My daughter (whom I haven’t seen for 4 years) is coming to visit with husband and 5 children.
Last time she was home was 10 years ago. She lives across the country and we don’t get much of an opportunity to see each other.
The FSSP in Calgary is finalizing the purchase of House for the Fraternity on Monday (God-willing). My understanding is it’s a handyman’s dream and will need some work done, but this is good news.
I also received some news about some bad car crashes I was involved in a number of years ago and turned my life upside down with injuries. I’m in the process of settling them (finally). The dollar amount is a lit more than I was expecting to even ask for. We’re not sue-happy here in Canada, and use a very strategic and legalistic method of suing. This means that I have a realistic idea of the amount of money I will receive. It is a nice amount.
A good-news/chuckle anecdote to follow-up on the wedding decorum thread from a few days ago…
There was a wedding last weekend in the west of Ireland. At the rehearsal/supper on the Friday night, a young boy (perhaps 4 or 5 years old) was receiving firm instructions on the conduct expected of him for his aunt’s wedding the next day. “Keep your suit clean.” “Behave during Mass.” “Afterwards everybody lines up to kiss the bride. Don’t run up and tackle her with a hug – just a gentle kiss.” “You’ll get your picture taken with the bride – hold still while they’re doing that.” Etc…
The good lad nodded solemnly at all these instructions. He understood that he was to behave properly in front of God and the bride – or die trying.
When he had acknowledged his marching orders and his mother’s attention turned to someone else, he turned to his seatmate at table (the godmother of his new uncle) and stage-whispered:
I went to confession on Saturday (yeah!) and I leave for vacation in an hour. I’m going from humid east coast to dry west coast. Unfortunately Mass this upcoming Sunday will be a time of great trial for me and I’ll be oh so happy to go back home.
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia recently had Final & First Professions in Nashville, TN. This set of photos is from the reception after the First Profession. Who says there are no vocations?!
About 18 mo. ago, I attended the wedding of a young Catholic couple in one of the most beautiful churches & N.O. Masses I’ve ever seen. Since then, they’ve begun attending an all-EF parish and are now expecting their first baby. They want “10 or as many as God sends us!” Please pray for this young couple and their health & financial stability.
The Diocese of Nashville, this fall, has 34!!! seminarians. This from a diocese of 77K Catholics, 3.5% of the population. Our beloved Bishop Choby is all about vocations to the priesthood and takes a personal interest in each seminarian, including all those young men who are ‘praying about it’. We are richly blessed with them and our Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia.
I picked up my copy of “The Catholic Illustrated” at church. It is a large, thick newspaper-like offering of all things traditional Catholic, and all over the world. The Transalpine Redemptorists on Papa Stronsay publish it. There is always a good portion dealing with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. This one (May, 2012) had some statistics. At press time the FSSP had 228 priests, 10 deacons, 154 seminarians from 35 nationalities. The Fraternity is now on 4 continents and 17 countries, serving 117 dioceses – 67 in Europe, 44 in America, 5 in Oceania and 1 in Africa. There are 59 canonically erected houses and 19 personal parishes. The Fraternity also serves 204 Mass Centers. The Confraternity now has 3487 members, 548 French speaking 483 German speaking and 2456 English speaking. Recently, after the paper had been published, 5 young men were ordained in the U.S. and 7 more raised to the diaconate. I read somewhere else that 22 are entering the U.S. seminary this fall. Pray for more vocations. They are coming. With the spread of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, they need many more.
This edition of the paper had a huge middle section of color photographs of events from the Vatican to the United States to the Philippines to Mexico. Color photos of all the new cardinals are included. It is a gorgeous layout. There is news of the world, poetry, articles, recommended books. The paper costs $40 per 4 publications a year. Subscriptions in the United States may be had and books ordered through the FSSP Seminary. Send requests to:
Transalpine Redemptorists
OLGS Seminary
7880 W. Denton Rd.
Denton, NE 68339
The assignment of His Excellency Bishop Cordileone to San Francisco, where I work for the Archdiocese. May God give him strength!
Comments are closed.
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“This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. Z
I'm taking Mass intentions right now. Also, I regularly say Mass for my regular benefactors and special Roman Sojourn Donors. HERE for the form I use.
Les Buissonets on Daily Rome Shot 1223 – “Sluggish schizophrenia”: “Phil Lawler’s wife, Leila, has a very interesting ‘take’ on Francis’s approach to argument or controversy on her Substack:”
A.S. Haley on Daily Rome Shot 1222 – rubber ducky: “Black should play Rc2! If White responds by taking the Rook, then Black can capture White’s Rook on e1, applying…”
EAW on Daily Rome Shot 1221 – mistreated: “The account of how the body of Cardinal Pell was desecrated is shocking. The Vatican is in need of a…”
Kathleen10 on Daily Rome Shot 1221 – mistreated: “I remember hearing at the time that the Swiss Guards would not leave Pope Benedict’s body unguarded, though they were…”
Everyone, work to get this into your parish bulletins and diocesan papers.
The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
St. John Eudes
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“Until the Lord be pleased to settle, through the instrumentality of the princes of the Church and the lawful ministers of His justice, the trouble aroused by the pride of a few and the ignorance of some others, let us with the help of God endeavor with calm and humble patience to render love for hatred, to avoid disputes with the silly, to keep to the truth and not fight with the weapons of falsehood, and to beg of God at all times that in all our thoughts and desires, in all our words and actions, He may hold the first place who calls Himself the origin of all things.”
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Good coffee and tea. Help monks.
I use this when I travel both in these USA and abroad. Very useful. Fast enough for Zoom. I connect my DMR (ham radio) through it. If you use my link, they give me more data. A GREAT back up.
