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“This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. Z
Coat of Arms by D Burkart
I'm taking Mass intentions right now. Also, I regularly say Mass for my regular benefactors and special Roman Sojourn Donors. HERE for the form I use.YOUR RECENT COMMENTS
acardnal on Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?: “I was unable to post a comment several days ago.”
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on Daily Rome Shot 1240: “Black to mate in 4. [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers”…”
Chiara on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “I *really* do not understand why Cardinal Cupich, et. al., are making such an issue of people kneeling for Communion,…”
JustaSinner on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute… So Nancy Pelosi, spreader of lies against Catholic Orthodoxy and creator…”
VForr on Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?: “There have a been a few missing comment boxes over the last month or so. I remember one was missing…”
JonPatrick on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “It’s a strange world we live in, where people like Biden and Pelosi are given communion even though they advocate…”
JMody on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “At one point in the course of raising daughters, I tried to explain the behavior of pre-pubescent boys and teenagers…”
monstrance on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “A nearby parish used the communion rails exclusively for years. The priest retired. The new priest was instructed by the…”
Anneliese on Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?: “I agree with Gregg. It seems when you travel abroad there isn’t an option to leave a comment.”
WVC on Daily Rome… er um… Catania Shot 1239: “Sorry – I meant “first couple of weeks of his second term” – I apologize for my sloppiness.”
ProfessorCover on VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.: “25But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,…”
WVC on Daily Rome… er um… Catania Shot 1239: ““Do not judge the bishop negatively.” Preceded by several paragraphs trying to defend the absurd liturgical debacle instituted after Vatican…”
ProfessorCover on Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?: “I seem to remember a missing comment box sometime recently, but then it reappeared. I have never had a problem…”
- The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
St. John Eudes
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“Until the Lord be pleased to settle, through the instrumentality of the princes of the Church and the lawful ministers of His justice, the trouble aroused by the pride of a few and the ignorance of some others, let us with the help of God endeavor with calm and humble patience to render love for hatred, to avoid disputes with the silly, to keep to the truth and not fight with the weapons of falsehood, and to beg of God at all times that in all our thoughts and desires, in all our words and actions, He may hold the first place who calls Himself the origin of all things.”
- Prosper of Aquitaine (+c.455), De gratia Dei et libero arbitrio contra Collatorem 22.61
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Don’t rely on popes, bishops and priests.
“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
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Fr John Zuhlsdorf
Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
733 Struck St.
PO BOX 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603
For email HERE
- “The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
- C.S. Lewis
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frz AT wdtprs DOT comAs for Latin…
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Recent Posts
- Daily Rome Shot 1240
- VIDEO: Can a bishop forbid Communion at a Communion rail? A canonist responds.
- Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?
- Daily Rome… er um… Catania Shot 1239
- Daily Rome Shot 1238
- PENTIN on “Trump’s Early Decisions Expose Damage Caused by Vatican Complicity With Democrat-Run Globalism”
- ROME DAY 25/01 11: Time to go. My View For A While
- Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt? (Tariff
- ROME DAY 25/01 10: Last meal out (and a tintinabular explication)
- ROME DAY 25/01 09: 1st meal out
- Notes about the Candlemas procession: the link between the Nativity and the Passion
- A Poetry ‘Encounter’ for Candlemas: “A Song For Simeon” by T.S. Eliot
- Your Sunday Sermon Notes – Candlemas / Purification (N.O. Presentation) 2025
- ROME DAY 25/01 08: Fractal
- St. Ignatius, martyr, and Bl. Ludovica, widow – Beauty, differently manifested
- ROME DAY 25/01 07: A martyr
- Fr. Charron on Mr. Lofton
- ACTION ITEM! 2-10 February – NOVENA to Immaculate Heart for FSSP for their Vatican “Visitation”
- “GO TO CONFESSION!” I always say. Another thing I say is that it is CRUEL to leave penitents in doubt.
- ROME DAY 25/01 05: a little discrepancy
- Another point of Catholic identity out with the bathwater?
- But people who want the TLM must be suppressed…
- “I asked the new Chinese AI “DEEPSEEK”, about the priest’s posture during the consecration in the Traditional Latin Mass. It’s Reply….”
- 28 January – SECOND St. Agnes
- ROME DAY 25/01 04: Cringe
- ROME DAY 25/01 03: “You Had ONE Job!”
- ROME DAY 25/01 02: jet lag
- ROME DAY 25/01 01: Home at last
- My View For Awhile: Eastward
Let us pray…
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
PLEASE RESPOND. Pretty pleeeease?
