LCWR MEETING begins 7 August!

The leaders of a certain kind of community of women religious will be gathering today in St. Louis for the annual meeting of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR – a subsidiary of the Magisterium of Nuns).

After refusing to allow Archbishop Sartain, the Holy See’s liaison for the CDF, to attend they will permit the local Archbishop, His Excellency Most Rev. Robert Carlson to address them.  Then they will have talks from the editor of the Fishwrap, a lesbian activist, and a woman who promotes co-creating a planetary shift, ‘The Synergy Engine’ and conscious evolution.

They are staying at the Millennium Hotel in downtown St. Louis.

Wouldn’t it have been inspiring if the LCWR had held their assembly in a convent rather than in a 4-star downtown hotel? Think of the rich history of religious women in St Louis.

Each year people take up collections for the poor sisters, the impoverished women religious, who do nothing but help the poor and get no thanks from anyone.

Here is where the leaders of their communities are meeting in St. Louis for the LCWR meeting.

Tell me there aren’t some convents available in St. Louis.

Here, for example, is the Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet:

As a special feature for the readers of this blog, I have hacked into the webcam of the exercise room where the LCWR is meeting (I don’t think they have a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament).


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. disco says:

    When you progress into regenopause, you evolve beyond the need for exercise.

  2. Midwest St. Michael says:

    Aw man!

    And I was thinking about going over there to watch the Redbirds take on the Giants this week. :(

    Being that the Millennium Hotel overlooks Busch Stadium – I’m afraid my family would get some kind of spiritual cooties from this… um, “meeting”… or, according to your previous post on this Fr. Z, is it some kind of Baal worship?

    Maybe we could ask Abp. Carlson to bless the FDStl firetrucks and spray the Millennium with Holy Water?


  3. Dismas says:

    The webcam feed needs some audio, I’m guessing Duran Duran New Religion might be playing in the backround:

  4. Jack Regan says:

    With the greatest of respect Father, is the webcam gag really a charitable comment which is likely to change hearts? Or is it just likely to agitate these people and drive them further still form where they should be?

  5. Cath says:

    I have always found it odd that the sisters stay in these nice hotels and then complain about how the bishops are living it up while they are the ones who are with the poor. How is it that when the bishops stay in nice places the money spent could be used for the poor, but when they do likewise it’s okay? Must be some cosmic evolutionary thing beyond my understanding.

  6. magister63 says:

    Judging from their Website, I think the good Sisters of St. Joseph would welcome the LCWR gals, in fact, the lead picture is one of them in the chapel with the caption “Sister Rita Marie Schmitz invites all to the table at the jubilee celebration”. Gird your loins before clicking!
    On the other hand, they may be staying at the Millenium for the duration. On a serious note, this is why I do not contribute to the “Retired Religious Fund”. I donate directly to faithful congregations who live religious life as defined by the Church. See JP II’s Essential Elements of Religious Life and compare to LCWR.
    Kyrie eleison!

  7. Jack Regan says:

    I totally agree about the whole hotel thing. There are a lot of people in the Church who could do to move things a little down market!!

  8. Joel says:

    LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  9. dominic1955 says:

    The pictures (obviously) do not show it, but the chapel of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet is quite pretty, even though they disoriented it some time in the 80s or 90s. There are a couple side altars, one with old Roman gravestones and two full body martyrs. Thank God they didn’t rip all of this out and get rid of it.

    When I visited, I just got hit with a profound sense of sadness. The Sisters of St. Joseph had a glorious past of faith and service to the Church, now they are silly season waiting on the death of their order. Very sad.

  10. Iowander says:

    Father, the restaurant at the top of this hotel spins! The nuns can continue to go round and round.

  11. dominicansoul says:

    I wish that the LCWR would meet in a chapel, and the majority of their time would be spent in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. :( What these poor women need is an infusion of grace from the Holy Spirit, to see the error of their ways and to repent! We need to pray for them and for the Church!

  12. kat says:

    Don’t the religious take the vow of poverty anymore? How do they have personal money to spend on a place like this? The traditional religious groups I know take a vow of poverty, and never have any “personal” money to spend. Their families send them gifts, or even the cloth to make their habits with, because if they were sent cash it would not go to them directly.

    Maybe these religious don’t take the vow?

