to the parish priest without being too forward?
- Dems will include same-sex “marriage” plank in their platform at convention
And also…
- Msgr. Steenson of the US Anglican Ordinariate about the Roman Rite’s Extraordinary Form – IMPORTANT UPDATE
- Signs of revival
- QUAERITUR: Sitting instead of kneeling during the Consecration.
- QUAERITUR: Does kneeling for Communion show a “spirit of disobedience”?
- What is your good news?
- Hugh Hewitt at the Napa Institute: Of Catholics and Chick-fil-A
- QUAERITUR: Sign of peace is an “undignified and self-serving sacrilege”? WDTPRS POLL
- D. Springfield, MA – 5 Aug: 1st Solemn TLM since… well… since the ’60?s.
- The Olympic sports I most enjoy…
- Ross Douthat on the dangerous redefinition of “freedom of religion”
- UK: Pro-aborts wage war on a pro-life group which helps women
- Pres. Obama uses his daughters to promote abortion
- Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony: Blech.
- WDTPRS: 9th Sunday after Pentecost: God, absolutely distant, absolutely near
- Anglican Ordinariates and the Extraordinary Form (seeking clarity)
- Federal court allows company to ignore HHS mandate
- “The Church…cannot and should not replace the State. Yet at the same time….”
- Wisconsin Bishops warn about an important health care issue
- Obamacare = Euthanasia
- Check out a new site:
- To gladden the heart and encourage the brethren: Another First Mass in the Extraordinary Form
- Did you know about the requirement for Patristics in seminary formation? No! Really!
- “Oh Nancy! Do you have a few minutes to chat?”
- Footage of Pius XII and old rite Extreme Unction
- Our Lady of Quito and the collapse of the Catholic Church (and its revival)
- Bp. Blair about the LCWR
- ACTION ITEM: Remembrance of things past.
Thanks to AR, JS, MK, Fr. LT, GMcI, JB, AD, MF, AH, JJ for the kind donations. It has been a tough month. I will remember those who send donations periodically as I celebrate Mass for benefactors, which is my duty and pleasure. The next will be 1 August. Once again, thanks to those who sent needful things from my amazon wishlist. They were deeply appreciated and helpful.
AR, JS, MK, Fr. LT, GMcI, JB, AD, MF, AH, Fr. LT, JV, EC, ED, MR, PS, PE