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My girlfriend has decided to return, and receive the sacraments other than baptism, and have her daughter baptized and receive all sacraments
My husband is on the last class of his bachelor’s degree. He’s been going off and on since 2003, and full-time (while juggling full-time work and full-time parenthood of 4 kids) since 2010. He graduates on 9/10/12. Deo gratias!
Went to an Anglican Use Mass at Bl. John Henry Newman Mission, a community of the U.S. Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Fr. Andrew Bartus welcomed me and was pleased that a non-ordinariate member came to visit. Fr. Bartus said that he hoped that more visitors would come.
The congregation is small, 30 or so were at mass.
The mass is very similar in its presentation to the TLM. Many prayers are diffrent along with some Byzantine type elements. Bl. John Henry Newman meets at St. Joseph’s, Minter and Civic Center, Santa Ana, California at 3:00pm. I would hope that many faithful in Orange County, especially the Una Voce folks would take time to expierence the Anglican Use Mass.
Being new (a month or so) to the Catholic Church the good folks need to be welcomed by the rest of us.
I love the Catholic Church and my Home Parish is a Maronite Rite one.
I just got home yesterday evening from a wonderful 5-day cycling pilgrimage with two friends from Pamplona to Lourdes. We cycled about 250 kilometers (156 miles) over 5 mountain passes in the Pyrenees (uufff!) and through some of the most gorgeous countryside in the south of France on the way to the sanctuary. We arrived safely on Saturday afternoon after four days cycling, attended Mass and the the rosary procession and headed back home (by car!) yesterday. Deo gratias!
Baby #2 born last week, on his daddy’s birthday! Baptism and Churching ceremony was Saturday. Deo Gratias!
I have some very good news. I got to meet the amazing Fr Tim Finigan the other day and attend Low Mass with him for 4 days straight!
Sober for 4 weeks today. Thank you Lord Jesus. Without You I am nothing.
Went to my first “old Mass” Saturday, a missa cantata in the Dominican rite. Very nice. I had wondered whether this could be done with our building. The top step at the altar is extremely narrow. I guess the priest must be extremely careful to remember not to take a step back.
The place was pretty full. Lots of religious came from all over, including the Franciscans.
I loved the poetry of the sequence.
Retreat with my brothers and sisters of the lay Fraternities of St Dominic this weekend. Particularly appreciated the profound silence time.
A week to the day of my, as the monastery refers to it, novitiate as an oblate, and I am keeping up well with the Officium, Rule, and Lectio divina. What a blessing. Either one year or two to go.
Attended the Solemn Mass in Turner’s Falls, MA, thanks to Fr. Z’s post last week: FSSP was in full force, the parish, too, and what a blessing: A. M. D. G.!!!! Began at 10: 30 a. m., ended at 1: 00 p. m. Glorious Mysteries in Latin and Asperges before. I did not feel the time pass at all. Thanks, Fr. Z, for that post.
My sweet baby boy was baptized yesterday. I know all women love the smell of newborn babies, but I can surely say it is trumped by the smell of freshly baptized babies. That chrism on my child’s head is the sweetest smell in the whole world.
Genevieve, thank you so much for your post, how beautiful! May your child grow strong in health and holiness!
My good news is that my quest to pay off my student loans so that I can enter the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, on August 28, 2012 is nearing success with three weeks until entrance! From $83,000 8 months ago to only $3,000 left to raise, God is so good! Maybe you know someone that might be able to help? http://www.psalm63ontheheart.wordpress.com God bless!
This weekend we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Lansing. Our bishop, Most Rev. Earl Boyea had declared a Year of Prayer for our diocese from Aug 4 2012 to Dec 9 2013. His hope is that, through this emphasis on prayer, all in the diocese will develop a greater personal relationship with Jesus and that we will better understand our dependence on God. We are to remember to ask for His help in all things, particularly the task of evangelization. There is more information here: http://www.dioceseoflansing.org/year_of_faith_year_of_prayer
In order to prepare us for and help us with the New Evangelization, the bishop is asking us to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit by having each parish pray the Come Holy Spirit prayer at every Sunday mass. I am glad Bishop Boyea is emphasizing the importance of prayer (which helps de-emphasize our own strength, and reorients us to dependence on God). I hope it will lead all people to a greater conversion to Christ and that the Holy Spirit will sanctify us and make us fruitful in our witness and teaching.
Fr. Moriarity celebrated his first Missa Cantata (TLM) yesterday at St. Agnes. It was impeccable. He has also decided to return the Mass schedule to it’s prior state with Holy Mass at 5:15 Mon-Sat, as well as the ususal 8:00am. It has finally come to pass that one of “the Farm” is now pastor at St. Agnes. He’s getting it right!