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They find you a pro-life agent in your area who commits to giving a portion of the fee to a pro-life group!
Don’t rely on popes, bishops and priests.
“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
- C.S. Lewis
This blog has to earn its keep!
PLEASE subscribe via PayPal if it is useful. Zelle and Wise are better, but PayPal is convenient.
A monthly subscription donation means I have steady income I can plan on. I put you my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I often say Holy Mass.
In view of the rapidly changing challenges I now face, I would like to add more $10/month subscribers. Will you please help?
For a one time donation...
To donate monthly I prefer Zelle because it doesn't extract fees. Use
frz AT wdtprs DOT com
As for Latin…
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
I got to fulfill my Sunday obligation today at a rare Tridentine Mass. I had to travel an hour and 45 minutes to get there, but it was worth it.
My daughter (whom I haven’t seen for 4 years) is coming to visit with husband and 5 children.
Last time she was home was 10 years ago. She lives across the country and we don’t get much of an opportunity to see each other.
I talked to my mom on the phone for a little while on Sunday afternoon. I don’t call people too often.
The FSSP in Calgary is finalizing the purchase of House for the Fraternity on Monday (God-willing). My understanding is it’s a handyman’s dream and will need some work done, but this is good news.
I also received some news about some bad car crashes I was involved in a number of years ago and turned my life upside down with injuries. I’m in the process of settling them (finally). The dollar amount is a lit more than I was expecting to even ask for. We’re not sue-happy here in Canada, and use a very strategic and legalistic method of suing. This means that I have a realistic idea of the amount of money I will receive. It is a nice amount.
I’ve been waiting for this post so I could share our joy: our firstborn has a new sibling only he won’t really find out for another 7-8 months :D
Yesterday I was given posting rights by Father Z. Glad to join you.
I love my wife!
Our parish priest has eliminated EMHC’s from his Saturday evening Mass.
After Mass today, I will be speaking with the oblate master at a local Benedictine monastery in order to become an oblate.
We raised $990 in our 4th Annual Pro-Life Diaper Drive this weekend with which we will buy thousands of diapers for families in need.
A good-news/chuckle anecdote to follow-up on the wedding decorum thread from a few days ago…
There was a wedding last weekend in the west of Ireland. At the rehearsal/supper on the Friday night, a young boy (perhaps 4 or 5 years old) was receiving firm instructions on the conduct expected of him for his aunt’s wedding the next day. “Keep your suit clean.” “Behave during Mass.” “Afterwards everybody lines up to kiss the bride. Don’t run up and tackle her with a hug – just a gentle kiss.” “You’ll get your picture taken with the bride – hold still while they’re doing that.” Etc…
The good lad nodded solemnly at all these instructions. He understood that he was to behave properly in front of God and the bride – or die trying.
When he had acknowledged his marching orders and his mother’s attention turned to someone else, he turned to his seatmate at table (the godmother of his new uncle) and stage-whispered:
“What’s a bride?”
Sunday Holy Mass with FSSP in Pequannock NJ, had a wonderful day. The hour trip, the 2 hours wait for a bus to return still makes it worth it.
Baby #2 (boy) due any day now!
I went to confession on Saturday (yeah!) and I leave for vacation in an hour. I’m going from humid east coast to dry west coast. Unfortunately Mass this upcoming Sunday will be a time of great trial for me and I’ll be oh so happy to go back home.
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia recently had Final & First Professions in Nashville, TN. This set of photos is from the reception after the First Profession. Who says there are no vocations?!
The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor are also booming these days.
About 18 mo. ago, I attended the wedding of a young Catholic couple in one of the most beautiful churches & N.O. Masses I’ve ever seen. Since then, they’ve begun attending an all-EF parish and are now expecting their first baby. They want “10 or as many as God sends us!” Please pray for this young couple and their health & financial stability.
The Diocese of Nashville, this fall, has 34!!! seminarians. This from a diocese of 77K Catholics, 3.5% of the population. Our beloved Bishop Choby is all about vocations to the priesthood and takes a personal interest in each seminarian, including all those young men who are ‘praying about it’. We are richly blessed with them and our Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia.
A family friend and the father of their two children finally married. We are so happy for them to have this resolved at last!
I picked up my copy of “The Catholic Illustrated” at church. It is a large, thick newspaper-like offering of all things traditional Catholic, and all over the world. The Transalpine Redemptorists on Papa Stronsay publish it. There is always a good portion dealing with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. This one (May, 2012) had some statistics. At press time the FSSP had 228 priests, 10 deacons, 154 seminarians from 35 nationalities. The Fraternity is now on 4 continents and 17 countries, serving 117 dioceses – 67 in Europe, 44 in America, 5 in Oceania and 1 in Africa. There are 59 canonically erected houses and 19 personal parishes. The Fraternity also serves 204 Mass Centers. The Confraternity now has 3487 members, 548 French speaking 483 German speaking and 2456 English speaking. Recently, after the paper had been published, 5 young men were ordained in the U.S. and 7 more raised to the diaconate. I read somewhere else that 22 are entering the U.S. seminary this fall. Pray for more vocations. They are coming. With the spread of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, they need many more.
This edition of the paper had a huge middle section of color photographs of events from the Vatican to the United States to the Philippines to Mexico. Color photos of all the new cardinals are included. It is a gorgeous layout. There is news of the world, poetry, articles, recommended books. The paper costs $40 per 4 publications a year. Subscriptions in the United States may be had and books ordered through the FSSP Seminary. Send requests to:
Transalpine Redemptorists
OLGS Seminary
7880 W. Denton Rd.
Denton, NE 68339
The assignment of His Excellency Bishop Cordileone to San Francisco, where I work for the Archdiocese. May God give him strength!