Animi caussa:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. St. Louis IX says:

    I already have the chair picked out……………
    The Chair is EMPTY!

  2. LisaP. says:

    I don’t think I’m going to be able to not do this. . .

  3. frjim4321 says:

    Yes, THANKYOU, Clint!

    You are a gift!

  4. The Cobbler says:

    That’s a pretty sad front lawn somebody’s got there.

  5. Sissy says:

    We’ll see if you are as grateful come Nov. 7, Fr. Jim.

    Some additional entries:

  6. acardnal says:

    Fr. Z, I hope you make your mother a nice Labor Day meal and share the results with us!

  7. Pingback: Humour (bis) : la Fête du Travail est annulée aux États-Unis | Riposte-catholique

  8. HyacinthClare says:

    My chair is out.

  9. Supertradmum says:

    I thought the empty chair meant the Year of the Messiah was coming-Next year in Jerusalem! We always had an empty chair with the glass of wine and a plate for Elijah at the seder meal. Hmmm

  10. Sissy says:

    This isn’t off-topic; check it out. It’s a very rare photo of Karl Marx with his friend Barack:

  11. acardnal says:

    Sissy: Nice! LOL. I forwarded the link to friends.

  12. cmcbocds says:

    We put out a chair today. The sign next to it says:


    Expecting the homeowners association to knock on the door in 5…4…3…

  13. Filipino Catholic says:

    I thought Labor Day was May 1.

    Filipino Catholic.

  14. Supertradmum says:

    Filipino Catholic, not in America. May 1 is a Communist Day, not Catholic in origin as a labor day either. It started with labor groups in Chicago, which had riots and strikes in the late 19th century and was never connected with St. Joseph until 1955, as a Catholic answer to the communists and anarchists. One of our presidents changed the labor day to September to separate it from riots and strikes.

    So, now, May 1 in the Catholic tradition is The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, but older feasts are connected in Europe, both pagan and Catholic, including celebrations of Mary, as May was always “her” month.

    Most Catholics see that the labor celebrations on May 1st have nothing to do with either SS. Joseph or Mary, sadly, but with communism.

  15. Filipino Catholic says:

    Yes, May 1’s a nonworking day here in the Philippines (unions love to protest on this day), whereas the feast of San Jose Labrador isn’t very well known unless it’s a town fiesta. However, Filipinos still have Flores de Mayo, a monthlong celebration of Mary with many flowers offered to her in abundance, and the Santacruzan on May 31, a procession-cum-pageant held in memory of the finding of the True Cross. And May 13, one of the fiestas of Our Lady of Fatima.

  16. PostCatholic says:

    Well, it’s certainly a refreshing change from “Bust a Union Day.”

  17. AnAmericanMother says:

    My chair’s out.

    “Hey – where’d he go?”
    “Is that him over there?”
    “Nah – that guy’s got clothes.”

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