God is good!
Bishop Morlino is celebrating his public Mass on the 15th in the EF!
My son is due home this week after a summer at a wonderful camp in the Adirondacks, after plenty of canoeing, kayaking, and high peak climbing. Everyone here has missed him terribly and it will be great to see him.
Was lucky enough to get a job on campus for the coming semester! Every bit of money I earn for the next year is going towards (ideally) two weeks of European travel and a semester in Rome!
Managed to get to a (much needed) confession today!
Also, a friend was ordained to the priesthood yesterday!
Fr. John Luong of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.
Genevieve: My son was baptized yesterday as well, and you’re right, nothing smells better than a newly-chrismated baby!
Also, my husband and I are celebrating our first anniversary today.
Attended the Sisters of Life profession today — one perpetual vow, five first vows. Spectacular music, beautiful liturgy, many people filled with joy in celebrating these women’s dedication to the Bridegroom. A great day!
I am with Scarltherr
30 days sober!
Phil. 4:13
Saturday I had two failed attempts at going to confession. Why is this good news? Because at each of the two parishes I arrived right about at the start of confessions and it was immediately obvious there were already too many people in line for me to get to the box by the end of the hour. Here in Denver people are taking more and more advantage of this sacrament. I’ll take a day off work this week and get shriven elsewhere.
Also my better half is making great progress in her recovery from shoulder surgery.
I spent the weekend at a Benedictine retreat center. The retreat master was a diocesan priest of Omaha NE—he was fired up with love for the Eucharist, the Church, and the Scriptures. He was in his early 40s and obviously LOVES being a priest.
Also, the retreat center’s library had a copy of Dom Vagaggini’s “Theological Dimensions of the Liturgy”, which was edifying.
We were privileged to chant the Mass on the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time. We offered Missa IX (Gregorian melodies set to the New English Translation) and the Simple English Propers.
Then on Aug. 15, we will have the privilege of chanting the Mass yet again. This time the propers will be Gregorian (in English and Latin).
Ordinary Form but with continuity!
i am so very grateful for the little things that i use to take for granted, like; inhaling and exhaling, once again, without a struggle. And for more time to work out my salvation. Deo Gratias!!!
Realtor put the sale pending sign on our house today. When I think about all the fix-up work we will need to do on the next house, I wonder if this is really good news or not! I had been praying and hoping that our house would sell, though, and I think this is meant to be.
One son visiting
One daughter , husband and 5 children visiting next week.
Another son and his 2 boys (they live 3 states away from us to the north) served at a friend’s wedding Saturday. The visiting priest who celebrated the Mass was from our home town and his mother lives in our neighborhood. What a small world. When my daughter had a summer job in high school she worked with this priest’s mother.
There is an FSSP priest visiting his family and we will be attending the TLM low Mass for a while.
Hip, Hip Hooray.
Last week (a week ago) I finished the last requirements for my second year of candidacy for the permanent diaconate. One more year to go.
My son’s second surgery went well…. best possible outcome. DEO GRATIAS!
I got some good news. I found a nice traditional girl over a Catholic dating website. Plan to meet for the first time on my birthday. They are difficult to find and more precious than gold.
This Pon-Farr stuff is rough ! :)
We spent most of the weekend at the Midwest Catholic Family Conference in Wichita Kansas, where about 5000 Catholics enjoyed speakers and beautiful liturgies. Every year, I enjoy this weekend as a little slice of heaven. People in non-pretentious, modest clothing. LARGE families, with many children. A fair number of down syndrome children who were fortunate enough to be allowed to be born. And reverent masses with beautiful music. Our Bishop, a number of priests, deacons, habited religious, and joyful laity make a wonderful picture of the Church.
Here is some Good News.
On 26-August Hilaire Belloc will be speaking in St. Louis on The Great Heresies. What the LCWR represent is the Great Heresy Belloc calls The Modern Phase and Saint Pope Pius X called Modernism. We at Credo didn’t know when we scheduled Mr. Belloc to appear that the LCWR would be here in our fair city, called at one time The Rome of the West, immediately before his lecture on The Great Heresies, but it seems to us that Old Thunder is just the right corrective.
How is this possible, you ask? Belloc in St. Louis? Through incarnational drama, of course. Kevin O’Brien, a regular on EWTN in series like The Apostle of Common Sense and Quest for Shakespeare will give us An Evening with Hilaire Belloc. Check the Credo Website for more information.