  13. I’m just a lil’ embarrassed that this is going on in St. Louis.

    Ah well. Archbishop is a good man-I’m glad he’s trying to keep the peace right now with them.

    Anyone in the greater STL area should support Tradition after this conference this coming sunday at St. Francis de Sales Oratory, where they’ll be having there Summerfest celebration after High Mass. Show St. Louis what we support!!!

  14. jessicahoff says:

    Father, it is to be hoped that the sisters come to their right minds and to obedience to the only Magisterium.

  15. Stephen D says:

    I, for one, am glad that this gathering of heretics will take place nowhere near the Blessed Sacrament.

  16. NoraLee9 says:

    I looked at the pictures and saw that the entire church is turned around backwards from the high altar/tabernacle. It is a GREAT demonstration of what has happened since the council.
    On another note, I went over to school to pay Catherine’s tuition, and I mentioned something about SP and Holy Father. The treasurer, a nice man who handled the money for the Archdiocese for many years, said to me, “oooh, don’t mention Holy Father around here! The sisters here don’t like him very much.” I asked if the sisters were getting ready to go to some big conference out west. “Oh yes,” he said. “The LCWR.” I have begged this kid to go to another high school. I have offered to home school her. The problem is that she has hated every school she has ever attended. She is very bright, and knows her faith better than virtually anyone in that building. She is of a “better the devil you know,” persuasion, and she has a few friends there. All I can say is Oy Vey.

  17. irishgirl says:

    An exercise room rather than a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament?
    These ‘ladies’ seem to have more regard for their bodies than their souls.
    Misguided priorities….
    @ Midwest St. Michael: ‘Spiritual cooties’, eh? Good one, nontheless!

  18. gloriainexcelsis says:

    I weep for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. They saw me through sixteen years of magnificent schooling in the 1930’s 40’s and early 50’s. Everything I loved about them has disappeared. The good nuns who mentored me are all gone. May God rest their souls and bless them mightily. Two in-laws of mine, and my age, no less, are among the “enlightened.”

  19. Peggy R says:

    I have to say, I know these are nice digs and all at prime real estate, and the restaurant at the top turns around, but I have a low opinion of the place. It’s been through several names. The Stauffer (or Stouffer) at one time. All I can think of are the tv dinners.

    Is there an LCRW night at Busch? Who’s throwing out the first pitch?

    If they would exert themselves they could walk right over near the Arch to the Old Cathedral, which remains an active parish, named after St Louis of course. They could have a decent quality mass or adoration there. But needless to say, that’s probably not tops on their agenda.

  20. Charivari Rob says:

    All kidding aside, and not excusing any fault on the part of LCWR, but – just where do folks expect an organization of maybe a thousand or two members to have a conference/convention?

    Are there motherhouses with several hundred beds to spare? Meeting rooms of the sizes needed for general assembly and breakout sessions? Dining rooms with the capacity to meet the extra demand? All the extra people to organize it – and staff it?

    What’s the alternative? Farm attendees out to many member convents and motherhouses across the city – using up the money saved and even more time shuttling back and forth?

    It’s entirely reasonable that a conference like this should be at a hotel/conference center with the facilities to handle it. As to whether or not they spent extravagantly within that category – that’s a different question.

  21. Iowander says:

    Whenever I go to conferences for work, staying at the conference hotel is never financially an option for me. I usually find the cheapest hotel within walking distance or find something extremely cheap but outside of walking distance and then factor in transportation cost to the calculus. My guess is that many of the sisters are doing the same thing. Maybe some of them are even staying at convents.

  22. Indulgentiam says:

    Iowander: “My guess is that many of the sisters are doing the same thing. Maybe some of them are even staying at convents.”

    i’m afraid the sisters are not as frugal as you are. They are indeed staying at the hotel. To quote the Front Desk Clerk: “oh yeah there are a lot of them here.”

  23. Stephen D says:

    After reading this, I happened to read some of Sr. Josefa Mendendez’ book ‘The Way of Divine Love’ in which Sr. Josefa says, said (if I recall it accurately) of some souls of nuns who came to her begging for prayers, “If religious knew how heavily they pay for the smallest failures in mortification, they would not fail in this respect”. I think that Sr. Josefa was talking about an extra piece of bread rather than a four star hotel – what does that merit for a religious I wonder?

  24. acardnal says:

    I hope that AB Carlson’s speech is published.

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